1 The Start of Terror

It started before I was born. My mom, the age of 17 and my dad 18. they were still in highschool and they had "puppy love" as my dad says. For the most of my mother's life she has lived right across the street from my dad, Uncle Ed, Uncle Dan, grandpa Guy (yes that is his actual name) and some what my grandmother until the divorced the next year.

Uncle Ed would "teach" mom how to punch and kick, but she didn't really get it right.On the other hand my dad has lived across the street from mom, Aunt Marissa, grandmny and step grandpa- Jonny. Then it started, mom was pregnant.

Now of course I don't remember much but as everyone said is "when you were born me nor dad were able to be with you, see you, or watch you." as grandma LITTERALY always says over and over.

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