
Comments of chapter undefined of Chaos' Heir


My only complaint is that Khan, someone who is trained to avoid emotions and take logical routes for things by freeing his mind, is somehow too conflicted to try freeing his mind to use feelings with his spell. Yes he has spent months training the opposite method but i dont see why he is hesitant to try something new that could logically work. I mean, its been obvious as a reader for months (in story and real life passage of time) that his method sucks and he shouldve realized long ago. That, if anything, should give him confidence in a new approach instead of hesitation. Especially after all we’ve learned and he has learned by training mana in the academy. Humans naturally are willing to try new approaches to solve problems. It’s how we developed tools when we were monkeys. We are problem solvers as a species and hate road blocks or dead ends I’d imagine even more so in this fantasy world where mana can do literlaly anything and he’s lived and learned among a species where mana can do amazing different things regardless of your own element. I dont understand why you’re forcefully delaying his development with a reason that doesnt even make sense in the story from the MC’s perspective based on what he has experienced and his character. You adding that he MIGHT explode was dumb because, honestly, when has hurting himself during training ever stopped him? He literally scarred his body and endured insane pain twice for both the blood shield and the mana technique. His own meditation saw torturous pain every time he trained to move mana into parts of his body that wasnt completely penetrated. His martial arts techniques literally burn his skin off from the high speeds he can reach. Everything about Khan accepts danger if it means he gets a power upgrade. So, here we have a cold and calculating MC that will forsake his own safety for more power in a situation where he will be faced with enemies several fold stronger than him. His only option to inprove quickly is to use a new method for a spell he’s spent months training with no success but wont try a new approach because of a potential injury or slight danger to him? His own prowess and mana control should allow him to not have such a drastic blowback (if any), so why bother delaying? he even says he should have the control for this spell now. It doesnt fit or even make sense with his character that youve built up to this point at all and is conflicting with it. Especially since he has the added pressure of performing highly to maintain his relationship with Liza. Please reconsider what you wrote to be more in line with the character youve written. Right now that decision goes against with how youve written them and is major annoying. Thank you.


I don't really agree with what you have written and I don't see it as a hesitation of his character. I see it as him not risking his life to attempt in a untrained method. If he had better control over mana I might day differently. But as it's been explained mana is extremely dangerous and should not be approached foolishly. Why do you think there was 12 steps to master prior to attempting the spell. He's not risking pain here it's his life and he's aware of that.


Thanks for the chapters and cliffhanger Eve! 5/5


well i hope he manages to learn the wave spell soon!


See everyone and 40 chapters👍😁


I can't feel any sympathy for Liiza's mother. I just feel disgusted with her attitude.


I'll never get tired of how cute and loving Khan and Liiza are. I just personally think you do a really good job of writing their interactions and you have a really good use of imagery to highlight their closeness. thank you for the chapter eve. loved it




Nah says she’s was hurt so idiotic she knew what she was doing and knew it was wrong however didn’t who wouldnt get jealous knowing that there partner just done do that and come kiss them or sum it’s sad because ik he probably was trying his best to be supportive and to be understanding W mans


Good chapter


thanks for the chapter~

