
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


LoL🤣 such a great story! I am anxious for updates! Sooooo good 😊


Him telling her the truth of why he doesn't want to touched 🤭🥰 Taking the right steps Rayven, you still have away to go but being truthful with her and letting her take the lead on the physical part is 👏❤ Now about your face I dont think Angelica is worried about your face right now she is looking more on your inside while admiring your physique too but she seems to accept you for you physically too. So no rush, but yes! do make her your mate 😁🤗❤


Oh. My. Gosh. That bedroom scene! 😍


Thats it someone get me into a psychiatric hospital and take me out when the next chpt is release because the wait will drive me insane… on another note what a chapter 🙌🏼 it had me on the edge of my reading seat


best chapter.....😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


It is true: it lies in his hands and it always has. Will he now wallow in self-pity or will he go back and make a good effort to win her completely? And not for his face, but to explore how he really feels for her? I wonder what Angelica has been up to while Rayven has been gone taking William back to camp and running these other errands? Her mind must be a mess.


Yes we are finally making progress with Rayven and Angel! Now all we need is for Rayven to put in work and earn his Angel's heart. 😍 I can't wait to see more steamy interactions between them. Thanks for this amazing chapter Jazzy! I loved it! 🤩


Rayven telling Angelica he wants her so its her move if something happens between them😉even admitted to Lucrezia that he wanted revenge for her and wanted to keep her in his house🤗all the feelings! Cant wait to see her break all his walls down and more bonding❤️❤️🤗🤗


This chapter left me sooo satisfied! 😌 Quite frankly I'm positively surprised. I didn't know I could be content at the end of a chapter 😄. Good job Rayven 👏🏽 I'm proud of you, big boy! You are coming along. Can't wait to read how Angelica processes all these graphic informations ☺ and how she's react afterwards. Happy but still craving for more 😋


I liked that Rayven told Angelica the truth. That's a good start to make this marriage work(even if he won't admit he's trying to🤭😉) The fact that he wanted to avenge for her and get her right back up on her status means he cares lot for her too. He's making progress little by little. And we couldn't be happier🤭 Now Angelica has to make a move😂🤣


Yes! We got the truth about "no touching ". Now she just needs a few more truths. Mainly what he is and who he was.


What can we do to get a mass release? Tell me!


We see how Rayven is progressing in all areas. He is explaining himself. He is being truthful. He is allowing himself to think of his family. Those are already many steps in such short period. Can't wait to see what step he takes next. AMAZING chapter 😍❤🔥🔥


Jasmine, this chapter is 🔥🔥🔥🔥. The first part....oh my!!!...I can't stop re-reading it!!! He is hungry and almost out of control, but seductive in the same time. His voice, the closeness of his body, his arm trapping her, his confession. I think Angelica, though maybe a bit scared, must have a swarm of butterflies flying in her stomach. I know she knows she's beautiful but isn't it reassuring to know you are desired by your husband...especially when you desire him too (even if she's not fully aware of that yet).


The chapter that Jasmine teleased today is yummy! I will read it at least two more times to be certain not to miss any precious morsel or nuisance. Rayven has demonstrated that he is redeemble. He regrets his past evil deeds, particularly those associated his sister. I enjoyed Rayven’s stimulating conversations that he had with Angelica and Lucreza. They revealed a lot about the slowing evolving Rayven.


Wow! Totally unexpected but soooo good! I‘m processing that slowly. I want totally more.


Absolutely wonderful Jazzy! Rayven telling her why she can’t touch him giving all the feels of anticipation in the future! Completely unexpected that Rayven would tell the truth. She is getting to him, he is even allowing himself to think of his family.


Oh Rayven you tell her only part of the truth. Just come clean and tell her all.


Jas, I know you have a life but did you really have to leave it there? We really need to know Angel’s POV on this development. You are the queen of leaving us to want more. I apologize now for being so greedy but this is so🔥


One of the BEST chapters yet! There has been so much growth in Rayven, even though he refuses to see it. He’s even havibg more open communication with his Angel! 🥰


Its good that Rayven finally admitted. And Angel is so cute 😊 Now, she'll think twice before touching him unless she can handle the beast. I love that there's progress, baby steps for the stubborn beast. 😆