
Comments of chapter undefined of Taming the Queen of Beasts


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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Ouch words hurt. This was hard to read. I hope one day Reth and Gar can reconcile some day. I can tell Reth regretted what he said.

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Man, these moments are hard. Kids really are a huge mirror and teacher to us parents. And Reth lost his so young, too young to get parenting advice from them. Hopefully Reth and Elia will be around for a long time to supprt El and Aaryn and Gar as they raise their kids.

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Oh gosh. This was a tough chapter. I’m so sad that Reth let his emotions get away from him and hurt Gar to this extent. I hope Reth can be humble and ask for forgiveness from his son, and choose to see how Gar is different from Elreth, but every bit as necessary and good. Poor Gar 😔 I hope he can forgive his dad and release the bitterness and resentment that’s clearly eaten at him for years. God bless Aaryn and his precious heart to love and support people 💙

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oh no Reth you should have said that to your son. Hearing that from your father has a huge impact on a kid. Aaryn is a good male. I am glad Gar had him as a brother.


At this point Gar is helping the disformed isn't he? But Reth didn't know that, He just sees his supposed laziness. That would definitely make Gar feel 'less than'. Hurtful words were said from both sides and I hope they reconcile thru this book.

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Gar is a drama queen. Well, someone said he's easily hurt. Maybe that's it. But come on, 3 years of resentment? "Reth should apologize to his son" okay, I agree... but he's not the only one who needs to do that. Both of them said things they shouldn't have. But it seems that only one of them aknowledges it.