
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.


This is getting interesting Passing very day 🥰


Great job boys! You saved Roman from his dilemma~ 😂🤣 But lemme just say Rome made me so proud with how he controlled his thirst! He’s so into Julie~ he wants her to be one of them. 😉 But it won’t happen until you let her know your real world. And Julie knows he brings trouble but she’s getting magnetized to him more unknowingly~ Love this chapter so much! 🖤🖤🖤


That was a fun chapter! So much brewing here. It’s nice of the guys to save Roman from his thirst, but I wonder if they hid the cans on purpose to make Roman squirm; then they planned to show up and see what happened??


Great job Rome you hold it all this while even though your fangs were clearly hurting from want and need to sank them into a nice tempting neck Glad Simon and Max came to the rescue 👏👏👏👏👏 wondering what they would've done if Julie was to say yes to the cola can??? they probably had a regular one on them right??? Love those goosebumps Rome gave to Julie while standing so close to her, soon she will start experiencing feelings that she's definitely not familiar with 💖💖💖


I like it how he controlled his thirst around her and the way the author has wrote this chapter.. The dialogues, it always makes me wonder how can someone weave those words so beautifully and you always do it author san💯 Is there anyway how I can know a little more about author's informations about her books?


Oh that was too CLOSE!!! I thought that he'll sink his teeth in her neck. Luckily he had a bit of control in him and he was considerate enough to hide his fangs by bending down instead of compelling her. Hahaha 😂😂😂 Simon and Maximus are taunting Roman to the brim. They might bring out the actual feelings of Roman towards Julie and vice-versa. Roman is trying to help and protect Julie struggling his best to not make it obvious to others as well as her. Roman is gonna kill her by either infuriating her or by frustrating her. He's not just trapping but rolling and tying up her totally jn his web so that she would never escape and will stay beside him forever. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


They must have seen piece of one of her letters to Rome and wondered if it was her. I agree, I think they set him up! I like the line, “Come to the dark side, Winters.” That small scene was hot between them. Makes me miss the flirting and courting process!


Oh Roman, you are bad, you are making it hard for us not to love you…. I’m sorry Calhoun, i didn’t mean to be unfaithful, it’s just that Roman’s style makes my heart jump and my lips smile so wide….


yayy Roman so proud of your self control 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 even though I am looking forward to the day when he finally takes her blood 😁😁😁😁😁


Alrighty!! There couldn't have been a better time than this. Gosh!!! Well, atleast he got to tame his beast today. That must have been tough for Rome. Looks like today, they had the longest time to chit chat like little buddies. I noticed Rome's ego get pricked when she said he wasn't her type. It pricked him in a way and somehow got him feeling rejected given his reply to it. For someone that's been abandoned for most of his life, he doesn't take rejection kindly.


So proud of our Roman! And thank goodness for Max & Simon to the rescue 😅 But I think he proved something to his self. Not to mention stoked a few coals with Jules… 😏 You’re a slow burn, Jules, but methinks Rome has the patience!


i like it when Julie said " you're not my type" and because of that He will like her even better. 🤣


Rome you git some good friends they came just in time to rescue you and Julie as well 😁🥰😘


Roman saved in the knick of time by his friends. I wonder how things would have escalated if Simon and Maximus hadn't turned up when they did. Its obvious Max told Simon that Rome was feinding and needed some blood ASAP. Poor Jules caught in the middle of all this. But now she cant deny that he makes her heart race.🤭


I am pround of romeo he control Is self from biting her But it was a close call


what would have happened if julie accented the can? the are getting closer and closer ladies and gentlemen. He is inviting her to be his friend hrrr


I think I’m ready for privilege chapters here too Ash


Aw romeo didnt Want is friend get close to julie


throwing away the files Roman 😂😂


Roman is highly possessive of his territory.. reminds me of Cal baby and the cat and mouse chase with Madeline


Roman Im so proud you🎉🎊 you were able to control your thirst even though you had that tempting neck right next to your very own lips and fangs. Also why are you so eager to make Julie break the rules???is this some type of way to be able to turn her into a vamp???anyways don't worry sooner rather than later she will be breaking all of them, after all she's a troublemaker, isn't she?😁😁😁