
Comments of chapter undefined of Wild Young Princess: Mister, let's sleep?


ghost lin taking over is lewis worst nightmare. Its the same as devon is dead. now they are married....(╥﹏╥) I could've imagine ghost lin say "kill me and bring devon back" I mean she really hated the fact that she being dragged back from afterlife.


I remember Derek, I believe, beinh worried that old Devon would be back. As he predicted, this is Lewis' worst nightmare. What will Ghost Devon now say when she realizes they are married? After seeing her abvious amorous reaction towards Quentin, will Lewis easily annul the marriage to her, or will he be stubborn and refuse to do so, believingg his Devon can just as easily come back someday? As Lewis was willing to switch her off lifesupport to let her find piece, I believe he will consent to letting her go this way, too. But, as the case was when she was in a coma, it will take him a while to do so. And in that meanwhile, what will happen between Ghost Devon and Quentin? Devon is literally living the melodrama of the little people in the tv screen she used to be a fan of, right now....Oh, I miss her already.😭🤧 (Author, this type of the melodrama 8s the type I live for!🎭 Thank you for the chapters!🥰)


why author why (╥﹏╥) You give us hope then crush it again. Suddenly I felt that these ghost lin and lin devon situation could be reflected in reality but to a person that have split personality disorder....we never know who will possessed the body but both are 2 separate character.


wow... what will happen to Lewis now. he will be heartbroken again.


Aargghh.. Author dude. .how and how will u continue the story.. This is super cool!!! Me Like... 👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏 Can't wait for mooooooooreeeeee


Noooo... Pls .... Nooo


Can't wait for next chapter 🥺