
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


I think Angelica’s mother is Skender’s previous mate that’s why William and Angelica became prophets. What do you guys think?


I think Angelica would have recognized and known who the red head woman was if it was her mom, BUT there still maybe a connection just farther back since that was so long ago... a great great (who knows how many greats) grandmother. You could be onto something!

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I am sort of sad for Rayven 😞 I know it is a lot to take in for Angelica with him being a demon and wanting to mate/mark her. Cant really expect her to be like oh ok here let's mate right now but one could hope right 🤪😁 The he hears of her dream about Skender I really do hope he does not get discouraged and I hope she comes around. Come on Angelica remember what your brother said, he knows about them and he trusts them. He even urged you to go to Rayven as long as he doesn't leave you.

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Glad Rayven ain't giving up and is being patient in talking and explaining things to Angelica. She's the one being stubborn now, but I think that's understandable. I love how Rayven's not forcing the issue but will wait til Angelica wants to do it in her own free will. Now yes,tell him about the dream!!!Maybe a part of Rayven can interpret the dream and yep it is his duty to protect his wife. thanks for the chapter 😊

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Dear Lord Rayven. “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. One minute of patience, ten years of peace. With love and patience, nothing is impossible. Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.” Angelica will get there. 💗✨

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Honestly I am impressed by Angelica. This is just too much to find out in such short amount of time. It must feel like heavy weights on her shoulders. The woman never got a break since her father died and now all of this at once and she is still listening and even talking lol. Rayven is doing well, but I don't feel bad for him much haha. She did her work and was patient with his stubborn a**. Now it is his time to do the work 🤷‍♀️🤣

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Such an early update! Thanks Jazzmine! A lot just happened in such a short chapter! Got a lot to unpack here!

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This is good progress. Finally some honesty and both are showing vulnerability that with help build some trust.

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I'm so greedy right now I want more I crave more. Thank you so much for the chapter. Can Rayven be any sexier I think yes😜

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Super glad Rayven is being so honest and in love. Now its his turn to be patient and understanding with his Angel as she was with him!


i love how he is with her now, and he’s so good with his words. ❤️


Rayven has grown a lot. I have to say, he is totally Different with her. I can’t tell if Angelica is seeing figments of the past or future. I’m glad they are at least talking


Rayven I would just go and get the whole Demos thing out the way so tha her whole healing process can start and since you tell her, then William can now talk to her about it. Remember he couldn’t tell her because he didn’t want to put y’all’s business out there but now that you’ve told her he can help to break it down for her.


lol did our Angel make hubby Rayven jealous? 🤭 Finally Angel knows everything about Rayven. I'm relieved that Angel finally told Rayven about her nightmares, that way Rayven can protect her from the shades. I can't wait to read more! Thanks for the chapter Jazzy! 😍


I'm loving the communication and that she is finally learning more. Granted she asked because she started to remember what he manipulated her to forget. Still, progress is progress and he is telling her the truth no matter how hard it is. Hopefully he doesn't get too jealous of the dream and they talk to Skender. I wonder if she can see into the past? Or Maybe she is just remembering her past life? I'm looking forward to where this is going! Hopefully he will tell her about him being Demos next. Thanks for the chapter Jazzy! I love this book and can't wait for the next chapter!


I don’t think Rayven is jealous she had a dream about Skender, I think he is worried. knowing what he does about her brother, I think Rayven will piece together that Angelica has powers too, and he will be more determined to protect her thus bringing them closer. I also think the running from one monster to another is still to come when she sees both the shades and the demons in their natural form.


My heart is breaking for Rayven right now. I am sure he understands that this is a lot for Angelica to take in, but on a good note I am glad Rayven explained the biting process and what it means and Angelica was like oh ok it's not that bad. What a relief that is. Someone in a previous comment mentioned that Rayven and Angelica should go to Skender and have Angelica tell him about her dream, which I agree is a great idea because Skender will know exactly what she was dreaming of and when and who. It will have that aha moment. Will answer some of our questions. Thanks Jasmine!


So she sees the past and the future? She is the interesting one? What is she?

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Such a great chapter! Thanks Jasmine!


I am so ready to find out what Angelica is and what her dreams mean!


Every time I finish a new chapter I just keep hoping there is another one. I love the interaction between them and how he makes her listen but doesn’t Terrify her. Can wait to see what happens when she tells him her dreams. Also wondering if his face is healing or is he continuing cutting himself stI’ll…..