
Comments of chapter undefined of One Wild Night

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Is all good Miss_B? There are no recent updates ☹️

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Congratulations Miss_B ❤️❤️ take good care😊

Miss_Behaviour:Sorry. I forgot to drop it here for nine privilege users. Please updates might not be as constant as before, reason being that I’m in my late third trimester and can’t even find the energy to think talk more of write. Everything is a drag right now, however I’m trying to write. Updates might be slow, but there will definitely be updates latest every two to three days. Please bear with me.

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no.... Evelyn... it's fine to be concerned, because yes you are a mom, to voice your concerns, OFFER help if you think you can, but this whole situation you went about it wrong. your conversation about it should have stayed as a conversation with your son... you know the one who actually had all the answers... They may have let you off easy but you still need to learn healthy boundaries if you're asked to leave something alone. just saying....

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I congratulate everyone who can read it... I'm lost 🤣😂


Everyone has a point in this situation about the prank thing... It is understandable for Evelyn to worry and meddle with her kids business as she is a mother and I can see her point as I am a mother myself but her mistake is to go on blaming to others what she did wrong. The best thing she should have done is to have a heart to heart talk to them rather than escalating it further by pointing fingers. What its unacceptable though and the cause of all trouble is for Lawrence to play such a sick prank on Tom. Also, i find it disrespectful as well how Lucy have handled the situation she could have made her point in a civilized manner rather than go threatening and disrespecting Tom's elders. I get how she feels about it and how she think is her way to make a point but there could always been a better way than create such ruckus to the family. They are still Tom's family and future in laws in the end.. just saying.

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Not bad, within her own definition of family, Evelyn has redeemed herself. Some of us may not agree due to differences of opinions, yet the path that she took was drawn by the lack of information she relied on. Jade's reactions throughout the meeting confirm she is emotionally immature. Thanks to Harry, there has been some growth. She still has a long way to go. Todd and how that all went down could be the reason.


I, like Desmond, am finding her increasingly annoying 🙄


Evelyn needs to not interfere with her kids life. Lucy will never put up with this, nor should she. Advice is way different than interference

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Thank you… I am glad Tom will let Kimberly deal with her problem on her own… I hope nothing and no one will try and change that decision now….


The dynamics of a family will change once the children get married and have spouses. Evelyn cannot expect her daughters in law to be accepting of her way of meddling. She may be a good mother but she may not be a good mother in law. Forcing your way through will cause your children and children in law to be wary of you - what to say/do and what not to say/do in front of you and keeping secrets from you, coz your kids don't want to be the mediator between their spouses and you. Of course, the children are all unmarried now (Bryan's coming soon) but this conflict should be a foretaste of what's coming for their family, if Evelyn continues her stand in meddling.

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Concerned, yes. Nosy, busy body interferer, no. Advise and pray but do not interfere


I am not able to understand that she still is bringing up Lucy's fault.. assuming that Tom n Lucy were married n then any other issue had come up would she support Lucy's involvement?? I doubt that


...just love the Hanks.Glad they said NO to Kimberly's scheme


Miss B what a lesson in family management.Families are so complicated esp the husband wife relationship and their interaction with kids


Not happy. I already read 'family meeting' previously. What did I pay for?


oh man. Evelyn is now at the bottom of my "i like them" people list. she's not a bad guy, but she completely lost my support in this chapter. if she keeps being like this, either Lucy will leave or Lucy AND TOM will leave, there will have to be a severing of things and a big wall.


I loathe Evelyn.


not really liking Kimberly back in the picture. it would make sense if she was the grandfather's kid. this whole grandfather situation, prank, kid, death is all too much for this already packed storyline.