
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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You have kept us on the edge of our seats again author! I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed these daily updates- Thank you!

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These cliffhangers….arrrrrrgggg! 😬😅😆 Love You Jasmine! You truly are a talented torture… I mean author 😂🥰❤️

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ah cliffhanger!!!I hope Angelica is safe🙏🙏🙏 Nice to see our lovely demons working together to fight off the Shades to protect Angelica and Will! My questions though: who is powerful and stronger- Constantine or Skender? Does Rayven stand a chance with Constantine just in case Rayven gets to mark Angelica and have her blood? Is it Will's blood or Angel's blood that the Shades need? Or both? What happened with Ramona? Is she still alive somewhere?In spirit perhaps? Did she chose Angelica that's why Angel had visions of her? tack for the chapter Jazzy😊

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Ok, I’m not going to let myself downward spiral into bad theories here… my current plan is to believe that she found the poems he wrote to her in her book and fell asleep reading them. In a state of happiness and love. She is safe in the castle. So no conspiracy theories will enter my mind.

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Another great chapter! You’re Killing us with these cliffhangers.

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Such interesting developments! Not going to complain on the cliffhanger cause, if you’re an author, that’s just the way to go. Jasmine really knows how to keep us at the edge of our sit. My heart goes to Skender, although that isn’t new. I had expected him to be the one to find her. To live with that though… No wonder he blames himself. Not that I think he was to blame. He was powerless and God only knows why… But he blames himself all the same. Happens every time. The question I ask myself though is invariably the same: Why did she refuse to go with him to his world? The answer that first comes to mind is always the same as well: There must’ve been something she knew. She must’ve seen his destiny and so she refused. Did she know about her end? Or did she maybe think she could protect herself? It seems as she might have ended up ending her life herself instead… How horrible. For him, for Angelica who has her memories, for her. Anyway. Makes sense that Rayven can’t enter Constantine’s home if Constantine can’t enter his. But regarding the mark, as happy as I am to see Rayven moving past it because it shows a grown and understanding man who values the person and the bond they share before anything else… I think they’re missing something. Constantine was happy to see angelica’s unmarked neck and as far as we know so was Ramona. I think it must be blood related. We know that that the mating bond implies sharing blood. A marked prophetess would also have a portion of demon’s blood. Either demon’s blood is toxic for shades or the prophetess’ blood will no longer have the same effect… hoping they’ll put the dots together soon although as of now, no marking can take place and they need time… As for the rest… Happy to see a plan is starting to form. As for Rayven, it is really good to see him worrying for someone other than himself. And as for Angelica… either she’s passed out after a dream or a vision or she’s just asleep. ‘There’ could mean just her room and Rayven’s reaction just fear that she doesn’t want to be in ‘theirs’s’. Hope all is well though and he’ll be able to go see Acheron and then come back home and tell her about the blood. It is a sensitive and traumatic issue but if he does it right, lovingly and carefully like Skender did with William it should be alright. They need to know. We all do! Whole thing is maddening. Great chapter! Thank you, Jasmine, Holding my breath for one more day yet again. 😂💕💕💕

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how i feel right now


I click on the book constantly to see when a chapter is released….. every chapter you post you leave it like a Friday cliff hanger on the slap operas!!!! Ugh back to rereading a few chapters waiting For the next one since this will be with Rayven and Angelica…..

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Queen of the Cliffhangers: Thank you Miss Josef! I’m wondering if Rayven can’t sense Angelica because she is too deep into a vision/memory of Ramona. Perhaps she saw her dead, and it weakend Angelica’s heartbeat. Also, I wonder if Ramona took her own life after being tortured by Constantine and the Shades to prevent them from continuing to get stronger off her blood.

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another cliffhanger nooooo

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We all love you, Jazzy dear and your endearing, torturous cliffhanger(s) as well. 😂😆 I hope nothing did happened that is troubling Angelica right now. Maybe Angel had already seen that book "The Monster is Me" with Rayven's written poems for her; and that made her heart so swept away dearly and had her cried so touched by his sweet poems. So whose blood would be stronger in effect to the demons and shades between Will and Angelica? Or could their blood be mixed to make it more powerful for them? Need to know more answers for questions that keeps coming up one after another. 😐😶


Jasmine left me hungry for so much more of her tasty treat. I am hanging on by a slender thread. Our Angel must be in the same physical condition or better as when Rayven left her in the morning. If anyone or anything has harmed Angelica, Rayven will go into the mode of Demos on steroids. If that is the case, I will cheer him on.


What happened to Angelica? Is she hidding from something?


What?! What happened??!!

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I noticed the author changed the update details to 9 chps/week so maybe she's preparing a surprise for us this week. I know she's in Finland but it's Thanksgiving in the U.S. tomorrow so I'm gonna explain it as a Thanksgiving gift from Jazzy. Let's hope she can write 6 more chapters this week. I'm sending all the muses your way, Jasmine!!🤞

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you just love dangling these cliffhangers over us, don't you? 😂

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Wow what an interesting chapter Jazzy! I wonder if Angel's blood will be the same as Will's. Maybe Rayven can test it out when Angel is ready. But what really happened to Ramona? Who killed her? Also what is happening to our Angel? 😬 Good thing that Rayven is home. I can't wait to find out.

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So excited for more! Very interested in the other demons back stories and how they will all be redeemed. You’re killing me daily with these cliffhangers! Any chance for 2 chapters tomorrow?


I need to get it together. Is she really in her room as he asked why is she there… where is there? Either way, what happened and what is making him worry, now that he senses her? What did Ash do now to make it so bad? Can he never control his hunger, did he kill someone? He carries so much guilt. 😢


OMG, this chapter just made things get real! I feel like Skender is going to assemble the lords like Optimus Prime assembles the autobots 😆😂. Curious to see how Rayven gets Angelicas blood. Wonder if he will tell her Skender tested Williams blood?!?! Next chapter will be so good.