
Comments of chapter undefined of Taming the Queen of Beasts

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Delarys is in so much pain but I fell bad for Aaryn… for some reason it feels like he might loose his mom too… It kind of felt like she was handing over Aaryn to El. I hope we will find out Charyn’s story and El will punish the real traitor


this is what I was gathering too. Delarys can relax now. like she is passing a torch of some kind. Peace and joy and talk like that usually happens at the end of ones life. though I woukd like her to be around for the ceremony or grandpups, but her heart suffers so.

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Now i need to know what the heck happened with his dad! 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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What happened with Aaryn’s father? Dies Reth know about it? Who are the Wolves protecting? I’ve had questions since the beginning, but this chapter has increased the urge to read on and get all the answers.

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his mom did not give me the answers i was hoping she would... lol

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Does that mean she can talk to the Dad in her dreams like Reth and Elia? I also feel like she’s going to die soon with the way she’s talking. please hold on for Aaryn ☹️

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Oh Mama 😢 if I could hug Delarys

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If it’s Charyn, he covered for Suhle to leave and go back to Lerrin prior to Lerrin meeting Ruth. Before Lerrin allowed himself to be captured for peace & to bring the people back under Reths rule. Charyn lied to Suhle stating that Reth said it was ok for her to return to the wolves camp after Reth made it very clear Suhle doesn’t leave Tree City. Charyn spoke for and overruled Reths word, therefore it was viewed as a traitorous act. This is from what I remember, it was during the War of the Wolves, prior to Lerrins capture & banishment.

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I understand how worried he is about his mom. I don't know that she will still be with them when morning comes. I am sure that he is probably wondering the same thing. It's so hard to watch someone you love so dearly die. This is breaking my heart. I hope she is there to finish the story about his dad, so they know the truth

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His mom is just brokenhearted. Her lose is painful because he was her True Mate. I imagine in Anima it's a given that the pain of such loss is great. Add the fact that her mate was disgraced makes it even more painful for ger and Aaryn. Hopefully she won't give up for her sons sake! Losing both parents is awful. He hasn't even done the bonding ritual so he can make her a grandma yet. So sad. I feel bad for both of them. Stay strong, mom!

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Well we have a mystery here…. We all know from KOB that Aaryn’s dad was indeed a hero and very brave - he went to Reth and great risk to himself and his family to bring vital intel. But somehow it seems he was scapegoated as a traitor in the ashes of the war with the wolves.

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I wonder if the truth of Aaryn's dad was covered up to protect others, just like the truth was covered up about the Protectors?

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All I have are more questions. I only hope the answers I have aren’t right. Are Reth, Suhle, and Lerrin the real traitors? Elia and Elreth the persons that were being protected? Charyn was also protecting Suhle.

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Huh so now she's gonna speak with dad just like that! Yep crazy train ticket holder for sure!

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I keep wondering if he’s Lerrin’s Son & shes Suhle am I way off on this ?


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