
Comments of chapter undefined of One Wild Night


i agree with desmond.. absence really makes the heart grow fonder... ayiii..

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I'm glad Tom got upset over Lucy trying to walk away after the meeting. Taking the personal aspect away, it was unprofessional. Anita would have NEVER tried to walk away. She would have pulled up her big girl panties and dealt with it head-on. Yes, I compared her to Lucy. When Lucy was wary of Tom, her professionalism was on point. Drawing boundaries when needed. Where did all that go? Desmond is right. They need some space. Tom shouldn't feel guilty of suggesting it. Since she requested to stay at her apartment at the beginning of their relationship anyway. Having said all that, her road to healing is a long one. Tom should be there for her during the process. Don't just say she needs the help and set her up with it. Mostly because her healing without Tom's support or presence might alienate them even more. šŸ¤· šŸ¤” Can't wait to read what happens next. šŸ¤—

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i think Lucy needs to experience this as a wake up call. That in a relationship its a two way process... each has to be putting an effort on it to work not just 1 side. Its good if they will be apart for awhile so she will have time to reflect. I think Tom had given more in their relationship and its not fair for him. Lucy have to make some effort as well regardless of her trauma.

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I read all the comments and read the chapter twice. Right now I cannot make a standā€¦ I need time to think about it but right now, I want to give Ms. B a big applause and my overflowing admiration for this novel and to the author ā€¦. Great job, great lifeā€™s lesson ā€¦. I wish this book is on printed version and I hope a lot more people will read thisā€¦ this novel is very colorful, it tackles a lot of lifeā€™s issue and sadly, something that all of us can relate to ā€¦. Feeling sad for Tom and Lucy right now but it is a very good turn to their relationship that if they will be able to conquer this battle, they will be much more perfect for each otherā€¦.

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While I agree with some of the main points that Desmond pointed out, I think this may hurt Tom and Lucy's relationship. This is her first relationship and if someone who was there all the time, disappears, I think that's going to worsen the situation making her feel abandoned. Some separation is good, but Tom is being too harsh, practically ghosting her even though he answered her. I know he's hurting too, but like you said Tom, you worked so hard to get this woman and now you have her and your disappointed that it's not a walk in the park? You built up these expectations in your mind, forgetting that she has her own expectations in life. They say love is easy, yes it can be, but real love is hard, you have to work at it. You have to remember to be nice to your partner, even when your mad, respect each other and talk about it, don't let your emotions run the conversations. I'm disappointed in them both, but hey I'm proud Harry said something.


First offā€¦ I love me some Desmond! I like how itā€™s a Father telling his son to stop playing house with his girlfriend. Tom is clearly ready to get married and start a family and he has found the person for that. But Lucy has some issues she got to work through and Tom should be there for that, but at the same time they need some distance. I agree that Lucy should move back to her apartment. I was annoyed with how she acted at the meeting, personal feelings aside you should greet a shareholder at the meeting. I have felt that their relationship is starting to get one sided. Tom is also to blame, to avoid conflict he kinda gives in. Now that got old real quick for Tom. And Lucy really disappointed me with that suggestion of Tom adopting a child but he rise the child and she will just be his girlfriend. If she truly cares for him and she has not changed her mind on marriage and kids then she should let him got. Tom giving that up for her will just break their relationship in the end. Either way Lucy does need to work through what happened to her to move on for herself. Love this story! Keep the chapters coming!

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Gosh this is rough stuff šŸ˜­ my heart hurts for them both. Lucy has to be so confused right now too. Sheā€™s not even sure how this all works yet and youā€™re being extra Spicey Tomā€¦ I know he is hurt too though šŸ˜­

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Hmmm I understand Tomā€™s POV, i think he is been too harsh on Lucy. Lucy never had a relationship, this all nee to her. By Tom distancing himself from Lucy, Lucy may emotionally break again.

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Since Tom is giving it a few days, maybe sheā€™ll be able to get her first therapy session in and her therapist would suggest the same thing and just have Tom agree to it. I feel like it would go over better that way on both sides.


although it hurts it is needed.


I dont know whom to blame. it was Tomā€™s idea to chase Lucy and then date her. If she was reluctant of being in a relationship, that was already red flag, yet he went on to make her his. Lucy is new to all these. She might have or was convinced that she wouldnt need to do anything much in the relationship. But yes, Lucy being adamant that her life is perfect is wrong as well. I just hope both find a way to figure out things without drifting apart.


Desmond was spot on. GIve Lucy exactly what she says she wants. Her life the way it was but with him in it. Although, if he gets space from her, heā€™ll maybe see how obnoxious she is.


Desmond is magic.. every one keep saying she is new to this and it will hurt her.. how will she ever grow if this continioued? she will always be new then.. thank you Desmond for being the sound of reason, because Tom will eventually get hurt and hurt her as well if he did not handle the situation in the right way.. hope they solve this soon..


mass release please dear author


Team desmond ftw šŸ« 


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Lucy definitely needs to be pushed away the same way she does to Tom