
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


She terrified To trust and get close to him out of fear she will lose him (by his hands or by protecting Her).


Gahh father-son moment with Skender and William❤️❤️William the Wise!! Maybe he can help Angelica figure out her dreams!

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Poor william. All he wants is a real father figure that loves him and Is proud of him. I love how caring the king is toward him.💙


Maybe she is In denial about falling for him. She does have an issue with claws and fangs.


I hope skender Gets a wOnderful woman in the next book!


The fatherly kind of love William ever wanted, he got it from His Majesty! Skender is ❤️ Loved their Q and A! So glad that Will and Angelica get to see each other again😊 Angelica needs a hug from her husband I think🤭💕


Skender comforting and hugging William was such a sweet moment


Oh man... again... so much info. Maybe now William and Angelica can compare notes. She knows she is different. But not that she might be a prophetess, yet. And their similar dreams. Would be nice to compare notes there, too.


Oh, what a chapter! Thank so much Jasmine. It brought tears to my eyes, William and Skender steal my heart. I wrote back there in the chapter that I have always had this feeling that Skender, though he tried not to, took their father only to become a better version. William and him, they seem to need each other quite as much. Whether the siblings descend from him somehow or not, there is an invisible bond, and they are kindred souls. That moment they shared… there are very little words for that. William not having known the love of a father, Skender providing that. Care, protection, words of approval and gratefulness, warmth. We are far from understanding where their familiarity comes from, Skender’s story with Ramona, the reason for Angelica’s dreams. But little by little we get to know more. Skender’s deeds weren’t terrible. He didn’t cause to our knowledge or to his, tragedy or harm through inaction, he was mainly indolent, indifferent out of ignorance, spoiled and uninvolved. I’m not sure how much I blame him though. I think his parents probably had a fair share in that. The didn’t want him to be a defender, they didn’t teach him or help him discover, exercise or manage his powers, he grew up sheltered and not in need of that (or of anything else for that matter). The grieve of his inaction accompanies ever since. The question that roams in my mind is: Is there anything he could’ve done? Who knows… Even if there wasn’t, he would still blame himself for that. Either way, living idly, he was hit by the pointlessness of his life. A life that dishonored the name he was given “Protector of mankind”. What kind of a protector was he that he couldn’t protect those he loved or make a good change in someone’s life? Seeking punishment in order to change, there is a lot of courage in that. I had my doubts about William knowing anything about Angelica, he doesn’t seem to see anything from the past. But Skender going to see him brought so many other important, priceless things by. How necessary all of these things were. The moment William and Skender shared. The one William and Angelica had. Angelica is completely exhausted, her body strained from fear and stress. I really hope she can, now that things have been cleared, get some rest and regain her strength. There are many challenges to come. Constantine, he past, her dreams, the shades. But she needs to get strong again. Lor Rayven needs to show her with actions that she can trust him, that he’s dependable, that he is all in, that he isn’t going anywhere. And he needs to be patient. As urgent as the mating bond and the mark might be for her safety, she needs time. I am confident they will be spending some time together, working through their trust issues, letting their feelings come forward, building and strengthening their intimacy, letting their hearts be the guide. Hopefully they’ll make it official and maybe chose a new room, the one with the balcony, which I hope has a fireplace. Something symbolic of a fresh start, a spoken commitment to be husband and wife. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Call me greed but I so want to know William, Angelica and Skender's relationship.


Aw what a brief bonding moment with Skender and Will. I'm glad that Will has someone to confide in, just like Angel with Rayven. What a comforting chapter Jazzy....Angel and Will are with each other too. 🥰


Love the tender moments with Skender and William 🥰


I never can get enough of this story. I love all of them. I hope Skender will fall in love .and Lazarus and Acheron and vitale and even Lucrezia I hope Rayven and Angelica find love 💘 and peace. I still think they are good for each other. can't wait for more!


what I realized is that both Angelica and William have been feeling vulnerable for a long time, always keeping their guard up and somehow in the back of their minds knowing that there's no one there to fight for them, to protect them. the scene of william and skender... this is a little kid , wise way beyond his years, managing scary nightmares and notions that others don't even conceive. so far he's only had his sister by his side, a woman alone in a man's world. she provides love and motherly care but she can't really provide any protection. their father was absent even before passing away. and for a child, any child, that feeling of security that a parent can provide is vital. poor baby. that scene made me cry. the comfort and safety he finds in Skender's embrace....oh, William!!! And the same goes for Angelica. Rayven has changed.... it it's only been a couple of days and this is a man who has been wishing to die for 400 years. and she's only had herself to rely on. Can she trust him? he has so many issues and while he's changed he still needs her support to work through his problems. he still leaves without letting her know. he still hurts himself. Can she truly let go and trust him that he'll be there and have her back at all times? Having your walls up, being alert all the time...Angelica and Will must be exhausted.


I hope she can learn to believe him, poor girl. I am sure it was good for her to have William with her for a little while.


Hopefully Angelica will speak freely with William. Now's not the time to hold anything back. Can't wait for tomorrows update.


So precious. William finally got the fatherly praise from Skender that he should of gotten from his own father, but never did. Hopefully William and Angelica can figure out what Constantine wants from her and can figure out what to do about it. Now for Angelica to get over her fare of fangs and claws so her and Rayven can have an intimate relationship.



See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


Her problem is her increased attraction and feelings toward him when she is still uncertain of his well being and what he may do to himself. I absolutely loved the interaction between William and Skender. Sweet moment, something akin to brothers or even a father/son. William deserves that care as well. He is so strong and wise, but he is still a child.