
Comments of chapter undefined of The Impurity's Ascension

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This was very unexpected but expected aswell, I hope you enjoy writing that book! take care and so long

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Aw... this was a really fun ride though. Can you keep this on the site? I would really like to re-read it, maybe make an unofficial sequel if I ever have the ability to.

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I am sorry, but frankly I am really disappointed about this and the fact that you didn’t let the readers know before that you would drop it. Apart from the above, I think that the story had some real potential thanks to its creative plot and world, and that it is a great pity not to keep in developing it.

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Hi Tiph, it's really sad to hear that you are discontinuing IA... I was honestly one of the best novels I've ever read but I can understand why you discontinued it... But it this may not be the end of Asher's story, I'm the balancing leader (and basically vice director at this point) of a potential Library of Ruina fan fighting game called Lobotomy Corporation: Theatre of Chaos and I want to ask for your permission to include Asher as a potential playable character in the game as a last goodbye for this incredible novel that is IA, I was waiting at least for the Seed of Light timeskip to ask for this but because the novel has been discontinued I'm asking for it before I had intended so I don't know if I will be able to keep this promise or how long will it take for him to actually make it into the game, put I sincerely hope I can keep up with my own words. -Keeichidarow; LC:ToC Assistant Director.

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This is unfortunate news but you are moving on to bigger and better things. This has been a fun ride while it lasted I wish you nothing but the best and hope to be able to buy your book when it releases. Good bye.

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I absolutely loved this story. Your writing, the characters, the plot, the drama, the emotions. Everything was wonderful. That's why it is really disheartening to see you go. Either way, best if luck in your future endeavours, keep us updated! Maybe open a discord or something.

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It have been fun while it lasted, I hope you become sucess in your future career. Thank for the chapters.

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It’s real unfortunate that we are parting with this story so soon, but nevertheless it was an enjoyable experience and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours

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Can you post an update when your new book comes out?

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Ty for making this. It was great while it lasted.

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Ah, a pity… best of luck to your new book

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But.. the plot, the drama!

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I'm really sad to see this master piece of a novel go, I was counting down the days until each new chapter of Asher's great adventure. but I understand, real life comes first, and I'm glad I could see this book grow into what it is today, even if it was cut short, I hope you could maybe pick this story back up again if life permits it, but real life comes first and I really really hope everything goes well for your book! your a fantastic writer and I hope I can read more of your works down the line, for a final question, have you considered handing this story off to someone? good luck in your endeavors Tipereth!

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I’l see ya once your book is done I enjoyed your style of writing it’ a bit sad that one of the few free read books on here is ending but it’s wha you want and need to do to keep yourself how you want to be I understand even if I didn’t word this decently

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When you get that book puvlished update up cause I imagine it’ll be good, considering the quality of this story.

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I don't use Reddit but I hope you could inform me in my comments when it's publish.good luck

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It's... It's ok. I just hope that you'll let us know when you are publishing it.

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Oh yeah, Tiphereth? Is Fourth Match Flame your own concept, a Tiphereth creation?

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I love how people still vote for this book, shows how much of a reading fanbase Tiphereth has made for us. Good luck, Tip!

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Brilliant book, shame it had to follow the footsteps of so many before it I am sad to see it go Good luck on your new projects though look forward to seeing them