
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


Amazing chapter, seeing Roman be respectful to Opaline and stating that she will be his mother in law, love those moments that Roman thinks about his future with Julie, and now I'm wondering if him and Julie will be able to have children in the future since he has a beating heart and since Opaline mentioned her not being able to see her grandchildren and her children getting married. Now as for Julie's father I still believe it is Donovan or one of the other elders for several reasons 1. Opaline says something about their relationship just not being able to work out or not meant to be so im guessing it's a vampire since witches and vampires weren't meant to be together back then 2. Donovan and the other elders have a beating heart, if there is a beating heart then I would assume that other "organs" work properly as well as their fluids lol šŸ˜† 3. Donovan has talked about his past love briefly 4. When Donovan and Enoch went to Willow Creek, Enoch was interested in killing the witches for power and Donovan was more interested finding Opaline....maybe because she is his lover and he heard she was pregnant or maybe he didn't know ....too many signs that point to Donovan but there's always that feeling of its not always what it seems. If Donovan is her father, I have a feeling he gifted Opaline that necklace and he will recognize it and start asking questions and figure it out!! It's getting so good can't wait for more things to unravel!!!


Roman finally met Opaline La Fay! And he is officially mother-in-law APPROVED! šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ’Æ Itā€™s kinda unfortunate tho that she wouldnā€™t introduce herself to Julie. I still hope that they will meet in the future. Opaline has to witness their wedding! šŸ™ˆ What are the odds that Julieā€™s real father is Donovan? Any bets? šŸ˜† Thanks for the chapter, Ash!


I STILL HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS WOW. Can we just talk about roman meeting his mother in law and getting her approval?! PRECIOUS! I hope at some point roman can give Julie a little piece of her heritageā€¦. itā€™s not really fair to her to have such a huge secret about her own life and her not know it. But i understand why opaline doesnt want her to know. Whats the sapphire necklace gonna do?!?!? YAY Julie and Roman just gained another ally in Mr. Evans!! Great chapter Ash! Cant wait for tonorrow!!


Jules. Seems sheā€™s almost witchcraft royalty and now has everybodyā€™s powers at her disposal. Why did opaline not cure Romans heart? Plus it seems like Donovan bleeding on Roman only gave him that sickness earlier


So mother in law has accepted him to be with Julie and has left her in his care šŸ˜Š Just dont let her down Rome šŸ¤— My interest is peaked on who her father is now, could it be a vampire? But that would make her half vampire so not sure šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø So we learn that his heart was already corrupting as soon as he was turned šŸ¤” Wondering if it has to do with Donovan's blood and not the silver in his system. Hopefully it is still something he can fight off with Julie's help. ā¤šŸ’—šŸ’šŸ„°


This was a cool surprise! I wish she could have helped Romā€™s corrupted heart. At least Rom will have some information for Julie and another pair of eyes and ears to help protect her in Creepy Evans. Is Julie supposed to open Willow Creek? I need more answers, lol!!!


Son in law and the mother in law had a short meeting for the sake of Julie. Wooow that was just short and beautiful as well as an informative chat there. I'm glad that Opaline as well as Evans trust Roman to take care of Julie. There is a lot of mysteries yet to reveal into the light including Julie's real father. Waiting for more.


Wow! That was a wonderful chapter Ash! Iā€™m so happy she met Roman. Thank you for the update.


Gurl, Ash_knight, You do it every. Single. Time! My brain froze when Opaline appeared. though i had a feeling Dennis was faking it, idiot morm. Romes walk with his future mother in law ( screaming internally) his heart was already corrupted ?! Lady Opaline came and just Kept dropping bombs on us. Lady! I need to process all of this! Who is Julieā€™s father?! Any theories anyone


Wow! Itā€™ amazing that Rome got to meet Opaline and got sone answers!!


it is now in the hands of Rome and Julie how they can further strengthen their relationship and fight the trials. #momsapproved


oh wow, so he met Julie's mom.... so many questions, who is Julie's father then? don't tell me it's Donovan or one of the other elders.... that would just be .... šŸ¤Æ


I glad we learn alittle more about julie real mother i bet Donovan Is julie dad


this chapter was amazing. i never thought they would meet.i hope she can meet with Julie someday too. since she said not to let her know they seem to wait for sth to happen. and Julie will be in danger that's why Evans awaken Elders. it's certain one of them must be father probably Donovan. ahh i wish he can recognise the chain Opaline gave. maybe that stone has Julie's powers. i won't be able to sleep thinking all possibilitiesšŸ˜…


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


I LOVED this chapter!!! Hes got momā€™s approval and we found out more back story. i could actually picture this as a scene in a movie.


I love this update! Mother in law- Roman loves Julie sooo muchā€¦making plans and making me swoon! Opaline approvesā€¦Roman WILL overcome the corruption trying to take over, i just know it! Who is Julieā€™s dad? If it were Donny boy, wiuld he leave her alone?? Prob not! Glad that Evans is an allyā€¦things are progressing! šŸ’•much lovešŸ’• dear author Ash_knight! I am addicted to your work!


We learn more all the time


Now Rome has a necklace from mom just like Alex. I wonder if the stone is going to react to the one in Donovanā€˜s ring when it gets near like a mystic magnet. Also happy momma bear approves of Rome.


every thing start and end in the cemetery.