
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


Ok, I thought this chapter would clear a few things up, bit instead it was the exact opposite for me. I. HAVE. SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. I don’t even know where to start.


I don't think it is part of his punishment that he now unable to awaken the defender, but part of why he is being punished. I think it's more that he was slow to act and that he didn't put the work into awakening the defender that caused him to ask to be punished.

K_Deck:And I know she didn’t want Skender to know the pain Ramona experienced, but shouldn’t she tell him everything she possibly can? Why can’t Skender awaken himself as a defender? Is this part of his punishment?

To clear some confusion. Biting or having ones blood is not the same as mating. That requires biting+exchange of blood between both individuals +willingness/consent to be mates 😊🥰


Long shot guesses: what if His Majesty tasting/having Will's blood ignites his defender nature to be able to protect the people he cared for? To be able to do what he's supposed to, not hesitating and prolonging but just doing it?🤔 What if having Will's blood make him discover the relations between Ramona,Angelica and Will..maybe Skender too? But even before all that..would His Majesty take it thanks for the chapter Jazzy😊


maybe Constantine became stronger by drinking Ramona's blood. So when Skender drinks Will's blood he can gain his defender powers🤔


what just happened?!?!?

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A few reasons come to mind. Not a mating link at all but more of a bloodline link. To connect them eternally to all living and future prophet's/prophetess'. I can see the enhancements and possibilities as well. But this one sticks out the most to me. Much like a blood oath it combines them in a link either mentally or in this case physically via DNA. It would seem that it's effects wouldn't be eternal otherwise why hunt down every prophet? There is more to it. Maybe Angelica's powers could be awoken via Rayven's blood as well??


Offering his blood? That wouldn’t do anything right? Rayven technically had Angelica’s when he healed her wounds. Nothing happened. This chapter left me with more questions than answers. I think we need to learn more about the shades and the power of blood here.


I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!! But im all about this bro sleepover between Skender and William 💙 now back to some tenderness between rayven and his angel 💗

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Oh, so we still don’t know why Ramona refused Skender… My poor beautiful very sad man… How did it all happen? I feel we are still missing a lot of things. In Angelica’s dream she came to the castle to find him there after his parents were murdered. We only know that he said he lost her because he was too late, but we don’t know why he wasn’t killed himself, why she refused to go with him, if something happened between them or if it was merely platonic, if he left without her, when did they get to her…. Oh Angelica, I know theres are manners and you didn't want to impose or pry but why did you not ask more questions??? 🙈😂🙈😂 The whole thing with his parents is also strange, he said they didn’t want him to be a Defender, but they gave him such a grand name… why? And it seems like they didn’t know how to fight either, did they not want to or were they outnumbered? What does it mean they hadn’t been defenders for long? That from a demons’ perspective they were young? And why were they targeted? Was it because they were defenders or was it simply because of the enmity between demons and shades? Or was it about Ramona and not them? But oh, how very sad. Nothing is more painful than failing to protect the ones you love… 500 years have passed, and he still hasn’t found his powers… Is there more to that? Could his powers have been bound? Some things do appear to start becoming clear, though. Among the many ideas that have swirled in my mind, blood was one of them. So was the idea of a bond between prophets/prophetess that gave them access to other fellow prophets/prophetess memories and knowledge, like some sort of collective conscience where all prophets/prophetess would be differentiated though linked pieces of the same entity…Well I don’t know if it is so, but it seems to be heading that way and William’s knowledge certainly seems to account to that. He knows things that nor has he seen in his dreams, nor has he experienced. In any case the whole thing does not seem to have to do with reincarnation and I am awfully glad for that. I’ve also gotten my answer regarding how shades and demons mate the same way so, although I did wonder about blood and even about the possibility of William mating a shade (not that I wanted that at all, but who knows, maybe in the future there turns out to be a decent shade) I did not link the blood to him and instead got carried away with the whole idea of a far-future vision where William steals the heart of a very sexy and beautiful certain demoness … Our train of thought is sometimes strange. For instance, after seeing Constantine so satisfied at seeing Angelica’s clean neck, I thought about shades wanting or needing unmarked prophetesses, but my mind didn’t wonder to William and stayed only on the female versions, Why? And when I thought about the blood I wondered about its properties, I even wondered if it maybe had "angelic" traits or could be used for rituals but it was all very imprecise, I didn't think they would directly use it as a ticket to the future by taking a bite at the vein … Sometimes I disappoint myself 🙄😏. Anyway, the story is getting better and better and I’m loving William and Skender alone and together more and more every day (and that is hard cause I already love them a lot). Totally expectant to see how the blood experiment might work… Will Skender agree? He will be resistant… but if he does, will we be seeing some unforeseen results? These two are destined to great things, I have said so in the past, their fate is sealed together, maybe sharing their blood will unlock something else, bring some answers as to why they are familiar with each other, help Skender’s power emerge…Oh, I can’t wait. Thank you jasmine once more!💕💕💕💕


So many questions and new theories, I will need some time to process all that

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Do you thing jas this i why we love you 😘


I will reread this chapter again. how is Angelica connected to Skender and Raymona?how is William connected to Skender? love this book but I am at the edge of my seat. can't wait for the next chapter.


Well this might explain the biting dream. How would it work with Skender and William, would it create a bond between them, tieing them together as like a family? Now when Angelica and Rayven get to that part, Is he going to become stronger/different somehow. Jaz when will we get some answers, Too many questions!


is he asking him to bite him? like bonding? still it's better to know what can go wrong or right beforehand


Wow...I wonder what is special with Will's blood? Will Skender test out Will's blood? I'm curious to read more! Now I'll be thinking about this. 😅 Nice of Angel to tell Skender about her dreams about Ramona. Poor Skender lost his love Ramona. Maybe there can be someone special for Skender as well? I hope so, he deserves to be happy. Thank you for the chapter Jazzy!🤗

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Jasmine how can you leave us hanging like this everyday? 😊❤️


Wow!!! they are working Together and are about to Figure It out!!!❤️❤️


Well Jasmine, this is the mother of all cliffhangers 😳😳😳😮😮. Thought the blood exchange was for mating? Uh huh , there’s more questions than answers


Lol! I did not expect a sleep over! I love it. Also….what??

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Having very mixed emotions about this chapter. Am I the only one? I mean on the one hand - I really don’t want the paternalistic nature of this relationship to take a turn and become something inappropriate - Slightly concerned … William may be a fictional child, but a child none the less. On the other hand, complete 180 - I think Skender is on to something and not just about the blood thing; William needs a father. Every child, boy or girl, needs to feel loved and secure, no matter their age. You do whatever you can to accomplish that. Maybe it’s a father/son love that Skender needs to push him into his full defender mode?! He loved Ramona, but because she didn’t reciprocate his love, he couldn’t reach his potential?! And the blood revelation - 🤯. Let’s do this with a small cut on the finger maybe?! 😐 Lots of questions, but yay for the few answers we got! Thank you Jasmine for another daily update!