
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop

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Omggg~ i’m living for this late night visit!!! 🙈🖤 The best moments are usually the unexpected ones~ Julie has really warmed up to Roman. She verbalizes her observations to him about Veteris and Rome is starting to think of how to reveal some stuff to her. Can I thank the night patrollers for doing their rounds longer this time forcing Rome to stay in her room. 😂🤣 Thank you Ash for the update! 🖤🖤

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aw I just LOVE how Roman understands her without her having to tell him much information 😍💞💖🥰 This sleep over is so much fun love all of their little actions/interactions 💞 wondering who was outside Julie's dorm and what they were actually doing??? do they (night creatures) feed on the students while they're asleep?? 🤔🤔🤔 love this chapter thank you so much Ash 💖

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Nobody can understand you better than Roman the great Julie. He could even realise a single skip of of your heart beat and the rhythm of your heart rate like a melodious symphony which he'll never get tired of but, gets addicted the more he listen. They both are two similarly I'll fated souls finding solace in each other's presence. Their silence is speaking louder than any words could consoling each other. He's heck bend on taunting her even in the middle of the night. I think he's afraid that he might not be able to control himself by looking at a peacefully sleeping figure of his new found obsession. Her father might have fallen under the compulsion of some crazy vampire and ended up killing mother. I suspect that's why veteris give an exception in Julie's case and accepted her even if it's late.

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I wish the scene won’t end, that morning never comes…. I love their moments together, talking, caring, fighting a bit…. what a cute couple they are and strong friendship are being built as well. Julie trust her now to tell him the truth. I’m glad for the patrollers coz they made Julie sat with him on the bed…. they should hide under the blanket too ha ha 🥰💚 Thanks Ash for the update, you made my heart smiling and happy again today 😊

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Pillow talk is so intimate!!!

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Aw love this forced bonding time with them hiding from the patrols outside❤️❤️shes getting sassy and hes actually answering her questions as truthfully as he can! Ah thats its from the flashback😱😱😱need more!!!

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their conversation is so random especially about the mummy dance. but hey, this is such a cute chapter. Rome is such a caring lovers if they had a relationship in the future. he just know and don't question it if she's not okay with it. he wait until she decided to tell him everything. so cute

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What a long night for Julie lol. It's good to see them bonding further and actually getting to know each other. I cant help but wonder how long it's going to be before Julie finds out something about the night creatures. Roman has started to answer her questions but still in his vague way. Still progress though. He seems to be gaining a better understanding of her and she isnt as intimidated by him. I loved how he seemed to get slightly offended by her comment about Atlas. Julie was super cute trying to cover Rome with the blanket. Shes such a kind and caring person that even though he is making things difficult for her she still thought about his comfort. I think he got so weirded out by the situation because he isnt used to people showing compassion for him and doesn't know how to handle it.

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Oh Ash i love how your lead characters convers with each othe…its like reading a modern day Jane Austen novel with vampires haha.

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They are so cute togather I think they are starting To like each other I like there talk like this in her room

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She finally got on the bed & he touched her bare leg!!! I think Julie’s heart fluttered just like ours. He seems to understand Julie without needing to know every detail. Hopefully this is bringing them closer together & they can continue to make progress.

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The banter between them is more fun because they are more comfortable with each other.

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Loving their moment talking in bed, sharing closeness and getting to know each other in a more intimate way. Can’t wait for them to really fall for each other. Also I think he’ll open up a bit more with their closeness, and show Julie more of his caring side

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I absolutely agree with everyone’s comments about how cute this scene is. Gotta thank Ms. Piper for having the other teachers and Mr. Evans patrol the dorm just to catch the students for the purpose of putting them in the play. What a way to force students to be in the play.😂 I really enjoy reading how Julie and Roman are getting more comfortable with each other. I wonder if Roman took it in some consideration of what Julie thinks of his character in the play? Is he trying to find out what kind of type of guy Julie likes? I hope for them to more time like this and I can’t wait for them to do the kissing scene who will get more flustered or fall in love!😍‼️❣️🥰

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See this! I just gifted the story: Crown

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ring

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They could talk all night!

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Roman won't let Julie sleep because he don't want to feel ignored and of course he wants to savor every minute with Julie😍

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I am loving this Sort of sleepover For these two 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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See this! I just gifted the story: Sword