
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


When the chapter started I thought Rayven and Angelica were at the mating ceremony… that went sideways quickly! I had wondered how William was doing but I won’t lie I wanted more time with Rayven and Angelica first 🤣 Needed to wrap up their session! Maybe next time. Am I the only one that is first hearing Vitale referred to as Lord Amore? Just making sure I didn’t miss anything…


Wanting more!!!!!!!!


I think William would like to have Skender as an adopted father. He does make a good father figure the way he cares for William. Skender has done more for William in the short time he has known him than William's own father did his whole life. Or maybe now that Angelica and Rayven are mates Rayven could become a father figure for William, because Angelica has always been a mother figure as well as his big sister. Just some thoughts


Good to see William and Skender again 💙 I hope they can keep talking and help each other. I just feel like they need each other. William needs a father/brother, Skender needs someone to truly care and fight for. Can’t wait to get back to Rayv and Angel 😍❤️🖤


Poor William has so much going on in his mind but he keeps it all bottled up. Hopefully he can open up a little more to her when he meets her again 🤞 Love reading about how William was doing but cant wait to get back to the aftermath of Rayven marking Angelica 🤗 How is she taking it now and what will change now for them both after the marking 🤔


I almost forgot other people existed in this book, lol. I had gotten so wrapped up in Angelica and Rayven. Way to bring me back...lol


William wants to see Lucrezia....hmm maybe she can give us some insights to his vision? I hope his vision of Skender is not true. As always I can't wait to read more. 😅 Thanks Jazzy!


Young William with such an old soul! I hope the king or Lucrezia can help him find some peace or safety. He hasn’t had much of either in his life so far


it's nice to see William and the king again. I think William has a small crush on the king. Or maybe he looks at Skender as a father figure? it's a little creepy that Vitale watches him.


So happy to see William. Had been missing him a lot. However not surprised… it is sad to find him this way though. Poor, sweet boy, trapped in a limbo between a man and a boy, his age and his flesh constricting him in what feels like a prison.... We all need more to live for. He lives only for his sister as she herself did for him before. Sad for Skender as well, but that isn’t surprising either. All about him is very sad and heart-breaking. Wonder if he’ll be married to Hilde and she’ll be redeemed as well? Redemption is the theme of the books after all 😳😳😳 Well, expecting the worse, may help me prepare for the shock 😨😱😰😂 I like Skender so much that I’m seriously considering not reading his book when it comes 🙈🙈 Very curious about Vitale Amore ❤️. Oh, the last name had me laughing. Let’s hope he’ll honor his last name (Italian for Love) soon enough. Right now, he’s a very creepy demon/ghost. I have pegged him to be greed. I said it half-joking back at the wedding after his golden eyes were mentioned. Later on, his cold demeanor and poised attitude made me think about it seriously. Envy isn’t cold. The fact that Mazzon is doing badly made me reinforce the theory as he could be having an especially hard time seeing Rayven redeemed if he’s Envy. But of course, I could be wrong. It was also said that Vitale lost his mate and his son. That could account for all the watching… but it could also be something more. He may be trying to ascertain what William is… Here’s hoping he won’t be tempted to sell him to the highest bidder if he’s greed 😨… We like them, but they are really troubled, these Lords… Anyway, hoping to see more of William and Skender. Hoping they will get past the “not daring to hope or long for” and “not being good enough”. They are both in such need for their bond and I long to see it happen and grow 💙💙💙


I have missed William and Skender❤️ they've got a great chemistry that even when they talk and not speak, they somehow understand each other. I fear Will's dream though. I hope the King does something for himself, that way he'd be able help the others. tack Jazzy😊


Good to see my Will😊. I love the relationship he has with the king. Hope it grows and the king can become the defender he’s meant to be. Really don’t like that vision but we’ll see what happens. Time with Luz should make things clear for William.


Still crushing on Luz...


So much pressure on William! Hope his dream about the king doesn’t come true!


Hoping him having the knowledge of William’s dream, Skender will be able to save himself.


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


🎉🥳Congratulations on Chapter 100🥂🍾Here’s to the next 100💕💞🌷🥰


Ah the “real world” awaits. The bubble of Rayven and Angelica was heavenly, I almost forgot that Shades and Witches and the unspoken enemy still lurked. Thanks for the update Jasmine. I hope you and your mother are fully recovered, if not currently then very soon!


Jasmine you had us all fooled there, thinking that it was Angelica. That is what good writers do! Thanks for the chapter with William. Until next time.