
Comments of chapter undefined of One Wild Night

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Your privilege reads are deceptive. Why would i pay double on chapters I already read? It says read up to 10 chapters until chapter 551 when i already read up to chapter 550?


Hmmm this chapter is so deep, all the emotions which is bundle up in Lucy is coming out. I believe this will make them stronger, to be open and talk what on their mind openly and understand each other very much. Like Desmond, Tom is really good in therapy.


This chapter has so much depth of characters. I 🤍 how it was written. I sympathize with Lucy. Once upon a time, I was in similar shoes. Even though this is fiction, it mirrors a lot of reality. I've said it before. The one thing that she needs is time and tons of love and patience. Tom's character seems to be written to have what she needs and more. 🥰 Her insecurities and changes will not settle overnight. Deep breaths and baby steps, girl!


poor Lucy, it's okay to be anxious of uncertainties. You can't control every aspect of your life and be happy either. For some things you do have to learn to go with the flow, I'm guilty of having issues like that myself.

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Miss_B, I think you are the best❤️ Tom or Harry or Aaron or Desmond stands nothing against you. The way you pour your words or thoughts to these beautiful conversation between two characters in this novel, make me think that you actually are very very wise person❤️ Keep your good work👍🏼


I always love it when people pour out thier soul Always refreshing


immm, I think Beside love and patience and all, she need to get some sort of therapy, she is too much anxious over everything, she is losing the happy moments, and the fact she is surrounded by so many people who loves her and respect her because she is not letting herself due to her anixiety. She need to have deeper therapy along the love and undeestanding of the people around her.


Tom is the perfect guy. Understanding, loving, caring and rich. Geez. What else do I want?


Overthinking is what most girls do. Unless one is too busy to even think. I guess Lu's traumatic past made her like this - cautious, easily anxious. Nothing right/wrong about it. It'll be a challenge only if it bothers her so much that it paralyses her to move forward, especially concerning the relationships in her life. Probably getting married and having kids feels like adding on to her insecurities. The fact is we can't control our spouse and our kids, unlike our jobs. She might need some help with therapy if it bothers her so much. Love is a risk - there's no guarantee whether we'll receive love back. Just have to take a step of faith and keep walking to see where it'll lead us. It's the 'who' will walk with us that'll determine how beautiful the journey will be. And Tom is really the best for Lu.


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

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I like this chapter most, even though others are very good too. This one I could related so much. I like the way the author put the thought into words which I, lots of times didn’t know how to describe my feeling and action. This novel is one of the best so far for me, in term of the analysis of thought and feeling of every character, who I might come across and now I understand why they did the way they did. If you know what I mean 😄


Lucy is scared, I understand people break hearts


this chapter is so intense.This theory is applicable in real life too.