
Comments of chapter undefined of Dimensional Descent

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Please don't play with us here. Aina is putting herself out there, even explaining her most embarrassing secrets without a care who's listening, just to make sure he can hear her. I'll be so sad of he pushes her away.


We clearly have very different fundamental views on this whole affair, so I'll not waste any more of your time with further discussions.

pack_of_none:agreed that she could have told him about the descent, but they weren't close and didn't know each other really and she didn't realize he wasn't just a commoner. she was probably under the impression he might become an invalid. not something she can really be blamed for in terms of their relationship, anyway. as for valiant heart, did Leonel not completely shut her off to focus on crafting in Camelot just before that for two months, which drove her almost to her death? he supported aina going to the hero mountain to train and knew they'd be separated, it's not quite the same as her abandoning him. she was given support to get as strong as possible. if she doesn't spend that time well she's wasting his good will lastly, he never conveyed that he wanted her to protect his friends at the tournament. he couldn't have, but that's besides the point. she had a trauma fueled emotional breakdown, he didn't have a better option but to leave her to save her and his friends. even still, she admitted what she did there was wrong and that he didn't deserve it. for that, he has a right to be hurt, but he should also understand his own actions and ignorance of how those actions affected her and her fragility are on him. and he did understand that right up until he himself had a mental shutdown when he saw rychard brag about the engagement I'm not saying he is obligated to just take her back and everything is rosy but she did nothing at all to deserve his cold heartedness and cruelty. at the very least she deserves what Leonel boasts about always giving everyone, respect. and he did not give that to her here. the bottom line is he loves her. you can talk about whether or not she deserves it, but he still loves her for reasons yet unknown, possibly influenced from his future self. to do this to someone you love is not part of Leonel's character at all, even if complete and immediate forgiveness is unreasonable, she's not deserving of disrespect and disdain, especially when she finally does what he's always wanted from her

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aina spilling the whole can of beans. he's gonna say something insensitive at the end of this and the entire crowd including his mom and grandma are going to murder him

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So understandable now.. It still feels a bit anticlimatic tho, altough I think it's for the best..


I'm praying for a big fat No from Leonel.

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Don’t give me hope

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I still don’t like her xD She sounds like my wife. She is talking about all these sacrifices she made and stuff she did for him when it isn’t something he asked her to do. Stuff that makes no sense. Which would be endearing in a way if it wasn’t the fact she didn’t do the one single thing he asked her to. My wife is the same way xD



The redemption arc I didn't know I needed


Aina is best waifu. i can’t hate on her anymore