
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


Uuuuuhhhhh Fierce lil Julie. Beware!!! She's not the naive lil harmless Julie anymore, think multiple times before getting on her bad side. She's picking up some exquisite habits of Roman and fulfilling his wish of breaking the rules one by one, stepping little more closer to where he stood in the notorious students list. Atta go girl Julie.... I love this 💗 fierce Julie even more. Roman's advice is quite thoughtful. He might have been getting the urge to embrace her to comfort and calm her. May be it was too difficult for him to fight the urge which resulted him in leaving her room sooner. I bet it's Dennis, the traitor who is trying to expose the vampire secret of Veteris. I love the fierce Julie as well as fierce and caring Roman (only for Julie) more.

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The plot thickens!! Someone had the audacity to contaminate the whole university! I don’t know if that’s bravery or stupidity. Someone’s gonna get caught and be punished. Stay in your dorm, Julie! This is not the time to be curious and rome around if Rome’s not with you (pun intended).😂🙈 Roman’s concern for her is growing and it makes my heart full~ 🖤🖤


what a wonderful chapter 👏👏👏👏👏 But who contaminated the water?? did many students actually drank the water💧??? Thank you Roman for warning her 🙏 we all know how deeply you care about her even though you haven't much realized it yet but both of you have a connection that drags the both of you together it's like you are two lost soul mates that have just come across each other and are now ready to complete one another💞💞🥰🥰😘😘 Now back to the topic, was it Dennis the one who did this?? is he the unwanted student?? or who else could it be??


It touched my heart that Roman’s concern for Julie is getting stronger. I like how he plans on keeping her safe and protecting her. Both of them can’t help it to protect each other. I feel like the darker side of this novel is starting now. What is awakening and who contaminated the water? Silver water, isn’t it what Roman said that Julie has that’s why she cannot be compelled…. Wondering how long can Roman protect Julie or he would have to end up telling her the truth about them so she can protect herself…. The story is just getting exciting but I hope their sweet time together will still continue 🥰💚 Thanks Ash for the two long chapters today 😊


Awaken? Im guessing this has something to do with the elders coming. Rome and Julie actively looking for each other, I love it! This man goes out of his way to make sure she’s safe. Does he have work ready for her just in case or did he write it down while searching for her?


Roman trying to save his prey🤗funny how his first thought is to go to her❤️ 😱😱oo who are the vampires trying to awaken?!? They cant have silver in their water! Wonder who the person could be!


So, some of students having a knowledge about their existence and now they dragged into the dungeon. which is not a good sign. the creature that veteris trying to revive could be the vamps that are buried on the cemetery? the founder maybe? what will roman do during the warning from Ms. dante? he did look worried about her. and no one can drink anything from human up until further information. anyway, thanks for double updates for today, Ash! love it


Was it just problems on the paper, or was there more of a letter to tell her to stay hidden tonight?


I wonder what is going on….Who is the disrupter-is it a vamp or human? What is the awakening? I love the way Rom’s first instinct is always to protect his boo.



See this! I just gifted the story: Magic Wand


geez, here it goes again when I can't post my comment when I've typed it and it's gone blank in the comment box before it's posted.🤣🤦‍♀️ So now the whole of Veteris is under disarray and confusion; who could have defiled the water supply? Even thou it seems the silver water's effect is time-sensitive; it still poses a grave danger to the students, including our JULIE here who's the most distinctive from the others due to her NON-COMPELLING ability. If it's to disrupt the AWAKENING of the ELDERS or if it's another kind of awakening, someone just wants to further delay it from happening; as Ms. Dante concluded. I'm so glad and grateful for Roman that he's doing all to protect Julie and keeping her away from the inevitable that could harm her; but I am greatly worried also for him when the time comes when he gets caught on the sole reason why he's giving priority on Julie and the truth about her he's hidden both for her safety. Let's wait and see as the plot thickens more and as more surprises come up from our dearest Ash~~~💖💖💖 (Not related; thou I do this as I wait for the updates.) Here's the first shot I took this Monday midnight here; Saturn is already at the top of the sky when you directly look up and next to it seems to be Mars as I have seen it to be red earlier in the past days.


Ms.Dante said something interesting: she thinks that the outsider motive is not just to expose vampires but could be more. Maybe it's someone who had a grudge on them in the pass and now seeking for revenge? I'm worried about Julie, I hope she doesn't get caught and placed in the dungeon, finding out that she can't be compelled. Makes me wonder why Julie can't be compelled, because when she was bulled in her old school and her wrist was cut to draw blood, she remembers it clearly. maybe not the vampire part which could mean that she could be compelled in the past. So maybe, and somehow, she did drink silver water, because now she can't be compelled. If this is not the case then Julie is just special and immune. Also, who is that mysterious, unnamed boy who talked to Julie during the football? Why is he there? Another admirer or the outsider? I'm so happy that we got two chapters today, thank you Ash!


First of all i just want to thank our dear Ash for hooking it up this Sunday with 2 chapters!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 This made my day 🙌🏼


See this! I just gifted the story: Potion


Who could be so bold as to poison the entire water supply? What a dangerous situation the night creatures have found themselves. Not only has their food source been contaminated but I remember from early chapters that the silver water prevents the humans from getting compelled. The plot thickens. I love Romes concern for Julie. As soon as he heard something was going down he immediately went to search for her. It also was endearing seeing him give her a distraction with the notes to make sure she would stay safely on her dorm. I cant wait to read what happens next.


Great chapter, Ash!!! Seems like the outsider’s plan is in motion. That the person is most likely one of their own kind (vampire) was a huge plot twist. I wonder who’s after them, and what is the awakening 🤔 Stay safe Julie ❤️ Don’t let anyone in your dorm. Except you Roman, you can come in


The constant protector has Julie's back again and her sticking up for her friendship with Roman was sweet.


Twi chapters in one day. What a TREAT‼️ Both were incredibly fun to read! This chapter was quite an unexpected one with Julie getting into a fight for her Roman. The one she keeps denying that she doesn’t like but yet keeps looking for him and feeling very comfortable around him😏😉mhmm! Roman’s bad boy style is rubbing off on her😂‼️ I love how much he’s protecting her. It seems like he has fallen for her already, he’s just so sweet🥰❣️ I think Dennis is the guy they are looking for just because he seems to sus. I think he’s playing everyone for a fool with his glasses too. I think with his glasses he cannot be compelled as well. Maybe his glasses has some kind of a lenses that blocks him from being compelled. I remember him mentioning to Julie how they both are wearing glasses. At the time it didn’t seem like anything important but knowing now that Julie doesn’t really need glasses to see but to hide herself from unwanted attention. Since Roman had noticed this, Dennis might’ve noticed this too! This story is getting more exciting to read. Who are they awakening I wonder. Thanks for the chapters, Ash‼️😍‼️


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon