
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


The last line got me thoughšŸ˜Œ


Dont die so soon sweat heart šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ hes got it bAd for her anD he needs to quit denying it šŸ¤£ both of them!


Itā€™s hard to tell if Simon is really into Mel or just playing since he is such a major flirtā€¦. But my Simon-Mel ship is hopefully ready to set sailā€¦ Iā€™m wondering if the cool kids will have trouble getting in and out of campus with Luciano running security. I get absolutely zero comfort from Griffin helping in this regard.


Go Simon !!! This ship has been docked for a long time , it's time to set sail .


Yas!!! Simon go get her!!!


so Mortimers are after potionsšŸ˜Æ maybe they killed the witches to be able to make that potion but Opaline beat them to it. i'm really curious what that potion does. i thought stopping time must be about not aging or immortality but Mortimers already have those.šŸ¤” also Opaline said people'd come for her powers so maybe her powers are there. so many possibilities. i can't wait.


"Don't die so soon sweetheart" really Simon!!! What a romantic phrase it is...... The same guy who found out that Roman had feelings for Julie even before he admitted it is here unable to find or express it properly. What could go worse? Connor is starting to court Mel, while Mel took a step back from the feelings she had for Connor and started to see things clearly. If it was before she would've been ecstatic, but now it is gonna get messy. Luciano is not that bad either, may be a little stupid? Whatever it is he cares for Veteris and the people in it. Mortimer sounds sooooo much of trouble.


Mel needs to slow down and learn to enjoy Simon. He is rather cute with his wisecracking self. I have a feeling that Mel might turn to become a vampire someday soon. I wonder if the potions will turn a vampire to human, but I am sure there is more to it. I hope they can get rid of the Mortimer brothers.


Hahahahaha yes!!!! Simon and Mel lets do thisšŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—


I like when Simon said dont die to soon sweet heart


I love the Melanie/Simon comraderie! They need to be our next couple! Love is in the air Veterisā¤ļø


Conner is tring get with Mel but sorry it to late conner you had your chance


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


ah hahaha go for her Simon šŸ¤©


oh Simon!šŸ˜‚ I don't think your "sweetheart" cares right now about that. I can already imagine the ten shades of red her face is turning!


Ok!!! So Luci is the new guard!!! I can see him taking the position to another Level!!! I just hope his intentions are true and honest and he means no harm!!! Julie is proving to be a valuable asset to Veteris and now she is protecting her home as wellā€¦Willow Creek!!! I am curious what those potions were? I am sure one of them will give her Opalineā€™s abilitiesā€¦more than she currently has!!! Iā€™m sure thatā€™s the potion she made with her soul energy!!! The other is clearā€¦maybe itā€™s the same thing she gave Donny!!! Mel is trying hard to friend zone Connor to no avail!!! She also want to shield him from truths tgat can send him over the edge with rage and hate for their friends!!! And Simonā€¦Oh Simon!!! He is just too much but it seems to me the boy is in love with Mel!!! Yeah, heā€™s all fun and games and never serious but when it comes to Mel, I think heā€™s truly genuine and very serious!!! Loved it Ash!!! Thank you so much!!!


I do believe Simon is falling for Mel, but also I am wondering if he is calling her his girlfriend for more important reasons? Is he trying to protect her? WIth everything going down, is be claiming her so that other vampires stay clear?

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Happiest Birthday Dear author Ash šŸŽ‚šŸ„³šŸŽ‰


Can't wait for the Simon and Mel ship to sail! Hoping that Conner doesn't turn into the "enemy" once he discovers the truth about Reese and then realizes he lost his chance with Mel as well.....


Simon really is gonna be the death of Melanie,he knows how to get on her nerves but ultimately he cares for her.


Yeah right!!! Simon and his never ending endearments! Such a....... Too much revelation my head is spinning. Can barely make sense of most of it as it's complicated info but I'm glad Julie is so powerful and will handle everything. She might be their redemption here. Uh!! Great for Lucy. Atleast now he'll be busy enough to keep his nose out of other's business along with that nerd Griffin. He is fit to be a security guard too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™ˆ so we gotta get him a uniform to best carry his šŸ‘‘ šŸ¤£