
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


Simon!? is this true I have been so busy I had no time for reading but am back...


Oh Simon, please tell me you don’t have a more complex side story… we suspected he was turned by a Mortimer but I didn’t suspect he was working for them… and I hope he is not.


OMG🥺😱 Hello my fellow readers...a simple advice from a faithful and an 'elder' fan of Ashknight books. Please don't show too much love to a particular character...sometimes our dear author has the tendency to tease and disappoint her readers😁😂✌️✌️ Expect the unexpected. You can never read her mind. Her decision to kill a character is unpredictable. She is like Donovan😂😂✌️✌️That's the reason why I love her books. You need to think harder in drawing assumptions to what will happen next. Every chapter is worth reading.


oh no Simon 😢 🥺 I dont think hes working for someone else... maybe he's trying to keep things so that Melanie is safe or maybe the elders aren't suppose to know what Dante has them doing 🤷🏼‍♀️


Please don’t let this be true. I’ve been rooting for Simon and Melon! He can’t be a traitor!


What in tarnation is going on? 😳 Simon a traitor? I cannot believe it! I don’t want to believe it! I refuse to believe it! 😱 When did he even have time to attend a meeting with anyone? He’s been so consumed with Mel! 🤔 I remember the comment Vicki made about him deviating from the plan but I thought that was a plan between the Elders and them! 😳 I cannot believe it till I read about it! There has to be an explanation here for this!!! 😔 As for Dante’s hubby…I think he was a witch! She did not stay with Castiel knowing he was a vampire but ended up with a witch! How ironic! 😬 Dante you obviously married him just to fulfill an agreement…nothing is keeping you from happiness with your true love! 🥰 Julie, you need to work on caging him and any other ghost up that are roming around!!! 😏 As for Cillian, I am beginning to worry! Where are you Cillian? Are you in danger? Did someone abduct you? 🤔 Thanks Ash!!! Loved it and the cliffhangerhanger…genious!!! ❤️


This is not good. Do they mean that Simon is working for Mortimers. If that is true then I believe Veteris would have been under their control a long time ago. Here, I had this doubt all along since Simon's past was revealed, if he was turned by Mortimer which inturn made him sired to him? I'm going crazy.


Oh Simon 🤦🏼‍♀️


🤞 I am hoping Remy can just yell who turned Simon and they all jumped to conclusions on why he did what he did. Considering Simon has no clue who turned him 🤷‍♀️ Then again Victoria was saying something about him not falling through with a job he was suppose to do 🤔 Could both of them have been sent to be spies but Simon was a double spy or something. I just can't think Simon would go against Rome in anyway. Again though if Remy had an inclination of who turned Simon from the beginning why say something now? Something isn't adding up I don't think.


no no i don't want to hear it. don't let Simon be a traitor please😓


There must be something more to it...


Oh, my, things going on are getting more complicated than ever. 😫😩😖 Please, Simon; I don't want to know that Elder Remy is telling that truth about you working for the others (esp. the Mortimers) against them. I can accept this if it's for Ms. Dante, but for the worst enemies, I will be dismayed and disheartened by this painful, shocking revelation. 💔💔💔 About the phenomena that took place wherein Roman and Julie and the others were unable to use their powers, maybe the containment of those spirits or ghosts by Julie did have an effect on Veteris; or was it Veteris also a part of Willow Creek since long ago in its existence? 👀💭🤔 Or as Ms. Dante said, could Julie's powers have been awakening more or getting more enhance d as she uses it? 👀😳 What's to come next here? I don't want Simon to be a TRAITOR to the Elders, to Ms. Dante and to his other friends; including Julie and Mel. 😣😔


Whoa... did not see this coming. This is a definite cliffhanger for sure.


This would be entirely awful if Simon turns out to be a traitor to the Vampires in Veteris. But, I must say it’s a pretty good and sad twist. Although, I really don’t want to think he is a traitor. We’ve grown to like and think Simon is one of the protagonist in this story.


He is working for Dante. She's not an elder. I hope that's what he means.


WHAT?! No flipping way, I think Remy may be pushing the blame.....


Simon and Mel or team MELON is different than Piper I pray!


I’m intrigued 👀


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


I don't think it's Mortimer, I think it's someone else. why would Mortimer kill a rouge to save anyone, Mortimer seems selfish, that person that saved him seems nice.


He is working for Melanie, duh!