
2 sure

once upon a time there was a boy named Prince he called his girlfriend ,whose name was precious and asked if they could go out and he has bucked a nice place for them to go and have dinner and his girlfriend said babe, i am sick and the doctor said that I have a disease that it is because of germ's and bacteria.Then her boyfriend said, i am coming babe and he cut the call he took a sanitizer with him, can you guess the name of the sanitizer kids yes say it kids 2 sure. When he got their he knocked the door and his girlfriend opened the door for him to enter and his girlfriend said why did you take your time coming, and he said he wanted to get a hand sanitizer named 2 sure and guess what I used this sanitizer during the coved 19 lock down and give it to my family and it protected, his girlfriend collected and spray it's all over the house after some hours she got healed and said why didn't you give me the sanitizer before babe and he said I'm sorry babe and they hugged each other and they both said use 2 sure bath soap, dishes soap and hand sanitizer and it's kills 99.9% of germ's 2 sure sure for me and you. kids do you love the story yes, and would you like to have them for you Mom and dad after work