
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


Ouff I can’t wait for the next chapter


You are so dead Mateo~ Roman’s not gonna let this pass, I’m pretty sure! 😈 Julie you’re falling for Roman FAST! 😂🥰 Who wouldn’t fall for such a fantastic guy anyway~ 🙈 Although I want Roman to acknowledge his attraction to her first! Looking forward to both of their confessions! 🖤😌


I hope Roman deals with Mateo for hurting her. and also come by to help her. i want this kiss to happen


Caleb is more likely to lose a few tooth and to achieve few black bruised make up all over his face and body, may be a few broken bones too. As for Mateo, because he is a vampire even though his bones are broken it will get fixed in no time. Both are either hard headed men or stupids to not learn their lessons with the lessons taught by Roman directly. Julie is realising thta she's slowly falling for Roman, while Roman is still not completely sure about his feelings. Her mother have some secrets just like the parents of Melanie nad Connor. Either she's also from the lineage of hunters or a which. I think she's most likely a witch. A beautiful witch.


Oo I hope Roman will go after Mateo😈😈glad Julie is standing up for herself more! Wonder if she’ll tell Roman about seeing the bird man in her dream (minus the part with him in it)?? Does Simon actually like Melanie or is he just looking for a plaything and now more hunter info thing🧐🧐watch Roman will show up now while shes not fully dressed🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Will Roman come to check on her or will he just go re-arrange Mateo’s face again? I thought their first kiss would be on stage at the live play, but now I worry about her dream and her wish for her first kiss to be special. I wonder if Roman will investigate why she was acting tense around him and Simon earlier in the hallway? I’m ready for a little more forward movement here!


Ohhhh I so hope Rome gets a peek at those bruises and punishes Mateo.


📨🩸WELCOME TO THE LTR POLL 📨🩸 What is Julie? A : Vampiress B : A demon's child C : Elf D : (Your idea) For all above, please add if you think Julie is half, gen skip, etc. Let's share!


I can’t wait for the next chapter. Can’t wait to see what Roman’s reaction will be


Roman is gonna kill Mateo for hurting Julie.


Stupid mateo he did it on purpose definitely !! Roman beat him up again!!!! About the Crow person why is it following Julie ? Why do i feel like her mom Knew something About it


I see Mateo has a death wish…


I think it's too childish of jackson do this kind of thing to a girl. if you hate her, no matter what you shouldn't hurt her body! woman is not build like you, men! If rome can see the bruises and give him a lesson. please rome, can you sneak in to her room? just to make sure her bruises can cause you to rage?


I am hoping Roman ‘swings by’ her dorm right about this time. He knows stupid porcupine was gripping her hard, we all know his eyes were locked in. 😉


Julie's being hunted in her dreams and having flash backs of her mother and crows. I'm wondering if maybe Julie's mom was a witch? Porcupine your abuse behavior isn't gonna get you far once Roman sees those bruises.


Mateo's going to get another "lecture" from Roman for hurting his Julie; he'd better know who is he dealing with. I think Julie should tell Roman about her dream so that he'd be aware why is she sometimes out of sorts or looks "off". Why does it seem since Julie saw the bird man or plague doctor last Halloween, it always appear at her sight for real and now even in her dream? Maybe that crow in her dream with her mother was this bird man she's now seeing again. Does this have a relation with her real identity as to what kind she belongs to? 🤔🙄 Staying tuned in for more to see and behold what's next 😁😏☺️


Calm your heart Julie, don’t fall too much…. Mateo is such an ugly human-vampire being. There’s really a big mystery behind what happened to Julie’s parents, i think her mom is a special kind, like a witch…. I like the kiss part, i wish it was real 🥰💚 Thanks Ash 💚🌻


That was one vivid dream you had there Julie, I think you brain is trying to tell you something. 😏😉 Im interested to find out more about the significance of these birds. It seems like her mother was indeed hiding something from her. Is Simon actually trying to put moves on Melanie or does he just want her as a toy? Either way he seems to annoy her but has also made his way under her skin, I wonder what the future holds for these two. Seems like Mateo is going to use his role in the play to get revenge on Julie for his embarrassment at the beginning of the story. I cant imaging that Julie is going to be able to hid this from Roman. Is he going to stop by her dorm tonight and see for himself or is it going to be revealed by accident? No matter what I'm sure Rome will make him pay for hurting her.


it may just be me, but I have a feeling Roman is going to see the bruises and have a "coming to Jesus" with Mateo/porcupine. He's made his stance to certain main characters regarding her, yet they just want to keep pushing. They gonna learn today.


Roman going to get Mateo. Julie is Roman prey and no one touches what’s his.


See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair