

Even wanting to dedicate themselves as much as possible to find out what was happening with the wires, they ended up getting very busy due to the tests that were coming and didn't want to be worried about thinking about something during the study. Of course, that didn't stop them from thinking about it for a few moments, but they tried their best not to prolong the conversation.

Yumi felt a little lighter because she had contact with one more person, in which she had complete confidence, about her secret. Not that she didn't trust her grandmother, just that she was too afraid to tell and then see you have a kind of heart attack when heard about such information, so preferred to avoid telling her grandmother that kind of thing.

Hiroki had visited the store and with that, he ended up meeting Takashi which resulted in several laughs, after all, neither of them had noticed until now that the last name was the same. They even made a theory that they must be kin, but unfortunately, they weren't.

Now they could understand why the teacher didn't call them by their last name, after all, they were the same! In order not to result in conflicts, Hiroki told the teacher to call him by his middle name instead of his last, so there would be no more confusion at roll call time or when the teacher wanted to call one of them for something. Now he was Saito, Yumi had been surprised to have let this happen without her realizing it.

Hiroki explained that he often didn't even remember he had that last name as he didn't have much contact with his mother ─ she split up early and left him in his father's care ─ so he didn't use it much, but as he loved his grandmother and grandfather he started to like it, even if his mother was a bitch who dumped him when he was little without showing any more signs of life.

Yumi was upset by her friend's situation, but this one said that his father was already with a new woman that they would probably marry ─ by mere coincidence, it was his soul mate ─ his father was called Haku he only had one last name, but with the new one marriage coming made a point of putting the name of his wife. Hiroki promised to call his friend to the wedding so he wouldn't be left alone seeing a perfect thread of fate.

Saito doesn't know what would happen when his father got married, didn't know if he would lose that last name or keep it and gain a new one. Well, he didn't care about that anymore as he had a good relationship with his grandparents. But deep down, he wanted to get rid of that last name.

─ So, little sister.

He started calling her that since the last name incident. That had made Yumi furious as her friend was always making jokes or baby voice to talk to you, it was horrible, they were always fighting when it happened but Hiroki just laughed with this situation and the way the girl dealt with it that name.

─ I already told you to stop calling me that, it's not enough that we have the same last names, it can make everyone confused!

─ Relax, I can tell you that you fell out of the truck and were adopted by another family.

─ You are very lucky that you don't want to break your face! I must show you why I'm such a great fighter!

─ I stopped.

─ Hmm.

─ Going back to what I wanted to say, I was thinking what if our wire is connected to an animal?

─ Great, zoophilia now... perfect.

─ Not you idiot. You know, I believe in reincarnation, and what if the person who was connected with our soul came back like a dog? Would the thread then break or would it still be firm?

─ We just don't die and that's it?

─ How can we know? And another, the thread is connected to its twin soul... so our soul must always return to earth to find that love again.

─ Seriously it? We went back just to find a partner, what a ridiculous thing.

─ But this ridiculous thing can explain our situation, thinks to me. Let's say that in fact when we die there is an afterlife, then there is the whole process of reincarnation and that the right thing would be for you to return as a human to search again for the person connected to your thread... because let's be honest, not everyone finds this person in life, maybe it's an infinite cycle until the person finds it.

─ And for some reason, the people who were connected with us turned into animals or something like that?


─ But it doesn't make sense! For what reasons only a few humans would return as animals, this theory of yours doesn't make much sense and even if it were real I would be traumatized if I saw my thread attached to any animal.

─ I'm trying to create theories, there's nothing either in books or on the internet itself that explains our situation so all we can do is imagine the craziest and most insane things. After all, our thread isn't normal so his story could be just as crazy.

─ Your wire is in two colors... what if you are connected to two people?

─ You mean that your hair is then all perforated and you are connected to a harem?

─ NO! As I would have several people connected to me, the correct is not just one?

─ Well, it was never actually said that the correct thing is only one person, we just predicted that it was because it was ''common sense'' not everyone accepts a relationship with more than one person, maybe that's the meaning of our threads strangers.

─ So we are connected to people, at least.

─ Well, I prefer that theory you spoke about than mine about animals.

─ I don't even know why you thought about animals instead of thinking about being connected to more than one person. But here comes another problem, these people who will be connected to us... will they also be among them or just with us?

─ Well, that's a question we'll never know, you're asking too much, Yumi! We've already come across this completely insane theory that it can be connected to more than one person and now you want to know if these people are also connected... well in my opinion it would make sense, wouldn't it? It doesn't make sense if it wasn't on.

─ But what if it isn't? What if the two are linked to you? Then there will be a fight where neither party was willing to split it. With that, you will feel horrible to have to choose only one knowing that the person who was not chosen will suffer for the rest of their life for being abandoned by their soul mate who chose the other.


─ Well, I'm jumping in with this idea of ​​theories... I think I got a little excited.

─ Did you cheer up? You just thought about how to wreck a relationship without starting it. Look, if I were in this situation, which I wish I wasn't, I wouldn't choose just one, I would try to convince both sides.

─ But if they both hated each other?

─ Their problems, if they want to be with me, let them fight or accept each other, I'm not forcing them to love each other, but to support each other.

─ Then you would be with two people at the same time.

─ This is no longer my fault, it would be my thread!

─ And come on, I don't like women since I'm not attracted to them and if I'm hooked up to one..., but because I didn't like this genre, did my line look like that?

─ Oh my god, you mean I'm bisexual and I have more than one soul mate?

─ What bisexual enters into your problem? Just because your yarn isn't spoiled like mine does that mean you like both sides?

─ NO!

─ Well, there goes my theory. It wouldn't make sense for her to have an effect only on me and not on you... now we know we can cross that off our list.

─ We can write down these theories and little by little we cross out the ones that are more difficult to be real.

─ Hmm. It might be a good idea, I thought of one more thing, I said that I don't feel comfortable having relationships with more than one person and if that has a connection with my thread? Let's say that hypothetically, I, being connected to more than one person, but because I don't want this kind of relationship, I denied my thread and it gets like that?

─ Does this apply to me too?

─ I don't know, I'm just using myself as an example.

─ Look, I confess that I don't know if I would be willing to be with more than one person... I never thought about it, as I told you before I would end up agreeing with both parties, but that wouldn't mean I'd love more than one.

─ Maybe that's why your yarn is still tight, but with two colors which could probably indicate two people of a different gender.

─ I think that with this great theory, we don't need to look for anymore, I doubt that something will be as perfect as this one.

─ I also agree. Better than your ideas of animals and mystical creatures.

─ Well then I probably must be bisexual, which I found out about now, besides maybe being connected to more than one person.

─ You may not be, then you will already know who to choose when you meet these people.

─ But it would be a little cruel, don't you think?

─ I don't have to be with anyone over a wire. Didn't you see how Takashi just sent the girl he's bonded with to hell? You can do the same if you don't like your partner's gender, if you only like women then there's no reason to force yourself to be with men just for being connected with you... I don't know, you can continue as friends.

─ Anything I introduce you to the person, then you stay with him.

─ Wow, what an exciting thing, I'm super excited about this event.

─ I'm happy to be a person who can speak quickly and understand things quickly, we say so many things at the same time that my head could give you a knot of so much information and theories.

─ I'm not lying, I would have felt the same Hiroki... at least let's not talk about it anymore, we've put an end to this clowning.

─ Indirectly, we can't just forget that we have this thing stuck in our fingers... the only thing we got rid of were theories as to why.

─ I don't care, if it's up to me I'll be single with several cats.

─ Geez, man, why do you want to end up like this?

─ I'm not good at talking to new people, much less feel comfortable at parties... I would have to find someone who doesn't like to go out to this kind of place and doesn't mind dating a weird girl with social problems...I can't even meet your friends, imagine my boyfriend's possible friends?

─ You don't need to be such a negative person, I think that somewhere you must have a nice guy to date you, it's not impossible! A lot of people don't like to socialize, it's not some kind of illness or anything like that.

─ Well that doesn't matter to me, at the moment I want to focus on the important things I need to focus on at the moment. My study, my shop, and my training. Whatever comes is a bonus, whether negative or positive.

─ Speaking like that, you seem like such a boring.

─ But I am a boring.

─ Don't say that! After getting to know her better, you are a very nice and fun person, with your cold and sarcastic humor.

─ The guy says that if I sit still for too long I look like a doll and when I turn my neck I must be possessed.

─ Deep down I know that you prefer to be called a doll possessed to the preppy girl, mountain princess, cocky, and blah blah.

─ I would rather not be called anything, it was better to be called a stone than a possessed doll.

─ Hm, so I'll call it sunshine! It suits you so much.

─ You should be called that, not me. In our friendship, it is you who is all happy and full of magical smiles that shine in the sun.

─ Now, little sister is this how you see me? You're so cute.

─ Fuck you ─ she started walking faster being followed by her friend who kept saying several cute nicknames in a baby voice