
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


What will happen now that she knows his feelings? Or is she in denial? I also want to know if Roman’s costume is what she saw in her dream?? Can she see the future?


she's always in denial, I can't wait to see her reaction once she realizes it


Is anyone else squeeling like a little girl after these two chapters! 😊😁😄😃😍😜🤪🥰


Thank you so much for both chapters!! Absolutely loved them! I really appreciate the slow burn between Roman and Julie. I prefer seeing the process as a relationship develops more than the magical/unexplainable love/lust as first sight. I enjoy those, too. But for me, this is SO much more rewarding to see a romance blossom. ☺️


Rom has got it bad!!! Julie must be looking too fine in her costume! I love how this is developing.


Roman is having a hard time in controlling his feelings abd to tear away his eyes from staring at the features of Julie in the periodic attire. Once Julie appear in full costume and make up I bet that Eleanor won't be worthier to be tied on the tail of Julie's looks. Why are they holding back their feelings too much? let it flow like a river and devour you both like a wild fire. May you get to savour the feel of love till the last drop just like a precious and delicious red wine that is hard to get your hands on.


Roman realises his feelings for Julie! Really made my day ~ I can't wait for Julie to develop feelings too. It would be interesting and exciting ✨ Roman stop being a bad boy but sweet at heart ~ it's so charming. Especially when he said he picks Julie ❤️ As much as this makes me happy, I'm scared of what the elders would do when they come to Verteris... Like why did Olivia and Max said its not too late to back out. Honestly, if Roman was to back out and stop seeing Julie for reasons being under pressure from elders. Julie would not be protected and she would be heavily bullied again 💔 So curious about the elders...


These last two chapters have definitely turned it up a gear. We have been given Roman’s perspective & shown his feelings far more explicitly and its clear that he is starting to fall in love with Julie. Olivia tries to offer friendly advice & suggests he should take a step back from Julie but he refuses. He can’t explain when his feelings started but he clearly can’t deny them & the way he looks at Julie in her dress… he only has eyes for her. Julie has no experience with boys & Roman has a lot to teach her. He has admitted saying that ‘you are mine’ & he has been so attentive to her but her naivety is causing her to miss all the signs that he is displaying. Her lack of experience & belief that no boy, certainly Roman, would have a romantic interest in her is resulting in her misinterpreting the whole situation. It is kind of sweet how she is oblivious but at the same time I can’t wait for her to realise. Roman is fully territorial but let’s see what happens when Griffin puts his plan into action with Julie. By claiming her, Roman has put a target on her neck! I can imagine Griffin kidnapping Julie & Roman frantically searching for her! Why does Julie keep having visions in the library? Is it from a past life? Has she been reincarnated? Has she got a past with Roman? Did they love each other before but she died? Is that why he is drawn to her again? Was Julie a vampire before? Is that why she can’t be compelled?? Lots of theories & predictions - can’t wait to read more!!!!


Dear Ell, if you want a low cut neck in a period piece... dont expect to play the high class wife. Victorian girls dont dress like that.


Love seeing Roman realize his feelings for Julie! So much violence to come as more people see how beautiful she is during the play.


I feel like rome is going to make sure their first Kiss isnt during the play OR it will b when he saves her ...... also feel like hes gonna make sure the End of the play is written up different so she ends Up as hIs oN set too :)


He’s got it bad. Liking what he sees


Does Julie remind Rome of someone or just a different time. There is something about Julie that draws Rome to her, and he’s mad at himself for having feelings for her that he didn’t expect, The Rings! Don’t forget the rings Roman wears around his neck, they must gabe significance, they’ve been mentioned A few times….i


Roman reminds me of Damien, he’s falling in love with Julie with every passing moment. i think its great that he knows it and doesnt want to stop. it also seems like hes going to help Julie find out what she is and solve the mystery of her parents


In love🖤


Happy Chapters, indeed 💚💚💚 Thank you Ash 💚🥰🥰 You are the best, as always 😘


How? How could i have read both chapters so fast? 🥺😩😭 Maybe I should read them again 😁😊😍


Who is going to bet on Roman telling her to change so no one can look at her in that outfit?! 😅 He is so possessive..... they don’t even date yet! 😏🖤


I can only say Oh. My. God...‼️😍 I can never get enough of this story! It brings me back to the Twilight years fan-girling over it😍


Thank again Ash I was smiling the whole time reading these two chapters💌


So Roman is in love now. Finally, you don't have to bite your cheeks though,we know she's pretty but still😂😂😂