
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


Poor Julie she has had a hard life ever since her family's tragedy 😢 😔 💔 wondering why her dad do that to her mother? did he discovered something?or perhaps her mother discovered something off about him? Aw Mel is inlove with Conner 😍🥰 wondering if he likes her back 🤔 Will Julie and Roman meet at the mountains one day? it would be super romantic to spend time together in such a special place for him 💕


Thank you for all the cats and kittens 🐱❤


i love the paper plane letter! ❤️


The paper plane love letter brought me back to my youth where boys will usually send message thru the paper airplane. I truly love Roman’s style…. I feel sad for Julie and can’t wait for her to know the truth behind her father killing her mother. I know there’s a deeper reason for it. I know Roman will realize how he miss Julie when she’s gone…. Hugs for you Julie


😂Roman disowning his apprentice and calling Julie a wildcat! Oo did he just give away his and friends mountain hide out😱 Ahh!!!! Melanie loves Connor❤️❤️aw I hope he likes her too! Sad that the warm family atmosphere makes Julie sad and is reminiscening about her last moments with her mom😭


She's so pitiful. who wouldn't miss their family. Again in the future I believe Roman will be the one to complete her as a family. Even though he's taunting and teasing her at times, he cares for her so dearly.


Aw love the paper plane letter from Roman it made me think of those times in school when my friends and I used to pass them around the classroom 🙃 very interesting to learn that Melanie likes Conner, I hope he feels the same about her I feel like they are made for each other too plus the way Conner acts toward her makes me think that he does has a thing for her 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 Now Roman are you "unintentionally" inviting Julie to join you in the mountains ⛰ ⛰?? It would be great if you two have a date there 😊 😉😍💖💞 Poor Julie her past keeps on hunting her 😢 I'm starting to wonder if whatever happened to her family has anything to do with vamps? did they have something to do with it? did a night creature fed on her mother, somehow possessed her father to make it look like he killed his wife and eventually tried to harm Julie?? did it? or is it just my wild thinking?? 🤔🤔🤔 finally, I'm curious about what was that thing in the forest that Julie missed when she closed her eyes in the bus??


I hate Julie is so traumatized. Not that I can blame her. I wonder who was in the trees outside of the bus. I was thinking it was Rom. If so, I wish he would tap on the window and comfort her…


Such an adorable chapter with Rome & Julie, and Mel & Conner! But that ending was heartbreaking… 🥺


What a loaded chapter! I’m still waiting for the moment when Roman or Julie will openly fall for each other, if ever 😫 Melanie is into Connor?! 🤭 Something tells me it’s mutual, but both of them try to play it cool. The first time Julie joked about it, Connor turned disappointed when Melanie laugh it off..... 😏 It must be difficult for Julie to see a functional family, when she herself has only bad memories... Let’s hope her time in Veterins won’t turn into another bad memory 😬🤞🏻


I want to give Julie a hug.


Julie need someone to talk to about her parents and the trauma she lives with. I hope she trusts her friends enough if not them Roman who already knows a little could help her.


Her trauma really haunt her deep. Why did he killed his own wife? what's the motive? is it bcs rouge vampire? or he was being controlled? we still had no idea why bcs his father didn't show up that much, nor julie has talk about it to roman.


What can I say. Roman and his Egyptian fetish. 🔸️the mummy 🔸️the cat 🔸️what's next?


I bet Romeo is missing Julie


See this! I just gifted the story: Ring


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


What a cute gesture with the paper plane. Haha wildcat had me laughing so hard. MEOW😹 Look at Roman over here spilling secrets. I wonder if these two will ever go to the mountains together. I wonder what was with that presence in the trees. Was it Rome or possibly that plague doctor thing? I cant believe Mel admitted that shes in love with Conner. Shes so good at hiding it. I wonder if he secretly feels the same but is hiding it for the same reasons that she is. I'm glad that Julie is having a good time with her friends but it's sad to see how she is tormented with thoughts of her own family situation. Warm hugs girl, warm hugs.


No wonder Roman is feeling her ...he knew something was wrong in her past. And they are both the same ...loosing their beloved family.