

A couple driven by the love of money agreed to sacrifice their kids. With the help of strong cabinet members, the deed is done and the parents, with the money they claimed, managed to save their business and became a pillar of the community, and grew to be filthy rich even befriending every president that take over the seat. On their 20th anniversary a group of young adults showed up at their party claiming to be the deceased kids that were murdered in the horrific fire, the parents and their strong friends bound together, put targets on each of this young adult’s back, but the kids are in no way backing down, as they are breaking down the “parents” empire one by one. Who goes down next

Hafeni_Hashili · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


S01E09 Mi Casa, Tu Casa, Su Casa,

"A saying in Oshiwambo translates to, "claypots or kitchenwares in the same room will never stop clinging against one another, but that is not reason enough to separate them" this also applies to people, family will always clash but together they are supposed to stay"


Daniel is done with his showering and is refreshed, as usual, he is coming down to his breakfast as its his wife's rule that he doesn't leave home without eating breakfast, Sophia was in the kitchen standing across the dining table serving breakfast. "Honey, a letter has arrived for you here, an old man dropped it off, do you maybe have a clue what its all about?" asked Sophia holding a pan still in hand and a mega serving spoon in another hand, walking to her husband who just got out of the shower just wearing a vest with a trouser. "What letter babe? I wasn't expecting any letter from nobody" said Daniel walking to his wife and kissing her while holding her waist and looking at her face. "So where is the letter baby?" he asked while touching her curves. "Its on the kitchen counter baby, but he seems like he knows you or something, are you sure you have no idea" added Sophia turning with her pan and serving spoon, to look at the husband who is walking to the counter to get the letter. "No babe I really don't have a single clue who can be delivering letters this time in the morning, a secret admirer maybe?" said Daniel teasing the wife and then taking the letter off the counter and opening it. "Don't mess with me baby, I don't want to be convicted of a crime for beating up my husbands admirers" added Sophia pointing at him jokingly with a spoon. Daniel opened the letter, which tore badly and pictures fell out of the envelope. He picked them up and the expression on his face started to change from a happy person to a bothered person, as if he has seen a ghost. "What is it baby? You look worried, are you in trouble Daniel?" asked Sophia placing down the pan and then walking to the husband, to which Daniel didn't answer "Baby are you okay?" she continued moving closer with a worried face. "Where are my car keys?" replied Daniel, panicking and breathing loudly holding on tight to his envelope and afraid, shielding it away from Sophia so that she doesn't see the pictures in the envelope. "They on the counter baby what is wrong?" said Sophia and asking pointing to the keys on the counter and moving to the husband then touching his shoulders looking at him in the face probing for a reply. "I am going to see my father, this is urgent and please lock the house and under no circumstances are you to open the door for anyone until I come back Sophia." said Daniel and grabbed his car keys, looked at his kids with sad eyes, then back to his wife and kissed her forehead "Daniel what is in the envelope? What did you do babe?, are there people after you or is it your siblings?" asked Sophia also looking at her kids and starting to tear up. Daniel just looked at the wife and with his envelope and still dressed in a trouser only with a vest, he ran out of the house and got into his car. "Daniel what is going on, you're now scaring me and the kids, this is not a good thing baby, talk to me" responded Sophia shouting from the door looking at Daniel reversing his car to drive to his father "Daniel, talk to me! You didn't even have your breakfast!" said the tearing up Sophia. "I cant tell you now baby, its important that I get to my father first, just lock the door baby until I come back" Said Daniel and then drove out of the yard. "Can we at least go with you" shouted Sophia and holding closer her kids while looking at Daniel who just rolled up his window and drove out of the yard faster. She took her kids back into the house who were looking all puzzled "Mommy, why is daddy leaving us?" asked the Daughter "Honey, its nothing baby, daddy will be back okay, and he will bring along something nice for us" lied Sophia wiping her tears not wanting the kids to see that she is crying. She stood against the door and locked it with tears in her eyes.

@Ondangwa Airport

It was around 10 in the morning at the airport and on a completely different strip, one would think it's a private strip or a whole private airport on its own, the sun was lifting out of the morning cloud and giving the golden glow. At the very same airport, The Stephan's investment plane is being fueled up and started, yet at the very same moment, the Hashili investment jet is landing on the private lookalike Strip.

The Hashili plane lands at the airport and came to a standstill elegantly then Evelyn's heel stepped out first, followed by her butler carrying her bags. As its to be expected of her class level, she is wearing dark heavy glasses and A designer dress. She finally descended from the stairs and then walks to the chauffeur driven car waiting for her at the airport. Evelyn had to come from the funeral because she has to go home in Oshakati since they had a conversation with the husband to throw Steven a party and she has to be available so that they look like a united front for they are trying to put rest to the scandal brewing in their lives. On the other side of the airport Marry is also boarding the recently fueled and started plane, her heel steps out first and she emerges later from the chauffeur driven Stephan's company car also wearing dark heavy shades and her bag on her arm as she was going to mourn her grandfather or so it seems, and seems like she was going to put the rest also to the inheritance battle that her mother failed to and just made worse with her sister Victoria. She got into the jet with the assistance of the captain and the jet hostess and then it took off. From the plane window, when looking down as the plane ascends, she can see the Hashili Jet as well as her mother getting into the car, Evelyn also looks up shading her eyes from the sun although wearing heavy shades and can see the Stephan's investment jet flying off. She got into her car and from the car window she kept on staring at the jet while her car drives off on the runway. As the plane goes higher, Marry also kept on looking at the car from up above as her plane ascends.

@Hashili Manor

Daniel pulls up at his father's house just in his vest and the trouser. He parked his car and went into the lobby where the butler came to meet him. The house was so big that the Hashili family saw it fit to hire a butler, with an assistant, Heskie. "I believe you are looking for your father Mr. Daniel, he is in the upstairs study, is there anything that I should bring you two?" said the butler holding his hands in front "Thank you Heskie, Did mother get here yet?" asked Daniel looking at the butler "no sir, she is on her way, a car was just sent to the airport to pick them up" responded the assistant butler. "Okay, uhm as soon as she gets here, please just get my stepmother to come to the upper study, and we don't need disturbance so, whatever needs handling, you should solve it or your boss butler will be here, he will help you to handle whatever comes up, so under whatever circumstances, should we not be disturbed okay?" said Daniel running up the stairs to the father's upper study room. Daniel opened the door to his father's study who was trying to fix the board member list he had lost. "Whatever you got Daniel, I am sure it can wait, I am very busy now and unfortunately I cant help you with your position in the business, that's why I gave that position to you is because you can handle it." said David removing his glasses and then putting them back looking at his son. "This can not wait father, this needs to be handled right this moment, I spoke to Heskie to get mother up here when she arrives, we have to handle this right this instant." said Daniel and threw the pictures on the table. David picked them up and again removed the glasses he recently put on. To his surprise, someone has taken pictures of the night of Stephan's accident and is using the pictures to blackmail them. "Where did you get this?" asked David, standing up and looking terrified, before Daniel could answer, Evelyn walked into the study. "I've had a long flight to here so what could you be calling me for which is so impor…" she was about to finish her sentence when she saw the pictures and recognized the accident scene. "What happened when I was gone? is that not the night of… where did that come from?" she asked with fear in her voice and grabbing the pictures to assure herself that its really the accident scene and then looking up to Daniel and David's face probing for an answer "Someone delivered these pictures today this morning at my house while I was having a shower" said Daniel looking at Evelyn. "This cannot be happening, what if these pictures get leaked during Steven's welcome home party or just on social media, this could implicate us, the Hashili logistic truck is right in the picture, it can be seen, people can see that we orchestrated the murder if this gets out. We need to cancel this thing, why are we even throwing him the party?" asked David Angrily "No, we cannot cancel the party, it will seem suspicious, and we need people to think that we are on the sides of Stephan, so as much as I wish I wasn't the one saying this statement, the party will have to go on" said Evelyn with fear and looking at both the husband and the kid. "The blackmailer has agreed to meet with us, I already made some few calls to him when I drove here so why don't we do that? give him the money he needs then we get it over with?" asked Daniel picking up the letter from the table and then showing it "you don't offer blackmailers cash, they will keep on coming back for more, so you should go see him, find out what else he knows and whether someone else knows these, then you kill him son, I'm done with people playing games with me" said David angrily and walked to his whisky table to pour some. "Okay father" said Daniel and then he walks out of the study, leaving David with his wife inside.


Sophia is now down to her wits and didn't even know what to do, she was just in their bedroom pacing and going through Daniel's clothes in hopes of finding anything, which she can maybe link to the ordeal of the morning. She didn't find anything in their room and came down the stairs panicking she got into the sitting room and found her kids sitting on the sofa. she started pacing, holding her hair and started going through Daniel's work bag "Mama, what is going on" asked her daughter and only then is she realizing that her kids are actually in the sitting room and they can see her panic. "Yes baby I am okay, I am only looking for something of your father, but I promise it will all be all right okay" she moves closer to her kids and assured them. "But you look scared mother and father just ran out this morning without kissing us goodbye, did he go to work?" asked the son puzzled. "No baby, he didn't go to work, he just quickly went to run some errands okay, he will be back, now mama just needs to find what she is looking for okay?" she said and then she stood up. "you cant call him on his phone because he left it here on the table" added the son pointing to the table. Sophia's heart jumped a bit and she got shook yet excited when she saw the phone on the table, she quickly rushed to the phone and took it, she kept on trying his password yet it wasn't going through, she sat down and started to think, "Why is mommy using Daddy's phone is mommy's phone broken?" asked her daughter looking at her, Sophia looked at her daughter and decided to try her birthday instead and it actually worked. "I just want to do something on daddy's phone baby" she responded and went through messages, she found texts from Yvonne and her mouth dropped as it starts to sink in that Daniel is cheating on her. She quickly went to WhatsApp and looked up Yvonne's picture, entered the gallery, where she also found nudes sent to Daniel. She stood up crying with her kids just looking at her not knowing what to do anymore as the mother who said she was fine was now actually crying. She took her phone and tried calling Marry but her phone didn't go through as Marry was still flying "Daniel is cheating on me, I will need a place to crash today, don't tell him I'm coming to your place" she forwarded Marry a message, picked up her bag, her kids bags and threw them at the boot of the car then she left.

@Hashili Manor

As a usual thing, the parties thrown by the power couple was always the event to remember. Today was no exception as they went all out, although guests are arriving, so is a whole bunch of flowers and platters of flown in delicacies, to the liking of the guests likings and the Hashili's getting comfortable with what money can buy. The sun was now setting over the Hashili Household and the invited guests in fancy cars are arriving one by one, the Hashili had class that they even had sculptures made of ice as well as a valet that was helping people with the parking.

@Hashili Manor to Evululuko

With the guests Driving into the house, Daniel and his father were still not done with their blackmailer arrangement. David cleared out his safe and put in some jewelry due to the fact that it was almost night time and not everyone has so much money lying around and not the Hashili's either so the jewelry was for payment. Daniel and his father came out of the study with Daniel carrying the loaded bag and his father walking to his room to do freshening up before all his guests arrive for the party they throwing that night. Daniel passed by a couple of incoming guests and just did faint greetings as he wasn't even dressed for the occasion but has a determination to not fail his father, he got to his car, carrying a bag of money then threw it at the boot of his car and then drove off to go to the spot agreed upon, with the blackmailer. He drove from Oshakati at a much faster pace and kept on looking at his watch all the time because he was running late, one would think he is heading to Ongwediva but he pulled off heading to his right onto the Ompundja road direction. Checking his watch, Daniel pressed his foot flat on the pedal and his car clocked 140 in a couple of seconds. People seated on the sideways of the road at the bars close by, stood up to look at the speed chase happening, just that in this case, there was no chase but only speed. He drove for 10 kilometers before slowing down and getting his speed to 80, he then started reading the names of bars and checking his phone, as per the direction of his blackmailer. Daniel drove an extra kilometers before coming to a stop at an abandoned bridge, which had a little old double toilet next to it, made out of Boards. Next to the toilet is then where a new cardboard written with chalks is placed by the blackmailer, Daniel breathed out loud while his car moves slowly closer to the venue fear can be seen all over Daniel's face as he has no idea who is waiting for him in the toilets. He pulled over and took a gun from the boot of his car, he put a silencer on the gun, took the bag full of money and with temporary built up courage, got into one side of the toilet as per the instruction given to him. "You took your sweet time, I almost went to the press with this" said the old man, on the other side of the bathroom Daniel can see puffs of smoke coming from the other toilet. "Its not easy to collect such amount of money in the short time that you have given us, we had to put in jewelry even which you should keep as collateral until we get you your money, so now lets get this moving quickly, but first I need to know, who else knows about this?" asked Daniel sitting on the old yet clean toilet pot he found there. "Stop asking me questions and give me the money, you know what I have, and you know I know what you did, don't test me" responded the man on the other side, with more puff coming from his side of the toilet. "I think I know your voice, you were the same old man I spoke to the other night at the hospital, we gave you money and told you to never come back here again, you were the one present that night at the accident" said Daniel sliding the bag under the toilets and then lost his focus on the bag. The man grabbed the bag and slid the envelope under the stall in a second "You son of a bitch" said Daniel and he shot two bullets, though the boards. He quickly ran out and ran to the front door of the other stall and tried opening it but it was locked. He stood a few feet away and shot the door lock and entered, just to find out that the toilet has another opened swinging door at the back and the man was already gone "Fuck it" he said and ran out of the toilet to check all over the place but the man was nowhere to be found. he held his head with his gun turning looking around the place and walked to his car.


The Stephan's inc plane has finally landed and marry has arrived at the airport, a chauffeur driven car was already waiting for her on the other side, as before a travel, the chauffeur is instructed to drive a day or two before, so he gets found at the airport. She walked out of the plane and took her phone from her handbag then she switched it on. Sophia's text came in and Marry froze in her steps. "This can't be happening" she said speaking to herself yet her driver also stood there and can hear but can't interfere in what Marry is saying. She took her phone and called the Kavekotora home, to which her uncle answered the phone. "Evening uncle I just want to apologize to you guys because am no longer coming home, something came up uncle and I have to attend to it, it is very urgent I do so" she said slowly walking back to the plane and signaling her chauffeur with her hand to follow her. "I know uncle we have to burry him but I have to get back home until this is resolved, I will only send my driver with some money that can be used at the grieving, I know you can handle it and yes, I just landed, I was already on my way there but I have to go back into the plane just right now" said Marry, and then hung up. She went into her jet and sat down, took out her cheque-book and then wrote a cheque and handed it to her driver. "Please deliver these to my grandfathers location will you" she said handing the written cheque to the driver and then pocketing her checquebook. The driver walked out of the plane and drove away to deliver the cheque to Marry's uncle, Marry on the other hand is already up in the sky flying to Oshakati.

@Hashili Manor (Night)

The who's of where, were busy rubbing elbows with the highest people in the community, when David in his suit with his wife next to him as usual, kept on greeting everyone, and even the first lady who happened to be Evelyn's close friend was present at the luxurious party. The waiter as instructed, brought them their fine wine glasses fit for a king and queen and they took to the stairs railings to make the toast and welcome all of their guests. They climbed the stairs with Evelyn holding her dress with the left arm and the other arm holding her glass. "Can I have the attention" said David over the mic. Everybody turned and looked at them and then a round of applause went on before David continued with his speech. "Last time, my family made headlines, was when my son got involved in the car accident, so I want to say I am grateful for everyone that has been here with me through this whole difficult time and assisted in all the ways they can, especially the Hashili hospital wing, they really have been accommodating and helpful." said David taking a sip from his glass while another round of applause went on and then he put the mic on his lips and continued. "But today, it is not all about the bad times, we would like to let the whole world know that Steven is back home and he is doing remarkably well. It is however no secret news, that a certain doctor has been performing his experiments on my son and this is the doctor that was involved in his long turmoil and caused us such precious memories. So for that I will make sure that he will be dealt with accordingly. We have hired private investigators who are following all of this up. I know I have said that today isn't about that but its not a Hashili party if it doesn't have any drama now is it?" He asked and everyone started giggling. "so enjoy everyone, Mi casa, Tu casa, Su casa" he added, raising his glass and took a sip. The excitement was short lived as a murmuring moment rose in the crowd with everyone turning behind and moving out of the way. "We were hoping you will say that FATHER!, so we your kids are home, since our brother lives here, we would also like to move in, it will bring the family more closer don't you agree?" said Boni with his hands pocketed, standing next to all his siblings while the maids are passing by just amongst the people with the siblings bags. David held on fast to the railings gnawing his teeth with an angry distasteful look in his eyes, Evelyn on the other hand is faking a smile although she cant see it reflecting on peoples faces. "Aren't you going to tell us to come up and join you guys mommy?" asked Sunday staring dead in their faces. Evelyn noticed that her husband has lost his charge and will not get this back to control so she took the mic from him and made a nervous laugh. People were all shocked and just looking on as the whole ordeal unfolds. "Of course, of course come up" she added trembling and signaling with her hand. "Ladies and gentleman please welcome our kids to our lovely home, we have missed them so much so we asked them to come by" said Evelyn as the kids are ascending the stairs, and David giving them death stares. The people gave faint applauses while looking at each other wondering what the heck is going on, the photographers on the other hand are having a run with the camera's as as usual, it seems like the Hashili's are again going to sell papers. The kids finally caught up with the parents and stood inline also applauding faintly. "Because family is a strong thing, we would like to let you all know that our kids will be living with us, we have realized that it will be the best thing to live here together". said Evelyn looking at the kids "Well played mom, well played" said Dorothy and the kids walked away, leaving the parents high and dry on the "Altar".