
Comments of chapter undefined of The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

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Jay, as a gift for all the new friends and family that has arrived lately, I'd like to send over some of my favorite treats: brownies and s'mores. There is nothing like some chocolaty treats for friends and family gatherings. also, s'mores ares great after family Bar-B-Qs wink wink Jules. It also seems like there is a lot going on, and Mana and Raven might be able to use this inspiration capsule.


Thank you so much!! The gift will feature in a new chapter soon!! ❤️

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oooo I can't wait to see what magical beasts come next. Obsidian kingdom, I'd guess something like a black wolf (giant, of course) or black dragon? Amber Kingdom, I'd have to say Phoenix. . . just cause it's one of my favorites (😁 same as dragons, tigers, wolves. . .and owls and ravens 😁) as for the Sapphire Kingdom? 🤔 that's a tough one. Anything winged, I guess . . . maybe a griffin? but I guess none if this matters if the magical babies take after what their future parents are thinking of at the time 🤣 so Jay, just some ideas for the future 😊

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Snow i think Mana and everybody here is feeling all the love and support from just us two!


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule