
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


Conner is devastated. He might tell his parents about what happened to Reese and others students who died at the so-called restricted forest. Then, his parents might become suspicious about it. And with that, his parents might tell him about the existence of vampires and them being as hunters. Conner might become a hunter soon to avenge Reese's death. #JustAnAssumption.


It intriguing me that what's gonna happen to Julie with Dante's decision. Inside Veteris it's the elders nad other vampires. However, outside it's her father, with no one around she is still in danger. Not to mention her ever loving aunt. More than anything if Dante try to compel her, then she's gonna find the truth about Julie's actual identity. If at all sending her home went smoothly sa they are planning, Roman is gonna flip over the entire Veteris by himself and he will be unstoppable. Can't wait to read the next chapters.


Rome’s held in the dungeon for a week while Dante wanted to expel Julie in 2 days!! Not good. Piper you can’t let her expel Julie!!! Remy seems like he wants to stay as just a bystander. Is there anyone who wants the vampires and the humans to coexist properly?? It feels like they’re being separated like our star-crossed lovers…🥺😭


I don’t know what to think, these things happening is driving me insane…. I’m torn between wanting and not wanting Julie to leave Veteris for her safety, though she is not safe anywhere…. I hope the Corvin will be there to help her…. Me until we find out that Roman and Julie is ok….


Hmm. If Julie can't fake being compelled by Piper, I don't think Piper will tell Dante. But then Julie will go to her Uncle's not to get Roman in more trouble. Does the story move outside the University then? Roman won't leave Julie. Melanie and Conner might get wise to what's going on and join their parents as hunters. So excited for the answers in the next chapters.


Wow! So much happening!!! Dante wants Julie to be expelled in 2 days and compelled to forget Roman. I wonder if Piper will step in to help? Can Julie fake being compelled? How will Julie stay safe from her dad outside without Roman? Also how dangerous will Roman be after not consuming blood for a week? If Connor ever finds out what really happened to Reese I’m sure he will join the hunters. It’s getting exciting!!! Thanks Ash!


Oh my god!!! This is too much!! My heart 💔 I hope Roman get’s out sooner and Julie stays safe!! Poor Reese and Conner too 😭 Thank god she has Caleb on her side now! I hope her powers come into play and Caleb, Simon, Olivia, Ma…. and maybe even Vicki keep her Safe until Roman is back 😭


Melanie may still be able to get Connor when he’s emotionally ready. Julie however, cannot go to her uncles house. Her fathers lurking about. Plus her aunts a lunatic. She should runoff and hide with that birdman


hmmm....this is not good!! Rome without blood and without Jules!!! Disaster is around the corner. Jules being forced to leave, Dante or Piper finding out she can't be compelled, sent out without her protector and her thoughts about the vampires actions and morals. She is starting to group them in all together instead of looking at them individually. She should know from time spent with Rome that they are not all the same. In fact she has got the best and worse of them by her side. When Rome finds out Jules has been sent away he is going to flip. Not only will she be sent out unprotected, she is the only one he drinks from now. Whoever next to him better not be next to him. I have so many thoughts with this chapter. I can't wait for mass releases.


Julie should listen to the Corvin.. There will be more innocent victim like Reese.. Or she can just hiding ini Willow Creek. .


Oh good send Julie away from the vampires and back to the witch hunters…. Rome is going to go Super Saiyan.


I do think that Donovan is responsible for everything that happened 100 years ago. He had it all planned . Notice how only 1 member of each family Survived and was turned. Eveyones support was taken away leaving the elders to become “family”.I think Donovan will be served some cold revenge with a nice rare stake one day, and a big slice of humble pie.


I wonder if auntie knows that Julie is a witch and thats why she acts like a ::insert descriptive terms WN will censor:: Hmmmmmm.


I wanted Piper and Dante to know that she cannot be compelled so they can help her, knowing that they knew thet cannot do anything to Julie or Roman will go berserk…. We need more people helping our couple now that it seems like Roman’s friends are useless and just watching on the sidelines….


Omg theyre going to try to compel her!! This is not going to go well


She isnt safe there 😢 JULIE RUN AWAY 😭😭😭 Rome can leave after you


Well, Miss Piper, I hope you are on Rome's side when you have known that Julie can't be compelled.


Julie is safest with Roman, but not with some of the elders on the scene. Will they really have her leave while Roman is in isolation? Does Roman have other special powers (like the rings/key) to get out to Julie? Can Julie learn her powers and protect herself? My heart is breaking.


i hope Julie can find Roman before they kick her out and they run together cuz staying is not an option now😬


Miss Piper likes Julie and wants to help her, but what will she do when she finds out Julie can't be compelled. Roman wants Julie to leave with him, but she is afraid of her father finding her with good reason. I think they should leave and start over someplace new, but where 🤔? Donovan wants to create another vampire and he was looking at Julie. WOW, so many twists in the plot to keep a person guessing. I love it!