
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


That was so considerate to swap her seat. He is trying to be nice with her :)


Roman, Roman, Roman~ I liked how you subtly saved Julie from that annoying Caleb. Aren’t you so caring?~ Julie knew you did it for her too. 🥰 Anywayyy~ is Roman finally putting the pieces together? Will he try to compell Julie on his own to confirm his suspicions? 🤔 Julie seems like she’s trusting Roman more. Aaand to top it off, she’s always looking for him now. Awesome awesome~ 🖤🖤🖤


aw my heart is melting at how caring Roman is he saved Julie from annoying Caleb now I'm sure he will protect her from Evans now that it seems like he finally knows that she's hard to get compelled; he knows if someone finds about it she will be in big trouble as they will probably try to get rid of her...but what if Rome turns her into a Vamp too??? wouldn't that be awesome??? oh gosh!!!


I am actually happy for Roman to know that she cannot be compelled so that he can protect her properly from the others…. I always like your sweet moves protecting Julie at all cost Roman and i like it more that Julie is now aware of your presence and she knows you are helping her all the time, she trust you now. I’m excited to know what he will do next…. Thanks so much Ash. This novel never fail to make me smile 🥰


oh gosh Rome knows her secret now, will he tell Evans or Dante?? will he keep quiet and protect her??? glad he told her to tell him outside detention that way no one else would be able to hear them


Julie is so comfortable around Roman nowadays. sigh! Now she is going go tell Roman about a secret and she is going to discovered . But am glad about it. Am sure he will warn her against telling someone else and also fine means to protect her.


Aw he helped her🤗but then again he likes to be the only one to bully her. Dont think Roman will sell her out by knowing she wasnt compelled but still risky😬😬


Come on Rome you better catch up faster or Julie is gonna be in a lot of danger. Come up with a way to compel her with out it seeming like compulsion.


I was wondering if he'd help save her from that Caleb guy. Given he has great hearing, I'm sure his ears perked up when he heard the guy bother Julie. And now that Julie got that off her chest, hope she can finally relax about the issue. Hopefully, he subtly warns her to keep it to herself and not share it with anyone else....it's not safe for her here if anyone else finds out about her abilities. Meanwhile, can't wait to see the play and what roles each will have.


looks like Roman has been playing the hero role by saving Julie first from Evans and now from Caleb will he keep his new role and save her from the elders if they ever find out that Julie is hard to get compelled??? Looking forward to what role of the play they will be getting, please I want them to be the lovers of the play, but why does this play sounds so familiar??? doesn't it sounds like Roman's story about his mom and father???


Hopefully Julie Dosen’t tell anyone else. She dosen’t realize Roman just figured out she can’t be compelled. The council kills humans that can’t be compelled. Thanks for the update Ash.


he will discover now that she can't be compelled and the previous those student who can't be compelled are killed. oh no... how much more you can keep things from this curious troublemaker Roman.


Roman just found out she didn’t Get conpelled


Julie seems more comfortable with Roman. Hmm 🤔


Now that Roman suspects Julie can't be compelled, I wonder what is he going to do about it. I hope nothing bad would happen to Julie but it seems like it's going to get more dangerous now. Julie is like a magnet that keeps on attracting trouble... On a side note, I hope their study date sessions are not canceled because of the play. Seems like we all have a lot to look forward to: one being Halloween, another being the play 😈 it would be funny if they both play as the main leads of the play 🤣


I wonder who's gonna know after this big clue about julie can't get hypnotized? It could be the teacher first, either mr. evans or the headmistress. Now what are you gonna do, roman? what will you tell her if she's getting more suspicious about it?


He figured out her secret 😬 I feel like he will protect her though and not tell anyone.


we, *i*, need more chapters please...pretty please...with sugar on top...I'm dying to read more, it's really interesting!!!


Well, I'd say the study session is finally having a positive result. Julie is starting to feel comfortable with Rome so as to share her secret with him. Plus the fact that she (Unconsciously) looked for him upon entering the detention room. Caleb you are now marked and I have a feeling that I'll be seeing you sometime in the not so far future. Kinda excited for the play as well. I wonder what roles each of them get. I'm pretty sure Rome will see to it that he'll get the role with most scenes with Julie's character. Wow kinda going back to my teenage years 😊😁 Thanks Ash.


Am thinking...if the compelling doesn't work on Julie... curious Romeo would love to try😏... thanks author for ur lovely chapters


Roman, thank you for looking out for Julie during detention! Caleb seems so cocky and annoying!