
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


Hello everyone šŸ„°. I hope all of you are well. Happy Christmas and holidays šŸ„³šŸ„³ and wish you some great days with your family and friends. I am dealing with with my cold and done several check ups. it was no sinusitis but the doctor found that my throat was scarred after coughing so much so now I got some medicine for that. unfortunately the influenza season here has been worse than ever with twice as much people sick than last year according to news and my mother has also been ill for a month now. The medicine is helping so I hope to be back soon. now that I took some time off I have gotten so many ideas that I am eager to write and share. take care until then and hope to see you soon. lots of love šŸ„°ā¤ā¤


Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!!!


Hello everyone šŸ˜Š. I wasn't able to update yesterday but I updated a long chapter today so I hope you enjoy it. I am having a hard time writing recently. I feel slow. My cold is also getting worse again. Maybe because I keep stressing and I'm not resting enough so I decided to stop being stubborn and slow down things. Since I was sick I also missed many lectures and homework that I need to retake. Because of that, I won't be updating according to schedule until I get better and catch up with my studies. I will be updating whenever I can. Thank you for understanding and for your patience and support ā¤ā¤


Hello everyone. Thank you for all the warm messages. I am happy to say I am much better. My mother had to be hospitalised because of pneumonia but she is also getting better now that we found the problem. I have been busy with that but now things are better. Thank you for the well wished and prayers. I will be back next week to update on schedule. I missed you all šŸ„°ā¤. Take care until then and thank you for your patience ā¤


Happy New year šŸŽ‰ āœØ šŸ„³šŸ„³. I wish you a new blessed year with happiness, health and success in everything you do. I have been unwell unfortunately. I would have loved to spoil you with updates otherwise but I am feeling better now and will be back soon. Until then take care and I hope you have a good start to this new year šŸ„°. Love you and thank you for your patience and supportā¤ā¤

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Communicating your situation to us readers is very appreciated. Thanks for the great chapter and looking forward to more as you are able. Happy holidays and take care.


That chapter gave me all the range of feels. 1) I love the way Rayven talks to Angelica. Heā€™s quite the seducer! 2) Lucrezia is really helpful for introducing Angelica to women she can be friends with, even if she canā€™t be that friend for her. 3) All that talk with the ladies, including abiut kids, had me cracking up. Rayven would be like ā€œNo thanks šŸ›‘ā€. But we will see what actually happens in the future! 4) Itā€™s great for Angelica go into all this with her eyes wide open. Mating, the challenges of demon children (especially if she can pass along the prophetess gene). Itā€™s a whole lot. What a great chapter; thanks Jasmine. Take care of yourself!


I hope Lucreziaā€™s mate is William!


Part one. Oh Jasmine, youā€™re terrible and we love you for that. Lucrezia does everything for strategic reasons (which isnā€™t surprising) and though she isnā€™t the enemy she can never be Angelicaā€™s friendā€¦ Why? This ā€œcan never beā€ will have my head spinning until I understand why. Is it perhaps because sheā€™s the one that caused her fatherā€™s death by leading him to see Skender causing everything to start? Still, I am hopeful and somehow, I think it will end up happeningā€¦ As I canā€™t help but hope as well that a certain 11-year-old will be the one for her when the time comesā€¦ but will he forgive her when he knows? How she played such a part in what his sister went through whom he loves so much? It is a question I have asked myself beforeā€¦ Anyway, Lucrezia said they can never be friends, it is all part of a strategy and what she gets out of it is a secret. So, very straightforward at the same time. What is this all about? Iā€™ve been wondering a lot about Lucrezia lately. Her story. Why she is punished. If she even is, of course. But it was Williamā€™s perception so I kind of take it to the bank. What is her goal? Sheā€™s an Archdemon but is also referred as a goddess of punishment and reward along with her sister. Why? If it is strategicā€¦ Could it mean that she gets points for every demon she manages to redeem? Will she herself be redeemed when the lot of demon sinners assigned to her all are? Thatā€™s been a theory Iā€™ve made in the pastā€¦ Oh, It is maddeningā€¦!!! The mysteries keep multiplyingā€¦. We had just opened up Vitale and now weā€™re hearing about Lucreziaā€™s first timeā€¦ When will we learn about that? And Demons can mate with shadesā€¦ that much I had figured out, so, as I asked before, could Constantine be her Ex? And, how old is she by the way? She also knows how it is that Skender, William and Angelica are related or at least thatā€™s what she told Willā€¦ And she called Rayven her close friendā€¦ although that could just be a way of expressing things in a simple wayā€¦ and she takes care of these Lordā€™s homesā€¦ And she keeps them clean and tidy, it seemsā€¦ isnā€™t that a tad motherly as well? And she sure wants Rayven and Angelica to become matesā€¦pffā€¦ it is crazy, so many things going through my head. I should probably just drop it and waitā€¦ Still hoping to find out if female demons have periods. As advanced as the demon world is, maybe they have something more modern. If they canā€™t be friends, maybe Lucrezia can at least offer some answers on the female demon period department and offer Angelica a demon pad, also give her some information regarding intimacy and s * xā€¦ As for the rest, as I had predicted many chapters, ago this world would be exhilarating from the sole fact of the comfortable clothes but specially from seeing women being independent and strong. My hopes for Angelica meeting some demon mates came true and as disappointed as I am (temporarily I hope) about Lucrezia and Angelica not being able to become friends (Lucrezia is still the punisher, maybe she just needs to keep her place) I think that that was very good. All of that will really help. Itā€™s very good to see Angelica relax, and for godā€™s sake, have a glass of wine, girl šŸ·!!!

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All my fav authors are either really sick, have lost someone close to them, or in a crisis weather event. Prayers for them all!! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Well I think thats foreshadowing weā€™re going to see a demon and Shade mate in one of these Deadly sins volumesšŸ˜† It made me think of what constantin said about there being a bigger enemy out there. He could be lying but šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø it would be fascinating if it was true and they banded together. That Forbidden love ya know. Everytime I see Lucrezia, I think of her and Williamā€™s first meet, especially in this chapter when discussing when sheā€™ll find a mate and we know William shook her. I ship them and canā€™t wait to see another Lucrezia x William moment.

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Just dropping in to wish you all and our FAVORITE author a very Merry Christmas. I know everyone is likely slammed with the season's multiple holidays and cold/flu season. But I just wanted to drop by and thank you all for an awesome year of reading and interaction on this platform. Get well soon, Jazzy! And hope everyone else is happy, healthy, and blessed this Christmas!


I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this chapter. It was masterfully written.

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If you celebrate, Merry Christmas ladies (and gentlemen, if there are any here)! šŸŽ…šŸŽ„šŸŽā„ļø If you don't celebrate, Happy Holidays! šŸ„‚ā„ļø Hope you get a relaxing weekend. ā¤ In Sweden, where I live, we celebrate today, the 24th. The traditional Swedish Christmas dinner/food doesn't really appeal to my family so we adopted the English/American Christmas dinner a few years back. So much tastier! šŸ¤¤šŸ˜ This year we even have a little snow for Christmas! šŸŒØā„ļø I live in the south part of the country and we are used to rain on Christmas (when I was a child we used to have snow but it has changed). But not this year, though, it even snows today. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ Anyway, wishing you all a lovely weekend! ā¤šŸ„° Jasmine, dear author, God Jul (Swedish for Merry Christmas)! ā„ļøšŸŽ„ā¤ Hope you are feeling better and that the cold isn't to bothersome and tiring. Make sure to check so you don't have sinusitis! Wishing you a speedy recovery from the current cold as well as the fatigue from the previous cold and stress over school. Take time to rest and when you are feeling more like yourself you can catch up on your studies. Don't stress about it, it will only make you more ill and the road back longer. There will be new chances for exams and assignments. Take care of yourself, sweetie! You are more important than school! ā¤ Enjoy having a few days off! šŸ„°

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Every day I check about 90 times. Very much missing this book šŸ˜­ hope our favorite Author is alright

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Hello Everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I hope we will soon receive another chapter from the gifted author Jasmine. Her writing is sunshine only a cloudy day. I hope Jasmine has been able to get the rest she needed.


Hi fellow readers, if you are looking here waiting for updates (or just browsing for entertaining comments like I tend to do), just a reminder itā€™s just past weekly reset for powerstones. Folks may have taken a break from the app until Jasmine is better (which uodates should resume this week, assuming all stays well with her and her family), but please try to remember to vote your daily powerstones for this book to keep the rank up, if you can. It would be a nice welcome back present for Jasmine at her next update!

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Jasmine you are missed by all of us, but Iā€™m so glad you are resting and taking care of yourself! Keep getting better, both you and your mother!! šŸ’• The chapters will wait and will be most welcome when youā€™re wellā€¦ Iā€™m looking forward to your new ideas!! Youā€™re awesome!!! šŸ„°šŸ’•šŸŽ„Happy Holidays!!!

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Sending get well wishes your way šŸ¤’ do take care and take it easy! Thanks so much for this long chapter, it was perfect in so many ways! Seeing Angelica open up to Rayven's advances are super sweet, and it's really nice to see him changing for the good and becoming more caring and protective, too. I'm really interested to find out what Angelica thinks/ feels after going to the mating ceremony -- hopefully it doesn't freak her out -- and maybe deepens her relationship with Rayven. ā¤šŸ”„ Lastly, I'm really interested to find out about Lucrenzia's ulterior motive with helping Angelica... what could it possibly be for???! šŸ¤”


Nice to know Angelica and Rayven getting to know each other really well and Rayven not rushing into things. Loving the change in him. I love how simple touches from Rayven make Angelica feel excitement( and not despise them) Love it too that both husband and wife are enjoying their demon world trip .šŸ˜Š luv how helpful Lucrezia has been with Angel, even introducing her to some humans in the demon world, and them ladies telling her what the process of mating is like. They're better friends as the ones she had in the human world.šŸ˜‰ As for Lucrezia, could it be that her first experience she doesn't want to remember was that of a shade?maybe Constantine? but regardless of age, I ship her to WilliamšŸ¤­ Thanks for the long chapter, Jazzy. Hope you'd feel betteršŸ˜Šā¤ļøšŸ¤—

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Dear Jasmine, I hope you are enjoying the Christmas and New Year season. Also, I hope your health and the health of your mother have been restored. Please give your readers an update regarding your health and the health of your mother. ā˜ŗļø