
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


Rayven came clean and Angelica isn’t freaking out. She’s thinking this through. That’s good. Now Rayven, don’t tou freak out lol. I can’t wait for the next few chapters!!


Great update! I’m so glad he finally confessed what he is, So she can understand the dangers around her. He is becoming so thoughtful in the way he speaks to her. These chapters always go so quickly I think i read them in a panic 😅

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Ladies(haha maybe there are mens as well), Shout out to Jasmine for such a great book and hooray for her break from Nursing that has gIven Us so many chapters this week. Love it, and love the booK. Also Shoutout to all who leave comments! I love that i get to have a bookclub with me as I read every paragraph. You provide all kinds of entertainment, insight and overall enjoyment as I read. Love this chapter and am excited to hear everyone’s thoughts.


Rayven came clean and told her he was a demon!! The conversation was so smooth and she took the information so well😱🎉now she knows about the shades what will happen next?!?


Oh God, the plot thickens… If she knows him… that man…. What on earth does that mean? She cannot be Ramona, can she? Is she an Angel and do Angels have some sort of residual memory passed through DNA or something???? I remember my first idea was reincarnation but… that would be too strange, right? Like She being first with Skender and then with Rayven… Although I have at times doubted Skender’s and Ramona’s relationship, if it wasn’t platonic… But then again, I think not. They loved each other, it seems, it's hard to tell from Angelica's dreams... She told him she couldn’t be his queen… maybe she knew all that was to come, that he had an important part to play and that his time was yet to come…. Maybe she knew about her own end? One thing I do know, this is more than just about a demon’s mate… it has specifically to do with her, Angelica. Maybe Ramona made sure somehow that her memories would be passed onto one of her descendants so that this person would help Skender come the time? Of course, I don’t know how exactly could Angelica be Ramonas family… maybe she gave birth to a child before dying and Skender doesn’t know? Maybe these shades are not just looking for the prophetess but something else… something angelic??? These dreams must be clues that will eventually amount to something I’m sure. She needs to start talking about them both to her Husband and to Skender. On another note, as bad as all of this is, that Constantin shade man… well he kind of did the work for Rayven, didn’t he? I think at least for that we ought to be thankful. All things considered she took it extremely well. She is yet to realize her father was right and that is going to be hard. Along with every thing else she doesn’t know. Poor Rayven must be freaking out right now. About everything. About her knowing, about Constantin. About her having a dream. What does it mean? Why did he come that way? He’s gotta know that there has to be more. Now the marking her starts seeming necessary and urgent beyond all romance. Will she be able to take in all of this and understand it? The mating bond having so many implications… Doing it like this, in a rush… I don’t think they would want to or be ready… But maybe the shades want unmarked angel blood…😱😱😱 That visit t is certainly a promise of something very scary that is to come. And her fear of claws must be linked to that memory. Ramona must’ve died that way… Wow, this is such a thriller! I’m at the edge of my seat, can’t wait to know more. Amazing chapter Jasmine, thank you!!!!


Thank you so mich for a chapter on a Friday!!! 🥳 Angelica has a lot of information to process now, but I think Lord Rayven needs to think about what his wife just told him about meeting people in her dreams and what that means about who and what she is!


Fabulous chapter!! I love that the honest conversations are hapening. I’m like a kid at Christmas with these one a day chapter updates! Thank you Jasmine!


My blood pressure is up…. I need to meditate or something now! I’m so glad he told her that part, but there is more — the part of what it means to be a demon. The marking. I know that will come out too, but she is now worried about all that she does not know. I think she knows to stay put because she is safest with Rayven. But will Constantine trick his way into their home? Will she be safe for long?


The Shades are after the Prophet/Prophetess.. either they knew it was Will and they meant to take Angelica to get through him.But why did Constantine have to check her neck? It'll be easier to get Angelica if she's unmarked or something else? But I'm so glad that Rayven had told the truth bout what he is/who he is on our Angel, little by little. And she's quick, trying to connect the dots, that Rayven and the King and his men are of the same kind. She needs a moment alone yeah, but I think she'll come to Rayven afterwards. thanks for the chapter😊


Anyone else here feeling so freaking spoiled with all these chapters in a row that you don't wanna get your hopes up on actual release days?


She took that news VERY well. She is one tough cookie.


Jasmine, you are spoiling us!!! Thank you so much!!! I know these chapters don't come out without the sweat on your brow. I'm not sure how well Webnovel pays although I'm sure it's not a fortune . The passion you put into your writing is evident. I can feel your joy for writing and how these stories just have to flow out of your mind. you are talented, wonderful and we appreciate you.


Omg we are being Blessed with Daily Updates!!! THANK YOU JASMINE !! YOU’RE THE BEST!!! IM LIVING FOR THIS BOOK!! Im soooo excitEd to read moreee!


Thank you so much Jasmine for the Friday Chapter! I loved it! Can't wait to read more tomorrow!


Step one is complete Rayven, she knows what you are and about shades. Step two can be to mate with her and mark her. That maybe skipping some steps but that shade was checking her neck out so you may need to mark her soon. I am relieved she didnt completely freak out and try to run. She will remember how her brother told her they were different but he trusted them. He knows about them Angelica so trust his instincts and yours too. Rayven will keep you safe.


Well... that went better than expected.


Awesome chapter and also unexpected! Thank you, Jazzy!!


Jasmine thank you for the extra chapter today! ♥️


I was so surprised to see a chapter today! rayven will take good care of angel. why was Constantine looking at her neck? Is it because rayven hasn't marked her yet? omg Jasmine you are bt far my favorite author .I am surprised Angelica saw the claws and didn't freak out. especially after her dream. step one of rayven telling her has gone as well as to be expected.


Wow! Loving these daily updates, keep them coming


A chapter on a friday 🥳! Keep em coming 🥰🌈☺️😉😁