
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Haha Connor is feeling threatened by Simon bit I believe Melanie's heart has moved on. She cares for Connor in the sense of friendship but romantically I do believe she is starting to sway towards Simon.

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Ugh… Mel is finally seeing Simon’s need for love (and that he is deserving of it) and Conner is all “let us go out after this is all settled.” Ok - 1 - how about let us not? 2 - this may not all be settled very quickly or how he expects 3 - Simon will be the one keeping her safe over the foreseeable future 4 - just no, too little, too late!


I am CONFIDENT that MEL WOULD CERTAINLY CHOOSE SIMON over CONNER. All cards have been laid out for her; she sees what's the obvious. I'm sure she won't be dumb in making up her mind on this. We have been waiting for all this time for the two of you, Mel; for you to be with Simon; don't deny anymore what's inside you. PLEASE ACCEPT HIS LOVE FOR YOU! 💕❤️💕


Uhhhh that would be a no, lol. You waited too late boo. You snooze you lose. Mel has been intrigued by Simon for a while. Now her heart is beginning to recognize it.


Um, No!!! 😡 She cannot go out with you!!! Her heart belongs to Simon now!!! You are too late Connor!!! 😏 Mel, don’t be dumb!!! Stop fighting the obvious feelings that you are obviously fighting!!! You know your heart now belongs to Simon!!! Don’t make the mistake of letting Simon go by saying yes to Connor!!! It is painfully obvious that you are Simon’s world, else why would he help you, help Connor escape? Why would he tell you about his past? He loves you Mel, wholeheartedly!!! You want a love like Rome & Julie…Simon is the man who will give that to you!!! ❤️😍🥰❤️ Thanks for the update Ash!!! Is was everything I was hoping for!!! ❤️ Simon to Mel👇🏼


I think She already likes Simon. She doesn’ t accept it yet.


Mel needs to say thanks but no thanks, she and Simon are going to be an epic couple- I HOPE


I hope one of them really spells it out for Connor that his stupidity could cost them all their lives. That the best friend that he supposedly cares about is now endanger because of him. and Simon is in the worst spot of all because he's now in the middle where the vampires and hunters are against him. and I hope Mel tells Connor that he missed his chance.


Please Simon and Mel should kiss already🥰 was expecting that after Simon opened up to Mel about her past. Conner should just respect himself and let Melanie be😡 They don’t suit each other. He’s too boring and lame for someone like Mel🙄


No!!!! She already likes Simon.


Looks like it’s verdict time Mel. I know u r confused what to do; you care for Conner and Simon is being more and more open to you leaving u at crossroads. But you’ll figure it out. Though Connor’s timings is always off 🙄


Team Simon all the way.


Is he asking her out on a DATE??? OMG!!! even though I doubt that they will ever get a chance it's a commendable initiative from Connor. Let me make it clear I DO NOT CONNOR-MEL pair more than their friendship, at the same time I do support SIMON-MEL pair deeply. Connor deserves a proper closure for their relationship, as well as Mel, so that she can move forward with Simon without a hitch in the relationship with either of them. But, to happen all of that they should be alive and kicking without a muddled situation and threats. Hope they will survive everything with each other's support and care, as well as Connor will be more sensible.


Mel and Simon 🤗❤️🤗 Conner too little too late! I hope when he does find out the truth about vampires he doesn’t go against his friends 😬 Unfortunately, I see him turning out to be a true hunter through and through especially when he realizes he lost Mel’s heart to Simon a vamp!


i'm annoyed with Conner. after ignoring her for days he has the audacity to say let us go out😒 and Mel didn't ask you out in the first place. You didn't even let her tell anything so kindly get tf out


I just knew Connor was going to ruin this moment between Simon and Mel. "After all this settles down, let us go out," boy take several steps back and sit down, you lost your chance. Your idiodicly selfish and jealously bold self. I hope to see progress between Mel and Simon escalate in the near future. They both deserve someone to see them as a person and have genuine care for them.


Definitely not. To little to late Conner. Simon has proven himself time and time again. I really hope she picks Simon.


Mel, say NO pls. Connor don't deserve you. Simon deserve you best. After all he'd been through to help you. We know he cares a lot for you. I just wanna hug Simon so bad.


Mel you will pick the right choice just follow your ❤️


Listen Conner you hqd your chance yet you were stupid to not notice Mels feelings towards you so guess what she will pass , its a definite no!!!