
Comments of chapter undefined of My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

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I think he would've still loved his son. it seems like he really cared for him, even if they are not biologically related. It's sad that his son will never grow up or got a name.

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I'm calling it a it is. She killed her baby and herself. She knew her baby was weak. What was she trying to prove? She tried to kill the baby way back when he was still in her womb. She obviously did not love her baby. A liar to the core. Our Captain's in-laws have no say in this. If anything, they should have taught her better. Yes, poor baby indeed. Suffered from the very beginning he was conceived. He should have went through the divorce process and then quit the military. Oh well, it is what it is lol.

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i understand why he hasnt let it go yet but also understand that yeah my boy defs needs to work through everything before he deserves to try with Qiqi again. She doesnt need the shadow of that woman and the baby’s memory dimming her happiness.


What a monster!!! Too bad Jin & Qiqi have to suffer so much because of it.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola