
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


I love this book?? I


Oh I can’t for Rome and his mother’s reunion.


These chapters will give me diabetes. But I don’t mind as long as they are having great times. I can wait for Rome to meet his mother I can already imagining them hugging and crying in each other’s arms. This book is a masterpiece…. Thank you so much Ash and I also thank your brilliant brain❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I cant wait for them to get back to Veteris and Rome see his mother 🤗😊😍 That is a reunion that will be tender and sweet I think. The reunion with Donavan was sweet too I must say 🤭 Simon and Mel's chemistry is adorable I love how he picks on her but confesses how he likes her. Although I must say to proclaim they are to marry you would think they would have stronger feelings for each other 🤔 maybe in time we will see passion between them 😉


What a sweet chapter between our main couples …. Excited for Donny and Lilian to rekindle their love and more excited for Roman to see his mother … Hurry up and head back to Veteris Rome 💚


Just thinking, what happened to Connor?


Julie has to get the items back from Romes mom. then she can bring her mother and father back as well. this is great. Rome will get to see his mom again.


Is Simon going to put the moves on Mel in the Ferris wheel cabin? 🤣


My wish is coming true! Melanie and Simon are getting a closure and Rome will get to see his Mother again. Hope If Roman get to have a Wedding their love ones would be there!


Aww, what a sweet chapter.


Where’s Connor? Is he still out there riding the bitter bus?


Awwe...so much love💕 Can’t for Roman and Julie to see Mama Lillian😍


So much going on right now!!! 😍 Mel and Simi on their first date!!! Finally!!! I am so excited that they ended up together but my heart breaks since LTR is ending and we will not get to read about their story!!! But, I can only imagine it would be filled with lots of love, silly humor and extreme amounts of amusement!!! 🥰 Julie and Rome on a date where Rome has swept Julie away to be alone!!! Roman has come a long way from being that rude vampire Julie met in the beginning of the year! These two will have a life filled with love and cherished memories! 🥰 Donny has Lillian back thanks to Julie!!! I am sure he will give her all the love she missed out on when he walked out of her life. He is going to make it that she will never want to leave him!!! 🥰 I think this is Julie’s surprise to Rome…bringing Lillian back!!! I am going to hold on to hope that Julie knew this would happen! Now, I cannot wait for the mommy-son reunion!!! I bet it’s going to be an emotional one!!! 🥰 Now, what was the violet stone for and why did Opaline leave it out? 🤔 Ash, wow! Nothing more to say but WOW!!! And Thank You of course!


Thank you Ash for these amazing chapters! I'm loving how this story is going after the war ended. I can't wait to read what happens next but I also don't want the story to end either.


I hope there's nothing wrong with the amusement park, and it's not a trap as they said it was not supposed to be closed. It's a wonderful surprise that Lilian is alive and gonna compensate for the time she was away from Roman and her love, just that Julie is also added into the picture I wonder how she's gonna react when she will ce across Cillian as he's her ancestor. I'm glad that Donovan will have a family now which might help him to think and act in more of a proper way than his usual twisted self.


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


I am so excited for Donovan and Roman to get Lillian back with them. Now they can be a real family and Julie can have her mother in law help her when having Roman's children. Now Julie can get her family back also and they can have their families together in time for their wedding. I am sure that Roman wanted this date to possibly talk to her about becoming his wife. Simon and Melanie make a cute couple and Simon has already purposed. It surprised me that Melanie excepted so fast, butI am glad she did. I wonder what Simon has planned on this carnival ride.


Still didnt understand how Lillian woke up from her death. Wow double date in the amusement park, hope it would end with sweet chapters in the end


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
