
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


Still don't trust Conner. Such a blabbermouth!


I still don’t trust him. Him accepting them like this in my opinion is too easy. I don’t think he’ll just sit quietly.


At the end of the chapter I let out the breath I didn’ know I was holding… I was so worried how Conner would take the news of everything. But I’m super happy that he took it the right way. That abrupt cutting of the call wouldn’ have come at a worse time when Mel’s parents are already suspicious of Veretis. Ah the bloodshed 😢 but I’m so excited about it! 😋


Wow! Just wow! Ash you did it again! Man, I love this novel!!! ❤️ So, Connor knows the truth! (Mel’s been keeping a secret from him) The whole truth! (About Simon too) And nothing but the truth! (About Fab 5, Julie, Elders, & Veteris) Things are about to get very interesting! 😏 I still don’t trust Connor! He has proved many times he cannot keep a secret! He seems very loyal to his family! But at the same time, he kept the secret of the hunters! And he seems to be loyal to his friends! 🤔 I believe the only issue here will be Reese’s death and Mel getting involved with Simon! I think those two issues will push Connor over the edge! 😬 As for the revelation at the end…Simon spared Connor’s life, probably for Mel! Now enters Victoria into the picture! Will this be the next ship sailing into the sunset? ❤️ Thank you Ash!!! Loved it!!!


oh he must of been recording the conver sation because he is going to backstab them.


I am still not 100% sold on his loyalty to them. How will Mel take it when she learns that Simon was correct about her parents 🤔 They need to get back before they show up to visit her.


Thank u for the update Ash, I hope Simon keeps his mouth shut but I feel like this will become a rivalry between Simon and Connor at some point, when hopefully Simon and Mel get together ♥️


I would not mess with Tori! No way… I have my doubts that Conner can keep his mouth shut and the elders accept keeping him around. But I have been surprised before!


Though Victoria pose like a stone hearted, I think that she's quite gentle. Except for the time when she was courting Roman. I hope that Connors conflicted mind will take a positive stance for his friends and to save his family from disaster, also he will be willing to leave behind the matter regarding Reese even though it's a hard decision. Also I hope that the elders will be willing to compromise and accept Connor into the circle.


Daddy Donovan killed auntie in 2 seconds, I doubt he will spare Conner if he tries something!


I am not sure if Conner will listen. I am worried that he would turn his back and report to his parents. I don't mind him being gone in this book as I am already annoyed by the people who can't tell the difference between good and bad. 😬 He should know by now that these vampires and the witch has been good to him. But of course he needs to be aware that the Elders wants him dead. So if I were him I'll shut up and move on! Who wants to live in messy world right? I don't!


I'm not seeing Connir being able to to keep all this ti himself. He slips up a lot. Plus he does deep down have a serious issue with the vampires. Im glad to see him being mature and level headed for now but will it last ?


definitely see Connor still betraying them. he's not gonna ever let it go for what happened to Reece. also now that Mel knows Simon's true intentions with their Family will she think that Simon has just been using her the whole time to get close to her family and was lieing about liking her 🤔


Hmm, I dont think Conner is caving. He may be pretending to. However, he's an idiot that much is proven.


I don’t trust Conner , I just can’t help it. He never fails to do dumb stuff.


I glad they found where conner and mel was at but I cant beleive simon was going to kill conner


Well conner know now who side will he be on simon need a vampire girlfriend lol


Conner, his dad, Melanie’s parents and the Mortimers are the real villains as of now. Lol


So, if Simon and Victoria are not beholden to any of the Elders, what were Simon's orders, and who gave them? Who are Simon's and Victoria's order givers? Also, I think Connor will try, but end up getting himself or someone in the group or close to the group killed.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola