
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


Did Mel just cover up for Simon?šŸ˜¬


Sarahā€™s dead!!! Itā€™s about time!! And how satisfying that Donovan had the last laugh between them?! šŸ˜‚ Sorry for your loss, Uncle Thomas. But it had to be done. Julie you have to be stronger, especially now that Melanie and Conner are both involved with the hunters already. Simon hang in there. You canā€™t be caught!! Stay safe! šŸ˜¬ As Iā€™ve said before, Ash drops these kill bombs unexpectedly. Iā€™m always taken by surprise! Youā€™re such a great author, Ash. šŸ–¤


I really thought it was a nightmare! Iā€™m conflicted about it but I guess someone had to die sooner or later. Mel just saved Simon! Whoop whoop!!


Um... so that just happened. I canā€™t say that I liked Sarah (not even a little), and I did suspect a connection to the hunters but that is not at a what I expected. I just kept thinking it was a bad dream. And if Iā€™m this distraught just reading, I canā€™t imagine what Julie would think. And now this with Simon. Did Mel just cover for him? Who is at the door, and will Simon get through this test? I donā€™t want Simon to end up in their dungeon. This will not end well, as Dante knows where he is. They will come for him if things go badly.


Ok. So.. aunt Sarah is dead. I knew she might be related to hunters but she was a hunter herself? Is that why she hated Julie? But the turn of events just caught me off guard. I kept telling myself ā€œJulie will wake upā€¦wonā€™t she?ā€ It was a Sunny bright day and suddenly a tornado struck. But in the end of the day, or rather Chapter, we see Mel softening up to Simon by saving him! She just had a nightmare about him just the night before people! All in all every single event was shocking that I think I lost a few brain cells trying to process it.


This chapter is a lot to take in. Aunt Sarah is dead and Simon is at the verge of being exposed. Dear God


Now to give Aunt Sarah a proper burial and for Uncle Thomas to come to terms with all that he has learned and stay alive for his son. I hope he can forgive Julie and Roman. I know he would never forgive Donovan, but I know Donovan won't care. Why would Simon look upset about Mel switching glasses with him and trying to save him šŸ¤”? I think maybe Mel really does have feelings for him even though she is scared of him and he is annoying. He saved her more than once, so is she just trying to return the favor? I get the feeling that Simon considers her his girl.


I can't help but be mad at Donovan for killing aunt Sarah and putting Julie in a difficult position with her uncle, not that I like Sarah one bit but he should have tried to savage the situation, well at least Julie won't be having another hunter as a family. still trying to figure out Melanie true intentions for saving Simon.


I'm liking Donovan more and more. I love his sense of humor. It sucks that Aunt Sarah had to die but we all knew she was a villian in Julie's story. I do feel bad for uncle Tom and I hope his relationship with Julie can be mended. This was an unexpected part of the story but man was it good. Ash's books are my happy place


I knew aunt Sara was a hunter!! I knew it from the start! šŸ˜‘


Ash knew how much we loved Aunt Sarah. Poor thing, lol. I hate Julie is so upset over it and Uncle Tom. Iā€™m not sold that Uncle Tom isnā€™t a part of this whole thing either. I certainly hope not. Donovan cannot be tactful to save his life, lol. I wonder what Melanie will do with her new found information and what Simonā€™s next move is in light of the current situation.


Ahhh my dear juliana I know that this is difficult for you but you have to be strong šŸ’Ŗ now ok I never like the way she treated you but know I understand why. Ahhh Simon be careful ok thanks god Dante know where is he is something but happens to Him.


I SWEAR, I WAS DEBATING THAT THIS WAS JUST DREAM! But it looked like Aunt Sarah is dead. omggg I don't even know what to expect on the next chapter..... Julie, it's going to be fine. BUT I STILL CAN'T GET OFF OF MY MIND THAT ROMAN WILL THREATENED JULIE TO SNAP HER HEAD OFF! šŸ™„šŸ˜Ÿ I AM JUST SAYING WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT? TO SCARE UNCLE THOMAS? šŸ™„


Though Mel is panicking with everything happening around her, she seems more sensible and caring with handling a situation, otherwise in no time either a stake would've stolen the life of Simon or the incident at winter's might happen here with more intensity. Dear Ash, the queen of mysteries, surprises and shock. Never in my dreams I thought of such a twist. Though it's a bit painful or heartbreaking, this chapter just took me off of all predictions and assumptions. I pity uncle Tom, the most kind hearted and loveliest person.Donno how he and his son gonna survive this tragedy. Dear Ash you blew ma mind ooff with the unexpected events. Thank you.


For Melanie not being fond of Simon she sure saved him. I still hope the nightmare is over. This is like living the Piper chapter over. although sarah wasnt as great as piper it has to be a dream


And the roller coaster ride begins!


Um are we sure we aren't in dreaming here? Aunt Sarah is dead and Mel just protected Simon...


I think Iā€™m gonna need a minute to process everything that just happenedā€¦. Aunt Sarah is dead because sheā€™s a hunter, Mel covering for Simonā€¦.


Wow this chapter was stressful šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I wanted Sara gone, but not like this lol. This is only breaking Julie and uncle Tomā€™s hearts (and mine because of how things are between the two rn)šŸ’” Thank god Mel averted another disaster in todayā€™s chapter cause I donā€™t think I could handle more šŸ˜© anyway Mel switching glasses with Simon is a good sign for the Simon/Mel ship club so wohooo šŸ¤© Thanks for the chapter Ash!! Sure was eventful ā¤ļø


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


OMG, what a chapter! I knew Sarah was a hunter. Poor Thomas :( Oh Julie, so much for her to digest, and Mel wow, I know sheā€™s sharp and she helped Simon!