
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


I think Donovan might loved Julie's ancestor.


Soooo.. Julie seemed like she fainted because of her little power display to ease Roman’s pain and not because of Roman taking so much of her blood. It could have contributed to it, but whatever power she possesses must have done it. I’m so curious to know more about Roman and Julie’s full abilities. They’re not just a simple vampire and witch. What is Donovan gonna do now? And Natalie’s still in the picture!


I really think Donovan knows the truth about Julie…. can’t wait to know how Roman will respond to Donovan’s questions. There’s more to Roman and Julie’s story and more to discover about their powers 💚 This is just getting more and more interesting and exciting….no matter how long the chapter is, seems like we can never get enough 🔥😜 Thank you Ash 💚💚


Natalie appearing somewhere in past actually bothers me. She's not a good news, she has never been. She might bring some trouble for Julie and Roman from the past. Is Mr. Donovan jealous of Julie, that the affection of his precious disciple is not directed towards him but her? That would be something funny as well as dangerous. What might be the content in the bullet? Who might be behind it? Does it have anything to do with Julie's dad? Mysteries mysteries to unfold.......


When we get some answers, we get more questions. I really want to know what Dennis’ plot is. I don’t think it’s simply the morms revolting. Remy says he looks familiar so maybe his actual parents/family are linked to them. I wonder if Julie is the last of the witches. Could she be the daughter or granddaughter of the powerful witch. Are the witches dead or are they hiding in another time portal 🤔


Omg omg omg julie used her witchy powers and helped heal Roman😍😍😍😍😍 donovan better aprove of her🥰


Julie Is going to be a powerful witch. Hopefully that weird bullet dosen’t mess Rome up. Great chapter! Thanks for the update Ash.


I actually think Donovan was involved with a Witch back in the day and that is why he has the ruby ring. If this is true he must have loved the witch only to end up broken hearted and now he will try to stop Rome from following in his footsteps because he sees it as a weakness. I can see Natalie screwing with something back in time and causing a mess.


What a cliffhanger!! What the actual h*** just happened to Natalie, and why?


I hope nothing bad happens to Julie. I'm scared for her. oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...


With Donovan wanting Roman to become a ripper I'm wondering why and for what purpose? For a species that doesn't want humans to find out, rippers would be a big problem. With this new silver bullet seam to be something that will turn vampires into rippers so is Donovan behind this? Oh Nat was shifted to the passed bet you she will called a witch just from her clothes a lone lol💌


Julie’s love for Roman is so heartwarming that it is willing to face any danger and overcome any fear 🥰💚


whoa Natalie a human in a different world? 😄 Interesting. Poor Julie I hope she recovers soon. What an amazing ability she has. I just hope nosey Donovan don't find out about her. Hold your ground Rome, keep Julie safe. I'm anxious for what comes next. 😬


Go, Julie, go! Feel better soon, you two.


My mind has a lot to think about. Like all the possibilities. Hopefully will accept Julie as Roman's girl now and forever. Will they tell the truth? They can't hide Julie forever. Her being a witch was never he fault. She didn't choose it. I am just thinking, maybe Julie will be a very useful to them. Maybe Julie will have a healing power. Julie need to prove them that not all the witch are bad. She's after all half witch and half human. Unless we confirm the real father. 🧐 Natalie! I really thought she's gone forever. But it looks like there would be possibility that she will return? Let's make this her life lesson. After all she's not like that right? She used to be Julie's best friend. Now she's in a different era .... and she's not vampire. Will she encounters the vampires? There's a possibility..... Dear author San, you gave me alot to think about .😬 Thanks for this chapter . Getting excited with the confrontation. 😁


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


Great Chapter🤗 i just want to read more and more .


See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair


Why do I feel that Natalie ending up in the past is not a good thing for Julie and Rome. Like she's bound to to something foolish. Donnovan must have suspected Julie already upon hearing the possibility of Corvin's emergence. Simon please help Rome in protecting Julie.


always Ash,your story is mind blowing. thank you


What kind of power do witches have? Was that Willow Creek where Natalie went through? If Julie was Opalie's descendant and she's the smartest witch in her time then Julie may have that ability. Plot thickens and i'm in for this!