
Comments of chapter undefined of Taming the Queen of Beasts

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Oh Aimee!! What a wonderful ending! Coming from someone who lost their mom almost 5 years ago and dealing with that darkness & grief that I know all to well, this was such a joy to read! It helped me look at things from a differen perspective, so thank you!! You are an amazing author! Keep doing what your doing! ❤️

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I laughed and cried throughout all this. Thank you for a little more time with our favorite lion couple

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There aren’t enough words. Thank you Aimee!! Amazing!

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Amiee… fabulous, just fabulous… now I need to go wipe my eyes and blow my nose…this was the perfect conclusion to the Queen… HUGE hugs and thank yous from this fan-girl ❤️❤️❤️

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I've laughed and I've cried with every chapter of this side story. I thought El was gonna wake up and all of this was gonna be just a dream. I thought this 'dream' was gonna give her the closure that she has needed since their deaths and she would snap out of this depression/grief. I'm soooo glad that I was wrong. Thank you again for dreaming up this whole masterpiece that you called Anima 🥰

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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

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This really is the perfect ending. Thank you Aimee. I cried all the way through. ❤

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They will be in my heart forever! Thank you for sharing them with us!❤️

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Aimee, as usual you had me crying like a baby. So beautifully written. I loved it! I hope you you write more books of Anima and Chimera. They are all so heartfelt and you do an amazing job. Thank you for sharing this with us!!!!!!

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*takes deep breath* Whew. That is beautiful for Gar and El to have that moment together. I imagine that sharing that exoerience together will even more tightly bond them. It really was truly beautiful.

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This was so perfect Aimee!!! Thank you!

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Wow! Just wow!

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Thank you Aimee! You are amazing! Reth & Elia will always have a special place in my heart!

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I said it before and I'm saying again. You are truly amazing. Thank you !!!

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I’m looking forward to what you cook up next! 💯💯💯💯💯


this was an amazing book to read, the love, the sacrifice, the creator's blessings. I am floored. thank you for giving us a chance to say goodbye to Reth and Elia. it soothed me to see them happy and well again! thank you thank you thank Aimee for being brave and allowing God to let you achieve a dream you've always wanted. you're a blessing in my life. you're amazing and may God continue to bless you in achieving your righteous desires my beautiful friend!

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I loved it! I cried, I laughed, and I cried some more. Thank you 💖💖


Ok soooo it’s time for my long emotional rant on how much I loved this book and how much I freakin adore our Miss Aimeelynn!!! This book was such a blessing to have back when I started it and especially now when I’ve finally finished it because I had such a strangely intense bond with KOB and was so so sad (like to a weird extent I mean it’s a book and I have to constantly remind myself that these are fictional characters!) when it ended, that I was ECSTATIC when you released the first chapters for this one! I was working so much when this first came out and it was just so nice to have new chapters to come home to every night and just lose myself in Anima. But about 7-8 months ago I started prepping to go to college and everything in my life started changing so quickly and so intensely that I barely had time to breathe and I just stopped using this app entirely because I just didn’t have the time to read anymore. Since then my days have been insanely busy, stressful, and I’m now prepping for finals so I almost ended up forgetting about this wonderful place where I first met Reth and Elia and the amazing author who made this beautiful world. But about a week ago I saw a notification on one of my friends phones pop up and it was from Webnovel! We immediately started talking about it and sharing our favorite authors and books (I of course recommended everything written by Aimeelynn) but it reminded me that it had been far too long since I had visited Anima and I was really needing some of Reth’s words of wisdom for some things that I’ve been going through recently. So I finally picked up here in this book where I left off and BOY was I in for a ride! I never could have expected all the twists and turns in this that occurred but I loved every single word of it! And I honestly can’t wait to read it over again once all the tears have subsided from these last few chapters lol. All of this is to say that I, once again, found one of these books in a time when I really needed something to help me just escape for a little bit and encourage me to keep going. So Miss Aimee, you may not know how much joy these books will bring into people’s lives when you write them, but I just wanted to let you know that they do! And whether you write 50 more (which I would LOVE) or never write about Anima again (which I pray isn’t the case 😫) the ones that you’ve already written have touched my heart immensely and I know they’ve done the same for many others. So thank you so much for giving this to us and I hope you know just how grateful we are for you! Love you Miss Aimee!!! ❤️ ……..sorry this is so long these last several chapters got me real emotional 🥹

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I don’t say goodbye always say see y’ a later. 🙏🏼