
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


also can we get into how creepy Dennis is?!?!šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Okay let me get past my disappointment of Roman first after he bite that girlā€™s neck in front of Julie. Ughhhh šŸ˜– Anyway!! That was a close call Julie! You literally almost became a hungry vampireā€™s meal! Roman has some explanations to do because Julie will just be more curious of the mysteries surrounding the university. You canā€™t keep her safe without her fully knowing the dangers around her. I donā€™t think heā€™ll reveal himself as the letter thief at this time tho. It just looks like a very wrong timingā€¦ šŸ™ƒšŸ¤” Thank you for the long chapter Ash! Youā€™re the best! Get some rest~ šŸ–¤šŸ„°šŸ–¤

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The Halloween decorations are so well described that it creates an eerie atmosphere. Was the plague doctor following Julie & watching her? It seems rather creepy. Dennis was unusually unenthusiastic about seeing Julie. Who was he trying to find? The humans were tricked & a treat for the vampiresā€¦ are the humans being sold alcohol which makes them numb & forgetful of having their blood taken? Roman is so blatant when with other girls; Catwoman was just a drink to him though she meant nothing. Perhaps he wanted to make sure he wouldnā€™t crave Julie. His eyes were on her the whole time. Roman to the rescue! I love the way he has saved her from the vampire senior. Now, she canā€™t be compelled so how is Roman going to explain this? Heā€™s always the one to save herā€¦. heā€™s becoming her personal hero. I need the next chapter! I hope their relationship starts to really take off now & moves quicker, as a bit like Romeo & Juliet, I assume they too are starcrossed lovers. The elders & faculty would not approve of Roman being with a human. But is Julie just human? I think Roman will help her to discover her true identity and face her past with her father murdering her mum & heā€™ll also protect her from the elders & the likes of Mr Evans. Iā€™m not sure how Julie is going to help Roman, but Iā€™m sure she will in some plot twist. Just a theory! Also, canā€™t wait for her to hold on tight to him as she rides on the back of his motorbike!!! Loving this story! I keep refreshing the app for latest update!


How dare this Vampire tries to eat Roman's Hallow treat; he surely has a dead wish šŸ’€ Aw Roman got there just on time šŸ˜ but I think he wasn't really going to show himself as the letter thief and that's why post 16 was missing he probably took it away so Julie wouldn't find it but I'm very disappointed of how he seems to not give a F^*# about Julie seeing him with other girls šŸ’”


I love it when Roman saves her


Dont mess with Romanā€™s prey/girl


I think Roman had made a decision to tell Julie the truth because that is the best way he can protect herā€¦. thatā€™s why he let her see his eyes and let her see what he did to the girl and thatā€™s why he is meeting her at posting 16 which seem special for vampiresā€¦. Iā€™m excited for the next chapterā€¦


The Hallow seems fun, from dressing up to dancing and drinking. They put so much effort on the decorations to cover up and so that vampires are opened to prey on humans. I wonder if the alcohol drink has something to do with making people who drink it not remember if their blood was sucked. Also the dark hooded skeleton statues are scary, it seems so real and it even dissappeared in front of Julie's eyes. Seems like it could be the same dark cloaked figures in Julie's dream that she got in the library... I love the long chapter Ash <3


This is sooooooo much FUN.......... Oh wooow, I didn't know halloween is this exciting, I too wanna celebrate Halloween. Though I've seen it in certain movies, that's it, here we never celebrate Halloween, barely anyone know about it. I wanna kick Roman's a** for drinking from another girl infront of Julie. However, I should say that the smell of vinegar from all over the both main characters. Dennis is visibly disturbed with her outfit showing her outlines, while Roman is surprised and immersed in vinegar. Julie is neither any less in boiling the vinegar as she watched Roman from afar with another girl. Can't wait to read the next chapter Thank you dear author for such an exciting and long chapter.


LOVE IT!!! All the Halloween decorations and costumes and Roman saving her from a real vamp! Julie cracks me up with her sense of humor. šŸ˜†


Tsk, tsk, tsk-Bad vampire! Thatā€™s Romanā€™s treat, not yours, lol. Rom should have expected that. I think the plague doctor was that creepy Evans.


don' you dare to lay a finger on her, dear unknown vampire! she's roman girl to begin with! now shoo! shoo! or fight our archeologist! now come! come! bring it on!


Ahhhhh! I need more!!!


Roman to the rescue! I knew heā€™d save her!! Roman has a tough job keeping all the guys away from Julie. Roman...




Omggg I was reading and I felt like running away at the same time..Scared for Julie..Glad Roman showed up.


Iā€™m quite disappointed at Roman for drinking blood from another girl IN FRONT of Julie. Definitely not a classy move, Rome. šŸ¤Ø On another note, looks like itā€™s open buffet night for the Vampires and I am glad Roman got to Julie before she became someone elseā€™s dinner. Iā€™m happy that Melanie and Conner as well that they are too drunk and are safe and sound back in their dorms. Iā€™m a little suspicious of Dennis though, he fits the bill of a vampire hunter! And that would be interesting, two guys, who are mortal enemies, are both in love with Julie! šŸ˜ Oooh I canā€™t wait!


Just in time, just as we expected!!!


Run julie run


Wait Roman was suppose to be an Archeologists what Julie described wasn't anything like that. Ooh and that look he gave her before he snacked on that girl pure devilish.