
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.

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Donovan did love her! Im glad. It’s sad that both his love interests have died. And both died indirectly because of him. Opal died When Don and Enoch came by and Don wasnt around to help but left Enoch there. And Lillian died because she was too weak to birth a vamp hybrid child. Poor cold ruthless Donovan. I really hope that somehow Roman finds out the truth about him being his father. But even if he doesnt at least he felt a father’s love and a family’s love living with the Moltenore’s Roman Donovan doesnt sound as good as Roman Moltenore he can keep the lord’s surname.


I know right


So when Rome and Julie have a baby will it also “kill her” or is it different because she’s a witch? Asking for a friend…


Now I’ll Go re-read the chapters When Donny n Rome first interacted. It now makes it clear why he was following the teenage Rome around


Every chapter is better then the last!


What a chaPter!!! I wish there was another! I love the back stories SO MUCH but i am dying for the present!! Totally addicted to thiS book and ALL your books.


So Donovan knew since the moment he found out that Lillian had died that he was Roman father. But got confirmation when he saw him in person. He was happy to keep him alive. Even though people think of him as Roman maker when in fact he is his father. I do wonder why he hasn’t said anything to Roman though about who he is to him actually??


what do you think Roman will do if he finds out this information?!


So Donavan knew as soon as he found out she gave birth and died he was a father. confirming it when he laid eyes on him and finally accepting it after he "died." He became a father to him


Oh GOD... I h*te Donovan, he wanted to get rid off his own son just because he was a human!!! How ruthless he can be. He deserved to be treated as air by his son. And what if he didn't had any signs of a vampire? would he have let him die then? He don't deserve Roman. Let him repent on what his thoughts and deeds first.


Donovan has definitely been playing the long game, manipulating, and keeping vital information to himself. Roman is going to be serious usly p****d when he finds out.


I’m finally all caught up! Woah with the revelations! Phew!


So, I am starting to believe that Donovan hasn't told Roman the truth because he doesn't want to hurt him or make Rome lose control. I think he's constantly pushing him to see how powerful he is and to unveil his true potential. Donovan is not as cold-hearted as we think he is. He reminds me a lot of Vlad.


Oh Donovan you got some explaining to do and pray Roman don't kill you nice to know you cared about Rome's mom 🤨


So did Roman getting bit by the rogue mess up Donovan’s plan? Is that wJu he poured his blood on Rome’s heart? To sort of reset things? But then they all got in coffins? Now that Donovan is newly awake (though it seems like he has been around for months), will he tell Roman the truth? Did Opaline come to know all of this? Does Dante know?


Wow - love this chapter and learning more about Donovan. Now I’m starting to like him...


my thoughts currently....


So Julie is the daughter of Opa which was Donovan’s first love. Donovan’s Second love is Lilith and he had a child (Roman). How amazing now that his first loves daughter is in love with his son. Maybe now Donovan will no longer want to kill Julie.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


So…Donavan is Roman’s maker in more ways than one!!! Donavan truly loved Lilian but his selfish pride kept him from her!!! He wasn’t as careful as he thought and so Roman came to be!!! He knew Rome was his right away!!! Some how he knew Lilian loved him as much as he loved her and he knew she wouldn’t jump in the sack with anyone else!!! She was probably innocent and pure when he bedded her!!! I do not think Donavan actually poured his blood into Roman’s heart!!! I think he left him alone to ensure he was his!!! He knew his vamp side would awaken without his help!!! Roman is a pure vamp that did not need to be turned like the others!!! He is the real deal!!! Amazing Chapter Ash!!! It is just getting better and better!!! ❤️


Woah, the information Donovan got in one day. But he deserved it, i'm glad Roman knows how to love, not like his father. Yes Donovan must've loved Lilian, but he loves his power more.. i feel sad for Lilian 🥺