
Comments of chapter undefined of Taming the Queen of Beasts


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

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Read both books and what an amazing fabulous journey to read. Well done Aimee, congratulations for superbly written story from start to end. You achieved or managed to bring out all emotions in me and others, of love, faith and strength with your story and messages within. Just brilliant. Now that I have both books stored I may just go back and read again without having to wait for chapters. Great stuff x

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I am so sad that this journey has come to an end, but happy to know that there are more of your wonderful stories and characters still to get to know. JP and Lark have me captivated, currently, and I am going to spend my time between their chapters getting into Forbidden Prince. Thank you, Aimee, for all that you do!

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I love you Aimee. I love you more ways than one and for more reasons than just one. Can't remember where the original quote came from but I was once told, "You are a light in the darkness. Who knows how many souls would lose their way if you were not there to guide them." The Creator chose your purpose well, and I feel blessed just be be on this journey with you.

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More tears! But so special - Thank You Aimee! ❤️❤️❤️

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Crying again thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

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Omg here come the tears thank you Aimee for Abook well written may God forever bless you

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Thst was brilliant.

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I'm at a loss for words, words fail me now on trying to explain the roller-coaster ride I've went thru with both books. I sooooo very much wish I could buy both in hard copies (print). you have moved me, shattered my very core, in a very remarkably good way. You are talented beyond measure, these should & would be on the New York Best Sellers list, why they aren't isn't fathomable to me. you should be signed to the most prestigious book company there is. you brought your words to life , as I read it was like watching a movie in my head because of all the details. I don't want this to be over, you are family, my heart yurns for more but only the way you can write it. I even tried explaining to my husband & son as they saw me cry, sob actually they couldn't believe it was over something I was reading. the creator, God, knew what he was doing with you honey, never stop, never! thank you for the emotional roller-coaster ride, please keep writing seriously. now I've got to find your other works so I can get started on those. exquisite masterpieces honey. I wish you could feel my heart right now, a lot of love for you sweetheart , I maybe a little country bumpkin but I don't think you know how talented you are. please don't ever stop writing you were born for this. sending all my luv, Steph

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Yes, Reth was right...about a lot of things...but he nailed it when he says you did your job well if you made us all feel for these characters. You did 🥰 Thank you again and yes, I'm crying. Hopefully not for the last time over Anima. I hope to see more of Anima in the future.

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Thank you Aimee,you are so special so glad I run across this book it’s the best book ever.I’m very sad though 🥲that’s it’s over !! Thank you for this ❤️

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Oh AimeeLynn I’m ugly crying again😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but thank you 💯

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That was beautiful. throughout these books I've thanked you many times for keeping God and his many blessings alive and real. so again I thank you. with God all things are possible.

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super!! 🤓 I'm so excited!!

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super!!! 🤓 I can't wait!! your books are awesome!!!

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What an awesome book! All your books are sooooo good!! Will you be writing more about Anima? Also, I have read all your books here in WN, will we get more of your books here?

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Tears. Just tears. These two stories have been amazingly captivating and an unbelievable journey I never wanted to end. I know I'll be rereading them at some point. Look forward to anything Anime from you. Tarkyn, Reece, any and all of it. I'll be waiting. ❤️

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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule