
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


Something has so clearly snapped inside Rome. The way he looks, his emotionless tone & the way he keeps eyeing Julie’s throat & stroking her neck builds quite a cold & scary Rome. Somehow he is managing to resist biting Julie, probably because he is downing cans of blood. Perhaps the slither of humanity that he has left is stopping him, but he even admits there is a possibility that he could hurt her. That was never a problem before. He has never liked the corvin but now his patience has worn & he is so aggressive. Eversince Roman fell in love with Julie he has always referred to her as ‘mine’ & he has warned many (Dennis, Griffin, Mateo, Donovan etc) to stay away because he doesn’t share & Julie belongs to him. But before there was always a tenderness & gentleness to how he behaved with Julie. Ash has written this so well because I feel like now he is a ripper the love is diminishing as he loses his humanity & what he feels is pure possessiveness like a territorial beast. Somehow Julie needs to bring him back. I’m trying to think of how this can be done. Will Opaline have seen this in the mirror & sent something with Evans? Will Julie learn more magic and use her power to cure him? Will Remy use medical science? Or will love be the answer - Julie & Rome doing the deed of true lovers? Who knows but I’m sure Ash will do it brilliantly!!!! Still so much to come with Julie’s Dad & Willow Creek. Loving this book 🤩


Julie you gotta stay strong! Don’t be swayed by Roman’s changing behaviors right now. He needs you badly to get his humanity back! 🥺😫 Donovan will make sure to finalize his ripper mode. You have to stop it, Julie! You’re the only one who could affect Roman positively. 😭 Thanks for your hardwork Ash! Excited for the book printing! 🖤


aaaaahhhhhhhhh I am not liking their situation now at all. because they are falling apart instead of becoming more bonded. I hope thsir situation will evolve in something better in the near future. oh poor Roman and julie. I am really missing their moments before the awaking of the elder.


Man Donovan needs to butt out so Julie can work her magic and bring Roman back!


Short Or long, the Cliffhanger part of the chapters remains same 😩 Another 24hr wait begins….


I feel that if something should happen to Julie, Roman would be pushed over the deep end 100%… But, with his words to the Corvin, and then to Julie about her being his maybe he’ll snap out of it to protect her? Donovan is EVIL! He must perish, hopefully soon. Nothing but anger and hatred for that creature😡 Must be there for Roman Julie…please do not give upnon him! He needs you so…


I’m not feeling good about this outing with the old man.


Hmm donavon is up to no good...but I'm pretty sure Roman will kill donavon if anything happens to Julie


This is not good. Not good at all. Just leave them alone for an hour, Donovan. Julie needs to talk to Roman.


Poor Corvin. He’s right though maybe this is where Donovan gets killed that would be nice, unrealistic but nice.


I always say this… and I always mean it… I need more!! Lol Thank you for thinking of us today while you were busy ♥️


Donovan always in the way being clingy. Rome needs to use his new ripper attitude and tell Donovan to go away for now. They need to keep talking, he seems like he is passively pushing her away physically but still wants to keep her close 🤔 Poor Rome probably doesn't know what he wants to do anymore 😞 I do wonder if she would be able to pull more out of him or try to help him. Not sure why Corvin is so against them, I mean wasnt it her LaFaye (totally blanking on her name 🤦‍♀️) that saw them together iij n the future and was pleased about it?


Oh dear oh dear… this is not good. I bet Donovan is trying to push Roman into hurting Julie and sending him over the edge? Aiya! And Roman stop being mean to Julie 😡 no need to scare the poor girl



eww who knows what he planned. don't go Julie. will he make Roman kill someone in front of Julie🤢


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


What are you scheming, Elder Donovan? I need to make myself ready for tomorrow...


Don’t let him to with Donovan … he will make sure the ripper in him will be more powerful and take over all over him and if you go wit’s them, he will make sure you will see what Roman can do as far as killing and will try and make you hate him … Roman, be strong please … Julie, do something to help him remember who he really is and what truly matters to him …


Please Rome protect Julie from the scheming Donovan. Julie protect Rome from that snake as well.


I love that he told her what happened even though he’s detached emotionally. Hopefully they can ditch Donovan and she can help Rome.