
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


amazing chapter


As I assumed, it was none other than Roman. The scar on his chest is the reminder of thta day. She saw it may be because she touched the scar, which triggered her ability of vision once again. I must say thta this story is moving in an amazing way through lal the mysterious allies and subways. I wonder what Roman is gonna do with Caleb. will he shut his mouth??? Let's wait and watch. I'm really really truly enjoying this story. Thnk you once again Ash


This book needs to be a Netflix series!!!!!!!


I feel he is close to telling her everything. I am loving their interactions, even in the stressful moments. Thanks for the extra chapters, Ash ❤️


Soon enough, Roman need to tell Julie the truth about him and Veteris…. Everything is just getting more and more exciting 🥰💚 I’m glad Roman is there for Julie 💚🥰💚


Woah! What is Julie’s real identity?! Where did her visions come from? And no wonder Rome instantly felt a connection with her. This just got more intriguing and exciting! Although, I really hope Roman tells her the truth about him being a vampire soon. Rome couldn’t protect her completely if he’s going to hold back just to hide the truth. Besides, I think Julie will be shocked, but will definitely come to terms with it. She will be his partner through and through! This will be one heck of a ride!


Oh I am getting excited to see where this will go 😁😁 What did they do to Roman in that vision? was this before or after he was turned? I wonder when he will let her in him all the secrets of his past 🤔 Why is she seeing his past? Is it because of them being together or is there another reason? How I cant wait for more of the story to unfold. Trying to be a good patient reader but it's so hard 😬😁❤


Another chapter today! Thank you! I can’t believe it was Roman who she saw in her past vision! It was also interesting how one of the caped people looked over to her as she was about to scream, as if she were really there in the past… kind of like Vivian!


All of Ash’s books need to be on Netflix!!LDG is a mini series😂😂I have thought about this


with Julie ability in no time she will know the truth


My dear, dear aurhor…reading your books are truly the highlight of my day! You are extremely talented and hild my interest with every single word! I may end up in the poor house too because I love your work so much💕💕. You are the writer that brought me to webnovel …as always, keep up the great work, and I’ll keep spending coins! Much love💕💕


Maybe they did kill Roman and then he was turned to a vampire to save his life?


What will happen to this couple that will push Roman to spill the beans?? I hope it is not a matter of life and death. Who are you truly Julie? Roman is right. Maybe Julie's mother was finding the right time to tell Julie her secrets but her father found out first.


I cant get enough of this book! 🖤


Oh snap! Well im thinking its not just the past she can see, because that one day in the library she saw that girl covered in blood before Roman ran her off. Guess its a good thing she never seen his face in the vison. I would assume he knew to cover her mouth because of her heart rate and maybe he watched her walk to library in a daze????? Caleb is a gonner, im sure.


Wow. Love the ride Ash! Me and Rom are on the same page. But what was Julie’s mom and what is she? I can’t figure it out yet…It’s looking more and more like we may be headed to that “I’ll help you bury the body” kind of love.


Julie i believe u didnt notice but ur mother was having the ability to understand the Crow cawning....u were small julie at that time...


Okay I am wondering do the vamps have heart beats or no?!?! I remember Max had made a few jokes throughout about not having a heart and Julie noticed Caleb wasn't breathing cuz he's a morm so I imagined like the common thing where they heart beats, but.....Julie hears Roman's heart beat?!?!....so he is obviously different than the rest?!?! Okay so Julie can see the past but can she see the future too?...also is she more than just a seer like maybe a witch with so special abilities?! so many questions but everything is starting to get interesting also loving the relationship building between Rome and Julie!!!


Ash have you had any thoughts of publishing your books paperback. If you have and are seriously considering it, I'll be your first buyer so give me signed copy lol. But seriously I would love to see your books being published paperback


Omg I freaking KNEW it. It was Roman that Julie kept seeing in her visions. Jeez in still curious to know if she saw him being turned or if the ritual led to his turning as an attempt to save his life. Could her ancestors have something to do with this ritual? So many questions. I live how Rome tied Caleb to a tree, so satisfying. Unfortunately he didnt beat him with a stick (yet), but there is still hope for it I the near future lol. Julie, please accept that possibly your mother didnt have the time to explain your abilities to you. I believe that Roman is probably right about her father finding something out and that is why he tried to kill both of the women. Coukd he possibly be a hunter of some sort?


Wow! We're now getting closer to identify what Julie really is. And Roman realised that he's the one that she's seeing in that vision so it goes to say that they really have this connection. Maybe her father is among the hunters who have been searching for since then for vampires and others who have been similar or connected with them (bird man, or even witches if Julie's mother could be one.). Let's just keep tuned in for more as this gets us more and more focused on the important revelations unfolding one by one. 💖💖💖