

Those people in that place are very strict about the way they wear their clothes. It's like they're more traditional, long clothes, below the knee should be imposed on them strictly. It was like they could not help her at all. She seemed lost. They're strict in their traditions but they cannot help the lost woman.

Anne_Kosher · Book&Literature
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49 Chs


I saw a big building, like a big mall. I climbed upward as well, and I saw the building has many iron hands, red color, under it, and some are moving.

The building is a ROBOT, a TRANSFORMER!

I went to other place, with many stalls.

It's a mall as well, they are selling big bags, luxurious bags, they are all expensive.

And I stroll to a different place again, this time, it's in the farm. I saw the place, it is under KAINGIN system. The land is bare, dry, and a big canal where something strange flows, not water, but it's like ash with fire under.

I walked upward, and saw toppled trees, many trees are burned down. A few left standing, but burned, no green leaves anymore.

Many logs are stock up on the ground.

It's a disaster!
