
Comments of chapter undefined of Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse


so excited to see what happens next!


hope this turns out well and not make the next evolution even harder.

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Thank you for the chapter!!!


This almost confirms my theory in chapter 1142. So it seems Lilith is indeed a fusion of Bing Xue and Yijun. But there's still some things left unconfirmed. Like I said in 1142, she doesn't seem to be fully familiar with Bai Zemin so while there might be time travel involved, I doubt it because otherwise she wouldn't be surprised sometimes by how he's stronger than what she already thought she knew he could become. That leaves an alternate universe (like I said in 1142) as where she came from and got her knowledge about him. Anyways no matter what, the author has given too many hints lately about her identity, even Bai Zemin thinks he guessed it and now that we see her reaction, that fusion won't make advancing to next order fail, then that confirms part of my theory. But the whole point of all this is the fact that the author is giving so many clues about Lilith's background in such a short period, means it's not going to take long until its revealed.