
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


Ahhh no chapter, all good things come to an end. Jasmine are planning on continuing the T,TH,S,S schedule realize like before?


She was writing daily for winwin, but said she was going back to normal schedule.

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Jasmine: congratulations on completing Win-Win this month. I know that was a huge amount of work for you and likely caused some personal sacrifices. I definitely loved the daily updates. Thank you for spoiling us!

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is it just me...when I want it to happen, Angel wasn't ready yet? But now that she wants to do it with Rayven I don't want it to happen? (well not this time when she's thinking a lot of things) or is this very timely to protect everdearest brother,herself and people she care about? Maybe I'm just being weird✌️😅 thanks for early chapter,Jazzy😊

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Oh, the ironies of life. Only earlier in the day did Lazarus tell Rayven to never use the safety argument to convince her to mate… now she’s the one coming up with it. And I understand it. I’d probably think the same if it would mean not having to be so worried all the time. Besides, I’d much rather have him bite me and not someone else. But I don’t think it is the right place to start. The mating bond is about something else. Love and surrender. The desire to share everything, give your body, your soul, your heart. I believe those feelings are already there but not fully developed. They need to mature and expand. So, would these immature feelings be enough, can approaching the mating bond with fear and with practical intentions even work? I have strong doubts. I believe under these circumstances the bite might turn out to be just a painful one… and wouldn’t that only make things more difficult in the future, worsening her already existing fear of fangs to a point where there might be no way back…? I don’t know, I don’t think Rayven will agree and that eases my mind. He understands her fear and the mating bond and won’t bite her until he’s sure that it will work. The whole thing is sad because it’s so helpless. As many reasons as there are for them to mate, it can’t be rushed and as ready as they both are to take certain steps once her period is over… the problem is her fear of fangs. He can’t help that they come out and once they’re out she can’t help but be triggered and terrified… It really is a very difficult situation, that feels a bit hopeless right now… How can they mate if they cannot even make love when she freezes at the very sight of his fangs? She really needs to be able to change her perception of them, get to see them not only as a threat but as a part of a pleasurable and loving act… For the time being and beyond the mark… I’m very worried about her health. She keeps getting worse. I don’t know if she ate today. I don’t think she ate last night after he took her blood… She’s depressed and afraid all the time. It breaks my heart. Only God knows who Constantine wants to bring down, I’ve expressed many theories in the past, the archdemons, Lucrezia, Skender in full power mode, but now I don’t know. Angels, the Devil, God…? Only Jasmine knows what he wants and why. But whatever it is… it can’t be good and will probably affect both demons and humans in a bad way… As for Rayven… I wonder if something else happened or if he is just shocked of having spent centuries with these demons not knowing what they were going through… but why is he saying that he can’t protect her? Did something else happen? Or has he realized they are in such a bad shape he cannot count on them? He seems to have been on a guilt trip today and after realizing how clueless and self-centered he has been it makes sense… Did he maybe also go see Mazzon who’s doing badly and found about his punishment as well as Vitale’s…? Is that what he means by saying he got lost in it… ? ‘I know I messed up and I’m a stupid demon.’ That was very sweet. I really love the whole psychological dimension Jasmine is giving to this story. Magic, in a way becomes an anecdote for int the end, when it comes to the characters, it is about their internal processes and struggles and about nothing else. Finally, I’m also conflicted as to whether Rayven should tell her about Acheron and the others… Acheron’s case is sensitive with her phobia, and she’d be terrified… Lazarus’ would make her naturally disgusted, and I don’t know about the others because we haven’t heard much about Mazzon and Vitale… But not telling her opens the door to problems and misunderstandings, and she’s already a nerve-wreck… Should he maybe find a way of telling without over-sharing details…? Anyway, as always, Thank you Jasmine. What a great early chapter. I was so happy about that 💕💕💕💕


Thank You for this update but I really need more.


Thanks for the early update Jasmine. want her to mate with Rayven but not under stress bc she thinks it will help keep her brother safe. She has to desire Rayven and want the bond for it to work. Hopefully they will be able to come together and the process will beautiful, not just let’s get this over with so bite me. Very interested who this supposed enemy of Consatine is.


The mystery deepens…Who exactly is Constantine’s enemy?! And how mad will he be if and when he finds out Angelica is not a prophetess like he assumes? Poor Angelica is dealing with a whole tornado of emotions on top of everything else. Is it possible for her to catch a break at some point?


OMG! This chapter got me so nervous thinking that she was going to do something stupid like letting Constantine touch her hand!


Me realizing Win-Win is over...


But is she really ready? Is their level of intimacy close enough that it will work? I want her to be with him forever, but this feels sudden. Am I over-thinking it?


I’m really intrigued by what Constantine is saying. Is he telling the truth? Who is the enemy? I don’t think Rayven will bite Angel after this coversation. And even if he does, the mating won’t work because the bond between them isn’t strong enough?


Is Lucrezia more powerful than Constantine? Could that be his enemy? I feel like Lucrezia would have said or done something by now, but I also feel like he’s lying and we do know the enemy. I don’t trust him at all. I don’t want them to mate this way, especially since it might not work and that could be discouraging to them, but she needs that extra protection.


i feel bad for Angelica. she is dealing with a lot of things. i don't blame Rayven either. he already improved so much. i think they need to talk to each other more or maybe they just need time.


Angelica seems to becoming stronger, the more information she gets. Rayven on the other hand is too busy trying to make things right with and save everyone’s skin. They need to work together. I think that once they both accept that they need to tackle Constantine and the shades together & trust eachother they will be a formidable team. They will bond and “Things” take their course .. Jazzy this just gets better and better as your story unfolds 👌 Thankyou 🥰


I've been refreshing Webnovel for the past couple of hours, thought I was having problems with my network. Just realized now that win-win is over we are back to the usual release schedule


GIIIRRRRLLLLL.... Don't lie to your mate!


Greedy reader here! Need the next chapter with these two figuring this out together.


I’m So nervous. I don’t know why I don’t trust Angel asking to be bitten. Is she going to go with the creep because he spoke about her brother and husband? By the way, Lucrezia must know more than the others. Why isn’t she helping them to at least come up with a plan? I’m so nervous 😬 Jasmine, you are too good. I’m so invested and now I’m stressing because I don’t know what’s gonna happen. Thank you for the early update.

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I just don’t know what to think with this chapter. They all feel like they are playing on the loosing team. Definitely can’t wait for Jasmine to enlighten me because I am starting to wonder how Rayven, Ash, Zarus and now even Angelica can pull through these challenges. But Angelica is strong so I can’t wait for her to overcome. Now even if Rayven has the right mindset to say No to Angelica about the whole mating thing, does this not mean that the whole drive for mating will return? He is going to be in torture until he sinks his teeth into her neck. Also is Angelica forgetting or choosing to ingore what ConstantIne said about Mating last time he was there? Does she just not believe him. All these Questions. Thank you, Thank you Jasmine for the amazing Win-Win month. It sure had been amazing to have an update every day!


Just checking and lucky to find early update from Jazzmine... tq.. coz tomorrow already new month and i have to buy new privilege to keep reading.. love yaaa


I understand her feelings, and I want them to have that bond. However, I don’t want her to do it out of fear. I want her to do it because she wants that bond as well.