
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


he knew Rome wasn't his child but still he took him along with the rumors, criticism, stares and bad mouthing. He gave Rome a home, family, title and inheritance. He is a commendable man. Rome's mother was human. even though Donavan is a vampire that's how he was born with a beating heart that continues to beat even after being awakened with his father's blood. Can't say turned into a vampire because he was already one. so while everyone is calling him a have breed technically he is but he is closer to the elders than they would have thought. Now the question is when did Donavan find out about him?


I don't think Donovan found out about him until he went to veteris before the massacre and probably saw the similarities of his mother in him and started questioning around town and that's how he found out...so it's kind of hard to shame Donovan on this because he never knew Rome existed if that's the case. Also technically Rome is half breed but I would consider him a pure blood equal to the elders and who really knows how they became vampires, but he is pure blood cuz he wasn't technically turned to a vampire he was born one....I would say that Donovans blood just triggered his vampire side and I would bet regardless of how or when Roman died he wouldn't have actually died but turned into his vampire self.


Lord Mortenore is hands down one of my favorite characters. He kept his word and repaid Lilian’s kindness by raising Rome.

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Aww poor Roman 💔💔 and Lilian it breaks my heart thinking of him as a small 6 year old loosing his mom 😭😭😭 Lord Moltenore you are an angel i mean you were repaying the favor but going as far as to say he was your son to protect him sir i applaud you❤️❤️


I feel like punching Donovan… he just ran away and didn’t want to face his feelings. Rome’s life has been sad. It’s Like meeting Julie was his redemption. I hope they have a happy ever after without Donovan being pain in the neck. Though why wouldn’t he allow anyone too touch him?? Is there something more to that or I am being needlessly curious 🤨


Mr. Moltenor, Roman's foster father is the kindest person ever. Inorder to repay his debt to Roman's mother he accepted him as his son and never revealed the truth, not even to his own family. On the other hand Mr. Donovan is the worst father. I'm sure he's regretting his actions now. Though he seen emotionless, he is craving for his son's attention and love. At the same time he's afraid that his own son might hate him and abandon him once come across the truth. He is reaping what he sow. He might have dripped his blood into Roman's heart directly because his blood along with rogues blood might have caused some reaction to Roman which might have triggered the corruption. His blood dripped into Roman's heart might have suppressed it.


So I do wonder how Rome will take it if he finds out the truth 🤔 Will he despise Donovan? Will it push him farther into corruption? Hopefully it will work out and if the truth comes out Julie will be there to support him like he was there to support her 🤞


Well I read most of this chapter with tears in my eyes. Lord M is now my hero.💌 Thanks for the chapter Ash❤


Also can we get into the fact of Rome's lineage since technically is always been half vampire, does that mean that he really didn't die when vertris was attacked?


has anyone ever wonder the book is called letter to Romeo and our ML name is Roman?!?!


Don’t like Donovan anymore! Take this! 🖕


So much respect for you Lord Malcolm for taking Roman with you and giving him family. Thank you to your wife and Tristan as well for accepting him in the end …💚 It could have been a good life for Roman already until the massacre happened … I am not happy with you now Donovan. Wondering how Roman would react if he finds out you are his real father, tsk tsk… Glad to know the pieces of the puzzle 🧩 are connecting … it seems to still be a long journey for our dear Julie and Rome to have a happy life together 😂💚💚


This chapter got me all welled up! Reading about the suffering of young little ones always breaks my heart😭 Poor Lillian, she wasn’t sick at all but needed blood to regain her health. She was losing blood while carrying Roman in her womb. Donovan how heartless😡 Good thing Lord Moltenore is a good man who kept his word and took care of Roman as his own. Thanks Ash!!! As always great story and loving it❣️😍


Awww that’s so sad Roman loss his mom at the age of 6 years old. This chapter broke my heart . 😞


What a sacrifice! He looked like a cheating womanizer to repay Lillian’s kindness. I wonder why Rom didn’t like to be touched?


And that's how he became who he is....


How did Donovan find out about Roman being his son when Lillian didn't tell him? I am looking forward to finding out the answer. I wonder if Roman knows Donovan is his real father. Poor Lillian going through that alone. No wonder Roman has a corrupted heart ♥. I understand why Lord Moltinore took Roman in. It's a shame his wife treated Roman so bad in the beginning.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


I wonder if Donovan acts the way he does with Roman because he wasn’t there for Lillian in the beginning. That’s why he clingy and always nosey with Roman.


Beautiful emotional chapter ash..Thank you🙏 I truly felt Lord M was the most kindest and stongest man❤..among your other characters..its takes lots of courage to do..what he did for Roman !


Mystery solved!💡 So that' how Roman became a Moltenore. Now we just need to know when exactly did Donovan find out. Before or after he transformed Roman? [img=update]