
Comments of chapter undefined of Taming the Queen of Beasts

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Spent my weekend with a young neice and nephew and if this isn’t them

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I understand El’s feeling anout her brother form her point if veiw. Having a brither can be a big pain! 😂 But Aaryn is 100% right and I’m glad she can see a different side of her brother now. It totally makes sense what Aaryn said about Gar. I would hate to hit hit with that brick of truth on my face the way El just did. Ouch!! It's a mark to her character to be able to listen to somebody else with an open mind the way she did just now with Aaryn.

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I hope Elreth takes heed and tries to understand her brother better now that Aaryn gave her some insight about Gar. He is a smarter and better brother than she thinks. As far as Reth and Gar goes, Reth should have never said some of the things he said to Gar. I hope by the end of this book Reth can apologize to his son and maybe start a better, stronger relationship with him. I think Gar is adorable and much stronger than he even gives himself credit for. I don't know why he isn't mated yet. I hope he finds his mate too.

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I am glad Aaryn talked to her about this and he is the right person to talk to her about this. I am hoping for a better working relationship between Gar and El. Now if only someone can help mend the relationship between Reth and Gar.

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Aand THAT is why you have Aaryn by your side as King and advisor. He knows ALL your sides and most ofnyour families too. I love that even though Aaryn has sort of existed as her BFF (and long pining suitor), he has been an equally good if not better friend to Gar. You could even say like brothers but better, because Aaryn has been able to love and support Gar without the family drama.

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🙄🙄🙄 she's just venting it's a sibling thing. What is with this book always making out that she's female and a dominant but could be beaten anytime like she not all that. 🙄 no one is communicating with her properly who wouldn't be frustrated and hurt.